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Starting 30K: 1000 points Vlka Fenryka


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Hi everyone,


Have started my journey towards 30K with the intention of using the Sixth Legion. Bearing in mind the restriction of using Grey Slayers as compulsory troops, I've nevertheless that my infantry focused starting list will include the awesome looking breacher squads. Towards this end, I plan to use Planetary Onslaught to have only one compulsory squad of Grey slayers, then with a second support squad of Breachers.


My Grey slayers I plan to build to fully armed with bolters, along with a combi weapon and some power weapons. This I plan to build towards a full 20 man blob.


My Breacher squad will probaly have 2 plasma guns in their ten man.


For my Heavy support, bearing in mind what i have in 40K, I'll probably use my Predators as autocannon platforms. 


This I will combine with Greigor as my praetor equivalent restriction. If I got points, maybe add in a Speaker of the Dead for the Breacher squad for extra resilience, especially against plasma.


Not sure if I can fit 10 breachers in a Rhino, but if I can, I will push the breachers forward with the Grey Slayers running behind, which they should be able to keep up decently with the +1 run. When I reach their infantry line, unleash Breacher squad shooting and hopefully bait opponent into charging Breachers, while Grey Slayers wait to pounce. if they don't charge, then just means Grey slayers will have more time to run up and fight.


All the while, the predators I hope can weaken their heavy support/fast units and keep their infantry head down.


Is this a good way to start my sixth legion force?

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