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MDF or Silicone 32mm bases?

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As I've recently been out of the hobby, I've not actually finished painting or basing my Space Marines. But since then there has been the switch from 25mm to 32mm bases, which I'm lacking.


Not wanting to pay GW price of £27 for 100, I've been looking at alternatives. I've found some 3mm MDF ones or self-adisive silicone ones. Does anyone have any experience with these?


I'm leaning towards the MDF, but don't know if these would be thick or heavy enough to suitably hold up the models, especially any metal ones. Where as the silicone ones have the self-adisive side which might cause hassle.


Any advise, comments or suggestions would be much appreciated


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I am using Tectonic Craft Studios for some basing. Their 40mm insets are about the right size for 32mm, and look beautiful. They do a lot of mdf work. I haven't any experience with silicone bases so I can't help you there. *shrug*


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