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3k Imperial Fists: Hammerfall


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+++Hammerfall (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy) [2995pts] +++


++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List) ++


+ HQ +


Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Solarite Power Gauntlet


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment

···· Legion Apothecary

········ Additional Wargear: Chainsword/Combat Blade, Jump Pack

···· Legion Apothecary: Teleportation Transponder

········ Additional Wargear: Chainsword/Combat Blade

············ Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Flamer

···· Legion Apothecary

········ Additional Wargear: Chainsword/Combat Blade


Legion Rapier Weapons Battery: Legion Rapier Weapons Battery, Legion Rapier Weapons Battery, Legion Rapier Weapons Battery


Legion Terminator Squad: Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, 4x Legion Terminators, Teleportation Transponder, 4x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield


Templar Brethren: 8x Combat Shield, 8x Templar Brethren

···· Chapter Champion: Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet


+ Troops +


Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines (jump apothecary and praetor here)


Legion Tactical Support Squad: 9x Legion Space Marines, Teleportation Transponder

···· Entire Squad may exchange their Flamers for:: Meltagun

···· Legion Sergeant: Bolt Pistol

(plus 1 apothecary)


Phalanx Warder Squad: Nuncio-vox, One Breaching Charge, 9x Phalanx Warder, 8x Power Axe


+ Fast Attack +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod: Frag Assault Launchers (contains Templars + 1 apothecary)


Legion Seeker Squad: 9x Legion Seeker Space Marines, Teleportation Transponder

···· Additional Wargear

········ Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Plasma gun x9

···· Legion Strike Leader: Artificer Armour, Power Fist


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Heavy Support Squad: Lascannon, 4x Legion Space Marines


Legion Heavy Support Squad: Lascannon, 5x Legion Space Marines


+ Legion +


Legiones Astartes: VII: Imperial Fists, Loyalist


Rite of War: Hammerfall Strikeforce


Just having a trial of a list whose rite doesn't seem all that popular but I thought looked fun, so I've thrashed a list put and want to see what you guys think.

Points i'm aware need tweaking: lack of nuncio/reserve manipulation, not sure where I'd quite squeeze it in, vehicles all start in reserve (hence lack of them) so the damocles/raiders arent really in the running.


Other points:

Seekers I'd consider having interchangable melta (bs5 melta yes please) because after the combi shot I'd be throwing around the little templates anyway so what better to do than crack stuff open first.

Rapier I've chosen the heavy bolter to make best use of the IF legion astartes rule and chuck many dice.

Warders would be rear/mid guard squad with a breacher charge being a nasty treat for some poor unsuspecting souls.

Templars in Dreadclaw I'm aware is a risk, but having the option for a t2 charge kept open by nature of drop pod assault, if they were in anything land based they'd be looking for t3 charge at best.


So C+C me people, let me know what I could pick up/drop apart from "not use hammerfall".

Thanks in advance :)

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A few of the issues I personally have with the list and can spot that dont deal with "I hate hammerfall in general"


  • Terminators are teleporting in and their only shooting is a singular assault cannon. Otherwise, they're Cataphractii Termies (slow) who pay +3 over combis for +1invuln but losing all shooting on a per model basis. Honestly, you're better off doing 5 w/ shields in a Claw or combi-dropping; something that remains a thing only a handful of legions can carry out.
  • Footslogging Melee Warders: I'd honestly rather you give them Plasma Guns, 1in5 or 1in3 Axes and the Sarge the standard Sergeant Loadout. Gives them some ranged bite, lesser but still present melee bite a TEQ sergeant in challenges.
  • Assault Squad: AA on the sarge and a fist/axe. Since this is the Praetors Squad, I'd strongly suggest taking the available 1in5 power axes.
  • Preator: He might be better off joining the Templar and providing some more much-needed Ap2 for the squad and will generally be safer in a TEQ-Like Squad with FNP compared to 3+ saves with FNP standing in the open T1 or a giant-footprint DSing squad.
  • TSS: Melta seems like a good shout. Its going to be rough going vs Av14 AC but otherwise is a decent enough AA option for the list. Plasma guns would be another good alternative.
  • Seekers: TBH, with the new Scorpius shells, they might not need all the combi-plas especially when 10 seekers pay +30 over termies for the same option albeit with BS5 and PE vs a single target. You still have the option to drop down and fire 30" Kraken Rounds. Ap4, sure, but hey.
  • Rapiers: With the very real lack of AA, Gravs/Las/Sunder option all feel more worthwhile to me than Heavy Bolters. 36 BS5 Heavy Bolter shots sound cool but unless you're up against massed infantry, their usefulness is rather limited.
  • HSS: 5 men with Tank Hunting Lascannons are going to be priority #1. At least give the sergeants AA to tank for the squad vs non-ap 2 weapons.

But in general though, Artificer Armour to further protect your investments where possible is the main bit for me.

Otherwise, you could give the Templar a Nuncio-Vox so that you can deepstrike further up the board much more reliably.


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All of this is workable, will drop a few things to get the points for others, but definitely doable.

Cheers for the input!!


Revised list 1:



HQ +


Legion Praetor: Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Solarite Power Gauntlet


+ Elites +


Apothecarion Detachment

···· Legion Apothecary

········ Additional Wargear: Chainsword/Combat Blade, Jump Pack

···· Legion Apothecary: Teleportation Transponder

········ Additional Wargear: Chainsword/Combat Blade

············ Combi-weapon: Combi-weapon: Flamer

···· Legion Apothecary

········ Additional Wargear: Chainsword/Combat Blade


Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery: 2x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell


Legion Terminator Squad: Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 3x Combi-Weapon, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon, 4x Legion Terminators, Teleportation Transponder

···· Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield


Templar Brethren: 7x Combat Shield, Nuncio-vox, 7x Templar Brethren

···· Chapter Champion: Combat Shield, Solarite Power Gauntlet


+ Troops +


Legion Assault Squad: 14x Legion Assault Space Marines

···· Additional Wargear

········ Power Weapon: Power Axe

········ Power Weapon: Power Axe

···· Legion Assault Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Power Weapon


Legion Tactical Support Squad: 9x Legion Space Marines, Teleportation Transponder

···· Entire Squad may exchange their Flamers for:: Meltagun

···· Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Bolt Pistol


Phalanx Warder Squad: Nuncio-vox, 9x Phalanx Warder, Plasma gun, 4x Power Axe

···· Veteran Sergeant: Artificer Armour


+ Fast Attack +


Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod: Frag Assault Launchers


Legion Seeker Squad: 9x Legion Seeker Space Marines, Teleportation Transponder

···· Additional Wargear

········ Combi-plas×9

···· Legion Strike Leader: Artificer Armour, Power Fist


+ Heavy Support +


Legion Heavy Support Squad: Lascannon, 4x Legion Space Marines

···· Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner


Legion Heavy Support Squad: Lascannon, 4x Legion Space Marines

···· Legion Sergeant: Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner





Advice largely heeded :p all sergeants now bearing artificer armour, axes reduced for warders, increased for assault marines, terminators with 3 combi weapons (be it melta or plas) shield and thunder hammer for the sergeant, 2 shatter rapier instead of the quad bolter, and some arty armour and augury scanners for the HSS squads.

And praetor now rides with the Templars, who have added nuncio.


So tactically speaking: T1 assault marines, dread claw bearing templars + praetor, quads, warders, and 2x HSS squads are present, giving a reasonable nuncio bubble depending on positioning/ terrain features, which means providing decent rolls and nuncio surviving, t2 I can place the remaining squads where they are required, and if anyone wants to drop something on the HSS at least free pot shots can be taken.

What I'm hoping more is this list will be fun to run, and will provide a few victories, than being 100% competitive, and hopefully showing its not the worst rite on the planet :p maybe.

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