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Pask punisher or exterminator


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Pretty much as you can sum up from the title. I was thinking of running Pask in a list with MM sponsons LC and the exterminator for anti armor. I've never done this I've always ran him with the punisher but I always found myself shooting at armor with him wishing I had something stronger than a punisher cannon. What is everyone's opinion on this ?
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I've never been disappointed with him in a Punisher. Especially with his pseudo tank hunter rule.

Haven't done the math but I suspect the shear volume of fire 20 vs 4TL should overcome the Strength difference.




To clarify, I've not had problems taking out / putting the hurt on Knights, wraith knights or LRs with puni-pask

IMO when fielding the Exterminator I'd only ever go for full Dakka so all heavy bolter sponsons and heavy stubber just to keep it's objective clear at "light vehicles and infantry" only.


Sounds like you may want the Vanquisher variant for your Anti Tank needs. Or ultimately go Annihilator with all PC as Pask gives the best bonuses when using that tank IMO.


Hope this helps



I run a Vanquisher for Pask and give him two executioners for wingmen.


So far I've only played against blood angels/vanilla marines and he's helped clear out dreadnaughts etc, only died in one game due to getting a deep striking squad hitting his rear armour.


If you can magnetise ths turret/sponsons then you can set him up for however you need.

You only need a 5+ on the rending hit for it to be +3S. 5 + 6 + 3 = 14, not a pen for AV14, but still can threaten AV14 targets. 

"Tank hunter" will let you re-roll your results. Which, if I am chasing rend results. I will put aside any initial rends, re-roll the failed rends and roll any subsequent results. With the initial rend's I will roll their results at the end, if I don't get the result I need from them, then I will re-roll them too. 


In this edition you're probably better off glancing a vehicle to death than trying to 1 shot it with an explodes result. Against super heavies unless you're AP1/2 then the penetrating result is meaningless. Also compared to an Exterminator main cannon, you wont be able to get an explodes result either. The best you can hope for is to immobilise an enemy vehicle. 


Plus there really isn't much AV14 in the game other than Leman Russ' and Land Raiders. The latter being the more difficult to take out, fortunately they are fairly rare this edition. :)

Exterminator doesn't really need Pask. It is good by itself. You may take simple tank commander and one more exterminator buddy, give them LCs and multi meltas. and you got yourself a pretty good universal firebase. The best tank for Pask is all-bolters Punisher. In current edition you would rather meet a monster or a gargantuan creature then AV14 vehicle. And all those rerollable 2++ saves and invisibility and other 'take-to-win' stuff made things to be like cask of crap shots is more preferrable than good shots.


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