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The Scions of The Angel a blog of sorts....

Jonny Roxtar

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During the aftermath of the Heresy, Azkaellon personally oversaw the break up of the Blood Angels. As the successor chapters were formed, Azkaellon began taking an interest in a certain few throughout the would be chapters. Those few who had hidden their grief behind a veil of hatred, with a pathological need for vengeance. Secretly Azkaellon put together a small chapter of such individuals barely 3 full companies .

The Scions of The Angel were tasked with hunting down and destroying as many of the traitors as they could find at the expense of all other concerns.



and thats all i have, so far....

Im not a writer , that much is obvious. and generally I wouldnt bother too much. Originally These were meant to be Angels Sanguine, I even had a few painted up, they looked like this.



I was quite happy with them but i didnt get many painted.

I guess i wasnt too happy with things as I learned more about the Angels Sanguine. Dont get me wrong they have a great back story with a neat secret etc. but they werent for me in the end. I occasionally like painting faces : /


I liked the split scheme though and as i painted a Terminator for a painting challenge a slight change in the red colour got me thinking of Starting my own chapter  with this darker scheme. Sure it would mean a total do over, but since i hadnt really got much done anyway this wasnt an issue.


And so the Scions of The Angel were born.


The good thing is Im motivated, I cant wait to get started, the bad thing is the ETL starts in 3 weeks ish maybe 5 : / 


Oh well heres the Terminator that started it all








A big thanks to Caldersson, a Space Wolf fan who started the Painting Challenge for Blood Angles fans and who inadvertantly made me start this thing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Small update.

Not been painting much, too busy getting a room ready for a dedicated wargame room.The final parts ie the cupboards and the table  should arrive in the next week or so and im hoping its all done in time for 8th coming out.


I did paint some stuff though.





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Oh and slightly off topic but i had to share this.


My son who is 20 and never painted anything before, decided he would start a guard army. Today he finished his first mini ever.


Yes i knows its not a blood angel but im really impressed with his first mini and i wanted to show it off for him.




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