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SW in the future


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@ Charlo. What sheer amount of SW stuff have FW released so far from the 3 armies in inferno?


T-Sons are on Yarant so Prospero the Terra is not their last hurrah and to say thqat SW should just wait in line because of that is frankly insulting.


Yarant is a good point of update for Raven Guard Alpha Legion World Eaters, Sons of Horus Wolves another teaitor legion that escapes me & THOUSAND SONS.

That would make a decent campaign and allow a 7 legion update. For reference the Corax novel(s).


All we know beyond that is that Horus rushes things at the end and botches his little heresy because wolves plus dangles are incoming.


Prospero would more likely be the Custodes last hurrah before Terra, not the T-Sons


The head upgrade is really frustrating and I see no other legion being treated as "get over it and use 40k bits'.


The 40K armour which is predominantly mark7 and mark 6 is not pre heresy and does not match what FW have told us will be the 30k aesthetic, plus when FW do put the kits out I do not want to have a pre built army tbat I have to A: rip ti bits and replace components with new SW kits or B: have an excess of models U do not need because I replaced them. As for 3rd party stuff. That is fine for those who do not frequent a gw.

Also like most SW folks I used up most of the best heads on existing models and do not believe the answer is to wate money on kits i do not need or pauy over the odds for individual heads for paritys sake?

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Like... Grey slayers are just marines with some weapon options. It's not like they are Palatine Blades, Dark Furies or Rampagers with super unique weapon options.

They're your basic dude with maybe some shields and wolfy bits on.

There are already a total plethora of Wolfy bits around in plastic & resin from a variety of retailers, including pelts, runes, gems and bare heads.

I totally agree with Mr R Parker here, this is 1KSons big moment - the wolves will have more to come.

At the end of the day Inferno contained 3 army lists - SW, 1KSons and Talons (and even some Ad Mech on top!). Considering the sheer amount of stuff already out there for wolves, can you really blame FW doing the others a little quicker?

Dude, I normally agree with what you have to say, but really? You're saying that wolves are fine because of 3rd party sellers.....facepalm.png

There is no "sheer amount of stuff" for Wolves. 40k Wolf bits are boring, I've got hundreds of models using them. I was (am) looking forward to what FW will produce.

Can you imagine the cries of favouritism if only SW's were the ones with not one, but TWO head upgrades, TWO contemptors, special automata, and sekhmet terminators already showcased? While Tsons were the ones with just basic torsos, and a contemptor showcased.

I don't count Russ as Magnus would have been released already if it weren't for Guilliman.

Last I checked Prospero was the "big moment" for BOTH Wolves and Tsons. What do the Wolves have to look forward to? Getting our butts kicked time and time again. Yippee. I see no reason why Tsons need to get the special treatment they've gotten, they'll get more spotlight as previously mentioned.

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I didn't say FW, I meant sheer amount available from GW in 40k or other 3rd party sellers.


I get what you guys are saying, honestly I do and I feel for ya (my legion in a similar situation, though we do have some heads, I guess.... :P)


But it's not like the upgrades, dreads & special units aren't coming. They just aren't here yet.


Yes, 1KSons got two head sets, but that's because they've been shown with some pretty gnarly styles in the visions books and what not, and FW wanted to show that I guess. Plus they did come out yonks ago now.


I don't mean that it's fine, I'm just saying there are options to tide you over in the interim and that you can see the logic behind FW prioritizing the stuff for the Talons and the 1KSons.



Can you imagine the cries of favouritism if only SW's were the ones with not one, but TWO head upgrades, TWO contemptors, special automata, and sekhmet terminators already showcased? While Tsons were the ones with just basic torsos, and a contemptor showcased.


Yes, totally. And I'd say to them: Well GW just did the plastic 1KSons stuff (that people are adopting for 30k readily) and there is 3rd party stuff out there. I know the 40k palstics are a bit more 40k friendly in terms of armour design and such but you can see my point right? There are plenty of Frater and people online posting armies fo 30k wolves with a nice use of 40k bits :)


It's just the way the penny has dropped I'm afraid - the topic just looks like a bit of a moan.


I also don't think there has been "special" treatment. 1KSons have just been given it first. But hey, like so have 10+ other legions too before them.

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Ccol so with the release of Angelus the DA & BA should get zip to look at when the book drops and the antagonists should expect rafts of stuff ya know because of the wealth of DA & BA bits ;)


Justifying a lack of 30k stuff because 40k stuff does not hold water. Ultramarines for example.


Ranty stuff over.


As for helms. Runic script or skull helms or spectacled helms without stupid gems in the centre of them.


Helms similar to the dwarves.


Would fit in with my assault marines then :)


Leather knot helms would be tricky.. nice smple knots. Nothing too elaborate which will ruin detail.

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Ccol so with the release of Angelus the DA & BA should get zip to look at when the book drops and the antagonists should expect rafts of stuff ya know because of the wealth of DA & BA bits ;)

Justifying a lack of 30k stuff because 40k stuff does not hold water. Ultramarines for example.

Ranty stuff over.

As for helms. Runic script or skull helms or spectacled helms without stupid gems in the centre of them.

Helms similar to the dwarves.

Would fit in with my assault marines then :)

Leather knot helms would be tricky.. nice smple knots. Nothing too elaborate which will ruin detail.

There's not actually that much that's Ultramarine specific. No where near as much as the Wolves. Just to be nit picky.

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Let's just hope FW are slightly quicker at producing 30k parts for VIth because their record on 40k wolf releases is pretty terrible - looking at you Bran Redmaw who was last seen in PA at Games Day 2011 while waiting for his Wulfen form to be sculpted. Still waiting 6 years later! It's also been said by FW that they scrapped or lost the PA sculpted version.


I'd rather FW concentrated on the heads than shoulder pads to be honest as the decal set can do a good job instead of using the pads but yeah just got to wait.

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They ditched the Bran Redmaw model because they couldnt figure a decent way to show him changing to Redaw and then they weren't "feeling it" for the model.


Anyhoo. Head upgrades... Grey Slayer kits, Deathsworn kit and Varagyr kit/ upgrade.  Hope it is sooner rather than later... As in before Angelus hits and the sculptors get moved across for that wee project

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I think most of the complaining comes from such things as the never Bran release, the entire Inferno release, and others like the TWC release in 40k.  It just puts VIth Legion players off that our basic upgrade kits for authentic HH era models are delayed or set as a later release.  And this is coming from a player that always mixed a Tactical box with a Grey Hunters box to break up the amount of wolf-themed bits.  I would just like an equal release of upgrade kits and or specific units out when the rules drop.

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The upgrade pack will hopefully be something like the Iron Hands kit. That way between the kit, torsos, and eventual helmets you can build full squads with resin bits. The inclusion of the shields is vital for me, since they will be key to my list. 

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I wonder what is all this big fuss about lack of space wolves customization sprues in Forgeworld. In 40K, we've always been limited to just the Grey Hunter and Wolf Guard terminators for wolfy bitz, and used them to kitbash a whole bunch of stuff we don't have in plastic, like Rune Priest, Wolf Lords, Battle Leaders, Wolf Priests, Iron Priests (until recently), Skyclaws, Swift claws etc. 


Forgeworld seems to have a lot of nice SW heads and terminator torsos. Maybe not as much as everyone else but hey, I don't see Blood Angels getting their unique assault troops or Sanguinary guard bling or White Scars getting mongolian themed bikes and Chogoris fetishes.

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I wonder what is all this big fuss about lack of space wolves customization sprues in Forgeworld. In 40K, we've always been limited to just the Grey Hunter and Wolf Guard terminators for wolfy bitz, and used them to kitbash a whole bunch of stuff we don't have in plastic, like Rune Priest, Wolf Lords, Battle Leaders, Wolf Priests, Iron Priests (until recently), Skyclaws, Swift claws etc. 


Forgeworld seems to have a lot of nice SW heads and terminator torsos. Maybe not as much as everyone else but hey, I don't see Blood Angels getting their unique assault troops or Sanguinary guard bling or White Scars getting mongolian themed bikes and Chogoris fetishes.

You are factually incorrect, there has always been a Rune Priest model for example, in power armour (Njal), or generic (Terminator armour), since the late 1990's. If by always you mean circa the 5th edition book, than sure but that seems like an arbitrary place to start your history, rather than you know... the beginning. When our bikers were just bikers, and assault marines were just assault marines, and not everything had a specific for no reason SW flavored name. I think this divide is starting to be explained, for many of us SW fans, the current plastic SW range aren't SW, so telling us that is an options doesn't jive. It be like telling SoH players to use Chaos Marines as source parts.


What you are also missing is that our brothers in the Blood Angels, and White scars have FW pieces with which to do that exact thing. As humans faces and heads are the first and the most distinguishable details we notice. Emperor's Children and Blood Angels actually have quite a bit of cross compatibility. Similar to what I would have expected between Wolves, SoH and White Scars.


I however have always felt like SW/BA/DA were going to get a rough treatment concerning their FW support because of their size of their plastic range. Given the amount of plastic in the FW background pieces I have been proven correct. At least the other two legions have FW resin for them to photograph though. I fully expect NL and Dark Mechanicum to get the bulk of the releases from book VIII at launch.  

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