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Blood angels veteran helmets


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I swear God I have seen somewhere black helmets with red stripe, could have been some HH illustrations cant just find it...


Does anyone know if BA ever had those? Or possible direction where to look?

I haven't seen any, but I think that would look awesome! I might do that on a single character – some personal heraldry I'd need to come up with some fluff for. Maybe a narrow escape from the Death Company?! :biggrin.:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I swear God I have seen somewhere black helmets with red stripe, could have been some HH illustrations cant just find it...


Does anyone know if BA ever had those? Or possible direction where to look?

Might be a very old Death Company model, but haven't found it yet.

or maybe one of these - http://eldritchepistles.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/bryan-ansells-rogue-trader-space.html ?


And, to go back to the OP question, vets had veteran markings on their armour, and kept the appropriate colour of helmet for their squad.

So Vet Tac Sgt would have a red helmet, Vet Assault were yellow etc.


Captains had red armour, with personal heraldry on their left shoulder and banner.

Tycho seems to be the exception, but only after the batrep where he got his face blasted - up til then he was just a generic BA Captain in red

++Scrap that, just found the pic from the original batrep and Tycho is in gold.



Edited by Brother Jazzman
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I swear God I have seen somewhere black helmets with red stripe, could have been some HH illustrations cant just find it...


Does anyone know if BA ever had those? Or possible direction where to look?

Might be a very old Death Company model, but haven't found it yet.

or maybe one of these - http://eldritchepistles.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/bryan-ansells-rogue-trader-space.html ?


And, to go back to the OP question, vets had veteran markings on their armour, and kept the appropriate colour of helmet for their squad.

So Vet Tac Sgt would have a red helmet, Vet Assault were yellow etc.


Captains had red armour, with personal heraldry on their left shoulder and banner.

Tycho seems to be the exception, but only after the batrep where he got his face blasted - up til then he was just a generic BA Captain in red

++Scrap that, just found the pic from the original batrep and Tycho is in gold.





Something to consider with Captain Shinypants is which came first, the miniature or the art? 



The studio army was 3rd company, but in the art Captain Shinypants in leading a company with a single yellow drop which since 2nd edition has denoted 2nd company, but which actually wasn't in use in 1st edition.. but if it *had* it would have denoted 1st company.. and if he was the commander of the 1st company he would in fact have been the Lieutenant-Commander rather than a mere Captain. 


Could be the guy was demoted after model was made & painted in the same way they apparently did to poor Ragnar. 

Edited by Vodunius
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Something to consider with Captain Shinypants is which came first, the miniature or the art? 



The studio army was 3rd company, but in the art Captain Shinypants in leading a company with a single yellow drop which since 2nd edition has denoted 2nd company, but which actually wasn't in use in 1st edition.. but if it *had* it would have denoted 1st company.. and if he was the commander of the 1st company he would in fact have been the Lieutenant-Commander rather than a mere Captain. 


Could be the guy was demoted after model was made & painted in the same way they apparently did to poor Ragnar. 


It looks like everything came out in WD133?

That issue has the Dave Gallaher cover, and the first time I can see the Marine captain models making an appearance. But my collection is nowhere near complete, it's missing 129-131 so the models might be in there for the first time?

It would be typical GW practice though to put a Marine Captain on the cover and release the model that month, but there's no mention in the WD that I can see.


Good spot on the company markings, need to read the old Rogue Trader books again and see what Co markings info is in them, if any.

(I've had that Compendium since 1991 and only just realised he's wearing a cape as well!)


http://thumbnails101.imagebam.com/54647/18dfc5546468442.jpg http://thumbnails101.imagebam.com/54647/a2c6f6546466812.jpg http://thumbnails101.imagebam.com/54647/d4d6e7546465202.jpg 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got a new question for ya :P. Do the command squad, company champion and company ancient year the crux terminatus on their left shoulders or the company insignia? With the 8th edition command squads I'm thinking about buying a sternguard kit and making them company vets. I'm just not sure about the shoulder pads.

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Traditionally command squads were a cadre of personal guards, important skilled people and the like. This could include 1st company vets, Strike Commanders, skilled line person etc. Really anyone that the captain considers instrumental as an advisory capacity/trusts implicitly. So you can have cruxes for everyone, certain individuals and what not.


In 3rd edition, 1st company vets had white skulls on their shoulders. In the latest round of pictures, they seem to be using cruxes. Think there is enough leeway to do anything.

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I paint all my veteran units in gold armor (termies, sternguard, command squad and vanguard, if I ever get them.)  It seems like a lot of gold units, but when you consider I generally have at least 1 death company, the most you'll ever see are 2 units of gold.  


I just get sick of painting red ALL the time.

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  • 1 month later...

I keep coming back to this thread it seems. I got a new question. I'm about to do my first bare heads marines. Do all blood angels have blonde hair by fluff? Being Sanguinius' genetic offspring and the such?

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I have done almost all of mine with black hair and an unnatural skin tone myself. Like proper old skool Vampire Counts etc *nod.

- see the Astorath pic in the book to get the idea.


There are a number of examples of non-blondes in the art.

Do whatever you like and have fun with whatever you decide to do =)

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I think GW is painting them according to armor colours to give contrast. Red armor gets blond hair, golden armor gets black hair. Maybe I can try the same. The sanguinary priest looks stupid with blonde hair tbh.

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I see your point. The second attack is there stat wise. But looking at the data sheet it just says a tactical sergeant so I no longer have to worry what to paint their helmets. (I was gonna do them red anyway)

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For the Sarge problem:


I think that the veteran sergeant of a tactical squad is a veteran in his own company, not a chapter veteran of the 1st Coy. In my mind, a sergeant who proves himself a real asset can either join the 1st Coy as a Marine (if they need new Marines) or climb the officer ranks of his own Coy, become a veteran sergeant and maybe one day, the company captain.


In the eventuality of him choosing to stay in his company, he'll become (if he survives the AP-3 weapons) a veteran sergeant making him one of the few elite officers of the company, capable of leading small detachments on his own.

For example: in 1000pts games, the HQ choice "captain" can be a veteran sarge :)

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