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Veteran Gunlines


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Does anyone have any experience with using a large number of veterans to form a core gun line? You don't see it on lists or batreps, but on paper I think it sounds pretty good. For just over 400 points you can grab an Aegis line and four squads of forward sentry veterans with three grenade launchers and an autocannon in each. 5 medium strength shots per squad a turn at BS4 and behind a 3+ cover save seems to be a pretty good deal without breaking the bank. Thoughts? Am I missing something here?
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Does anyone have any experience with using a large number of veterans to form a core gun line? You don't see it on lists or batreps, but on paper I think it sounds pretty good. For just over 400 points you can grab an Aegis line and four squads of forward sentry veterans with three grenade launchers and an autocannon in each. 5 medium strength shots per squad a turn at BS4 and behind a 3+ cover save seems to be a pretty good deal without breaking the bank. Thoughts? Am I missing something here?


That's 100pts more than Guilliman. 




....ok, not trying to be a :cuss . Your idea is not bad, but is it good? That depends on what you regularly face and what the rest of the army is doing. Are you bunkering up for the sake of being cool? Or what do you plan on running with those Vets? 

Veterans are good for their BS4 and three weapon options - the cheaper weapons are better on BS3 generally. Gunline isn't great, too static and you need some mobility to nab objectives and sadly cover their saves aren't that difficult to work around. If you want some troopers to hold a line then the Platoon is the better place to look.


As Indefragable says much would depend on the rest of your army too. Sadly with an older codex not seeing something is usually a good sign that it's not a good idea!

For the same points cost, platoons can give you far more las firepower along with the same number of AC shots and a few less GLs. Orders like FRFSRF will multiply the already higher volume of shots by ~1.5. That amount of firepower at BS3 will likely do more damage than the fewer guys at BS4. Also, more bodies = more survivable since they're both T3 with 5+.


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