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What is this? (Valkyrie model)

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I'm painting my valkyrie, but I need some help identifying a part of i so as to paint it.




What is this thing?  A light?  A sensor?  Anybody know?


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui

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It kind of looks like a clamp, as though the troop compartment can be decoupled and removed, maybe replaced with different mission modules, we know the troop compartment isn't a structural part of the airframe as the sky talon doesn't have one.
Otherwise lots of military aircraft have sideways facing formation lights to let friendly aircraft flying close by know where they are, could be those.

Thanks everyone - you were very helpful.  I've left it the colour it is and just outlined it in brown.  Wehn I'm done the whole vehicle I'll start a thread to show it (and other pics of my army) to you guys.


Inquisitor Psychologis Ruminahui


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