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Is my Shadow War Imperial Guard Kill Team lore friendly

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So I've always wanted to play a Light Infantry Guard force but it was too expensive for my taste. Now that Shadow War has come out it provides an opportunity to do so. I'm wondering if the following kill team concept is lore friendly:


The 187th A Shah Regiment, "Rakkasans," is a highly experienced regiment with a wealth of experience in conducting operations in a both low and high intensity operations. The experience in the former was the logic behind their deployment to Hive Archon.


The Rakkasans maintain a Recon Company in each Battalion. These recon units are tasked with performing both reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance for their Battalion in high intensity operations. In low intensity operations like in Hive Archon they are tasked with preparing a sector prior to the deployment of the battalion proper. This results in a high level of Independence for individual squads, and forces them to operate with minimal outside support. Because of this one three man team and the squad leader are equipped with carapace armor for additional staying power.

I think a recon unit is the perfect thing for the new skirmish type game and if you are clever, you could even tie it into 40k by having it as part of a single recon platoon (Minimum platoon with additional special weapon squads/veterans so that you have a nice mix of troops to select for Shadow war).

I've been running light infantry recon-themed IG lists for 17 years. They did really well with the "light infantry" doctrine in the 2003 codex and then the Al'Rahem character in the 2009 codex. My recon themed lists are less effective these days due to the blandness of the 2014 codex and the "codex creep" of other armies, but they are still a blast to use.


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