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On hills

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I want to build a few hills for some gaming at home and abouts...


I have a lot of plywood, I was thinking of cutting it up and laminating them sort of like a topographical map, and then fill in the gaps, finish and paint...


But really I'm wondering what is a good assortment of sizes for hills in 40k lately... I was thinking they(at least some) should be able to block LOS between units including tanks at ground level. And I think they should be mostly navigable by infantry (more difficult lately with bases in 25mm, 32mm, 40mm etc instead of everybody being 25mm) and they should be somewhat navigable by tanks and somewhat accommodate flier bases too...


So any suggestions on sizes, heights etc.


I think maybe...


3 hills roughly 8"x12"


3 hills roughly 6"x8"


3 hills more iregularly shaped. Like an l shaped one 12"long arms 6" wide. Maybe a u shaped hill... idk.

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