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Blood angels veteran helmets


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Hello, I've looked through the forum but didnt find anything on this, so here goes.


First company veterans have golden helmets. What about the other veterans? For example the command squad of the other companies has two company veterans. Do they have golden helmets aswell? (on the same topic, is the company champion a veteran also?) Do veteran sergeants of the the squads have golden helmets? I'm about to paint my second tactical squad and I'm not sure how to paint the sergeant.

Edited by dread05
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Hi Dread05, and welcome to the forums!


Ultimately, the answer is up to you, and whatever you like best.


If you want to follow the GW paint scheme, your BA codex features pictures of a command squad, including champion, and plenty of pictures of veteran sergeants.


Sergeants and Veteran Sergeants tend to have black shoulder pad field with yellow/gold chapter badge instead of the gold helmet, however personally, I try to incorporate more gold into the vet serge's paint scheme. Giving them a gold helmet also is entirely to your taste.

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Originally assault veterans had yellow helmets (they were THE vanguard back in the day), and honor guard (our command squads) had gold and tactical veterans had standard red helmets.


Now both the Veterans and the Honor Guard have gold helmets. Which makes sense, I spose :tongue.:


Added a little more detail for clarity, Ark.


It half makes sense. Yellow/Gold are the essentially the same in heraldic terms, yellow representing gold when gold paint didn't exist or wasn't available. This is also the reason the Ultramarine 2nd company suddenly went from yellow trim to gold trim between 3rd and 4th edition. It makes sense that honour guard and assault vets had either yellow or gold helms, as both represent the same colour.


Since both of those vets have yellow/gold helms, it makes sense that tactical vets would have yellow/gold also, but, following this line of thinking to it's logical conclusion...basic assault marines could have gold helmets. 


It's a bit of a mess, really. Sternguard with gold helms and honour guard on foot with gold helms really messed with the scheme.

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I want to make my sternguard and non-jump pack marines look different from the normal tactical...but I also don't want to have to buy a ton more guys too. -sigh- I'll probably end up just having a bunch of power armored guys. Never know when you might want to play the archangels Demi company with 50 bolter sternguard! Lol Edited by durdle-durdle
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Originally veterans had yellow helmets (they were THE vanguard back in the day), and honor guard (our command squads) had gold.


Now both the Veterans and the Honor Guard have gold helmets. Which makes sense, I spose :tongue.:


You're right about in 3rd ed. In the 2nd ed codex, honour guard and Assault Veterans were the same thing and had (NMM) gold helmets. But the intent might have been that only Dante's squad had gold but Dante's bodyguards were the only pictured honour guard/veteran squad so who knows.


My honour guard are white with red robes so I really shouldn't care.


Officially BA captains wear red so Tycho and co are breaking the rules and seem to be able to get away with it fine. Honour Guard don't actually exist in the codex structure, they're ad hoc units that are common more out of tradition than formality so they can dress however really.


BA seem to be a "uniform regulations are for the rank and file" bunch.

Edited by Closet Skeleton
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Officially BA captains wear red so Tycho and co are breaking the rules and seem to be able to get away with it fine.

*Opens can of Baal Rad Worms*


Got a source on the 'official' part of that? I'd like to know if there is one.


Now, the original BA captain model was gold, Tycho was based off that one and gold arty armour, the captain in the 3rd ed book was in power armour and red.5th ed book had karlaen in red sculpted armour but this was power armour as BA captains couldn't take arty armour in 5th ed. 7th ed tactical box has sculpted power armour but in red.


Generally speaking, power armoured captains are depicted in red, whether or not the power armour is sculpted or not.


Artificer armoured captains/other models are generally in gold.


Mephiston and astorath are the exceptions here, but both are double exceptions in that mephiston should be in blue armour and astorath in black, as a librarian and chaplain respectively, however the death company Chaplain model has flayed muscle armour but only comes with stock power armour.


The end result, which is also appropriate to the helmet colour question, is do whatever you damn well like!

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For what it's worth, I do it this way*


Veterans = gold helmets


Sternguard/Vanguard/Command Squads = veterans


Veteran Sgts in Tactical, Assault/bike, and Devastator/HS squads are represented by Sternguard/Vanguard models (Sternguard for Devastators, Vanguard for Assault, Tacticals get either depending on wargear). This way they are clearly differentiated, and thematically (for me) it makes sense as a squad leader being rotated back to the line companies to help spread out the experience level. 


I also magnetize the :cuss out of everything, so it makes it easier for me to swap out. 

Edited by Indefragable
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I give the members of the company honor guard (command squad) gold helms, they are all veterans from the Archangels that are now pulling duty for a company captain. Sternguard and vanguard get gold helms, they are veterans. A veteran sergeant in a tactical squad does not normally wear a gold helm. Standard red (tactical), yellow (assault), and so forth. 


What I do with battle company veteran sergeants is give them more decorative helms with laurels, more iconography that is suited to their veteran status. For example my two veteran sergeants in my tactical squads both wear a terminator crux shoulder pad on their right shoulder. Those little tiny veteran cross icons you get in certain squads are great for attaching to their armor too! Both of my tactical squad veteran sergeants are equipped with powerfists, a limited chapter resource that would be meted out to the veterans first. Scopes on their bolters help too, or if you have left over sternguard kit bolters?

in summary, if they are in a veteran unit, yes.

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Thanks for the replies guys! I'll probably go with a red helmet with a golden laurel on him. I'm fairly new to the hobby, these two squads are all I got right now, so no extra parts yet. Fact is, in the codex and the supplaments there is not a single veteran sergeant shown (at least with his helmet on).


The photo for the tactical squad entry has one :biggrin.:


Also check the "Battle company formation" photo. Theres another there.


The photo on the front of the BA tactical squad box, too.


Also the section "Heraldry of the Host" shows a colour scheme for a tactical sergeant - he has a gold skull on the chest instead of the gold helm.

Edited by Xenith
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That's the squad that's on the artbox aswell. Ohh I didnt catch he was a veteran. Well I painted my first sergeant like that, but he's not a veteran ;P


BA sergeants have the same colour helmet as the rest of their squad.


Confusingly, the difference between a sergeant and veteran sergeant is by the field colour of their back banner - black chapter icon on red field for sergeant, red chapter icon on black field for veteran sergeant. 

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That's the squad that's on the artbox aswell. Ohh I didnt catch he was a veteran. Well I painted my first sergeant like that, but he's not a veteran ;P


BA sergeants have the same colour helmet as the rest of their squad.


Confusingly, the difference between a sergeant and veteran sergeant is by the field colour of their back banner - black chapter icon on red field for sergeant, red chapter icon on black field for veteran sergeant. 



Well, back banners are a no no for me, but thanks for the clarification! That was what I was looking for!

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Where do you live, Xenith? If I ever have some spare back banners I'll send them to you. :biggrin.:

I mean, I find Space Marines look better without their back module even, but building them without would really be a crime against 40k lore. :ph34r.:


Thanks for the offer, I've PM'd you - let me know if it's come through, I got a failure message...

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Where do you live, Xenith? If I ever have some spare back banners I'll send them to you. :biggrin.:

I mean, I find Space Marines look better without their back module even, but building them without would really be a crime against 40k lore. :ph34r.:


Thanks for the offer, I've PM'd you - let me know if it's come through, I got a failure message...


It came through and I responded. ;)

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Where do you live, Xenith? If I ever have some spare back banners I'll send them to you. :biggrin.:

I mean, I find Space Marines look better without their back module even, but building them without would really be a crime against 40k lore. :ph34r.:

Thanks for the offer, I've PM'd you - let me know if it's come through, I got a failure message...

They all go through just as Likes do. Hit refresh once you're done and you'll see it.

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White helmets are also very cool, but I already decided to paint my Sanguinary Priests helmet white since I want to keep most of the armor metallic with my Knights of Blood. I'm already happy that I paint my pauldrons still red or else one might confuse him with a Grey Knight. :D

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White helmets are also very cool, but I already decided to paint my Sanguinary Priests helmet white since I want to keep most of the armor metallic with my Knights of Blood. I'm already happy that I paint my pauldrons still red or else one might confuse him with a Grey Knight. :biggrin.:


White is the heraldic equivalent of silver, in the same wahy that yellow is the equivalent of gold - just sayin, if you wanted to keep them all metallic :D

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White helmets are also very cool, but I already decided to paint my Sanguinary Priests helmet white since I want to keep most of the armor metallic with my Knights of Blood. I'm already happy that I paint my pauldrons still red or else one might confuse him with a Grey Knight. :biggrin.:


White is the heraldic equivalent of silver, in the same wahy that yellow is the equivalent of gold - just sayin, if you wanted to keep them all metallic :biggrin.:


Pff I don't care about old heraldric. We have 2017 and we have access to metallic paints as well as generic paints so we can treat them as different kind of paints. :D

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