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Lucumon's Call to Chaos


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Greetings! I've been a member of B&C since time immemorial and, after getting sick of painting red for nearly 30 years, decided to paint up some 1k Sons as they are an easy army to lug around when traveling for work. To be clear, the intent of this army is not to win... but just to have fun... in the most trollish way possible... you know, just as planned. I got my first game in this past week.

My list is as follows:

10x sorcerers (one is an Exalted Sorcerer, the others are normal ones) in a War Coven with various weapons to include Seer's Bane, the Astral Grimoire, and Cypher

The dude-bros:


Note the skulls at the base: these are magnetized to represent wound counters... no more dice next to the bases that get grabbed because I forget they are wound counters...

Some, erm, traitor stand-ins until I finish the final 3 dudes:


Finally, the other 4 guys:


Another point to mention is the arms are all magnetized. Because who knows what will happen with 8th.

The general idea is a follows:

Stick Cypher in with the War Coven (last, of course) in ruins for Shrouded (a 2+ cover save), Hit and Run to prevent tarpitting, and ATSKNF for... not knowing fear.

I may post a brief battle report with the shenanigans... but here are cliff notes:

- I lost because he was able to spread his vehicles out to cover 5 of the objectives. We were playing Contact Lost, so I only had one TO at a time due to being able to hold one unit.

- Terrain became my "magic carpet ride" as mobility. This is an awesome power unmodified.

- Treason of Tzeentch turned his sternguard into my shooting unit.

- He didnt kill anything the entire game but ended up getting First Blood... thanks to Perils of the Warp

- I periled once per turn on average... I guess that's what happens when you are throwing more than 30 warp charges out a turn (yay for Siphon Magic!)

Learning points for myself:

1. When you have 27 master levels on the table, power management is time consuming. Create reference sheets to help

2. Look Out Siring with a bunch of independent characters is helpful

3. The only reason he was unable to kill anything of mine was because his armored company had a bunch of template weapons.


More to follow as I break out this Army of Inanity...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, a couple updates. First, I finished another dude:


Second, I've gotten a pair of games in the past week. The first was against a pretty creatively painted (although still in progress) Ork army of grots. We rolled up the relic... and... I won?! I failed to get invis, but given Endurance and Look Out Sir, I was able to distribute wounds over the various characters so no one died.

The gist of the game was:

Turn 1: I seized, jumped out from behind cover. He attempted to cast a power but 27 mastery levels shut him down easily. He shot me with a bunch of adorable grot tanks that were blast weapons.

Turn 2: Instead of running behind cover, I charged into his line and wiped a grot squad with a psyker. Shrieked a grot squad, popped some little tanks. He shot me with a bunch of adorable grot tanks that were blast weapons.

Turn 3: Most psychic shenanigans on my part. Killa kans died.... We ended up calling it turn 3 when I had something like 24 Str 8 attacks on his morkanaut... the pic below was the bottom of turn 2.

Final thoughts: I mentioned this list was a total troll list that would do horribly at an ITC tourney, but I was able to get the best situation and ran with it. In the future I am going to call out that the list is made of shenanigans and cheddar.

The neat thing was that a couple other players in the club saw this battle and wanted to play this list because it was unique to them....


The next game was my first experience with the Genestealer cult. We played the Maelstrom mission where you have the number of objectives per turn. He got first turn and his guys were infiltrating, outflanking, and popping up right next to me. Then they disappeared, then reappeared... and that's how the game went. By the end of the game, he trounced me in points as I got a couple per turn, but he just captured objectives effortlessly and my dudes just zoomed around treasoning things, and smashing things.

I think the most amusing part of the match was when his psyker tried to cast a 3 warp charge power and got it off with 4... then I threw the 32 warp dice I had and denied it with 6 sixes....

Here's the bottom of turn 2:


Next week, I think my opponent will be necrons. The player was able to see my adventure with the Grot army and wanted to play against this list as well... I think I am going to ask that we play ITC rules because invis, cypher, & worldwrithe is a disgusting combination against armies lacking ignores cover, psychic defenses, and a lot of blast weapons...

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