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Converting lasguns to bolters?

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I just got a great deal on some push fit cadians. I got 8 packages of 5 Cadians for $37 shipped. I'm putting together an army out of Codex Imperial Agents and plan on using these as Acolytes. Unfortunately lasguns are not an option for Acolytes. Bolters are.


Looking at the lasgun that comes with these I am thinking of cutting off the front part of the barrel that has the larger diameter. (the suppressor looking bit that makes no sense on a laser weapon). I'm then thinking of drilling out a hole in the side of the remaining barrel (where the muzzle brake hole is on a bolter).


I'd then cut a slot out above the magazine for the ejected bolter rounds to come out.




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A flash suppressor might be worth keeping or adding back on if you're converting the weapon to a bolter.

Also, cutting the ejection ports tends to be very laborious and hard to get looking right (you're better off drilling a big hole, filling it with putty, using a rectangular piece of plasticard to press in the port shape, and then filing flat with body of the gun when cured). You might want to hand-wave caseless ammo, which exempts you from needing to bother with the ports.

Anyway, there's a lot of tutorials about on the web (well worth a Google image search) for various autoguns and not-bolters. A few examples to get you started can be found here, here, here, and here. smile.png

Personally, I think that going for a more SMG style look with a bit of plasticard is the best bet (as they can then count as autoguns if you ever want to run them as something else, or if the rules change again). However, trimming down the tops of the lasguns, removing the power cells, and replacing the ends of the guns could give you a nice "bolt-action bolt rifle" look too.


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