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Zenithal highlighting metallics?

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A lot of people do. Just basecoat a darker silver (tons of them on the market from metallic only lines like Vallejo Metallic Color or Darkstar Molten Metals) and then zenithal a lighter one. In GW terms it'd be something like prime black, Leadbelcher Air base, then Stormhost Silver zenithal, or if you want to add extra depth, do a Ironbreaker 45 degree zenithal then a Stormhost/Runefang 90 degree top down zenithal.

You may get a better/more dramatic result if you also emphasise the matte shadows and the reflective highlights. This is more traditionally achieved with a regular brush by starting with a mid-silver, washing with a matte black wash, and then highlighting with a bright silver...


So perhaps start with a black spray basecoat, then do a wide spray layer with a mid-dark silver, and finally apply small overhead highlights sprayed with a bright silver?


The beauty of metallic paints is that you can play with reflective values as well as tonal values, and therefore get some really striking results. This is especially important with models that are mostly metallic, as it's a very easy way of adding interest to the model without breaking the colour scheme.  :)

  Thanks for the reply Major_Gilbear! I have been working on some Steel Brethren CSM that have a brighter metallic color scheme than regular iron Warriors. It's difficult (at least to me) to get their "lighter" metallic look and still have shadows without the lighter metallic overpowering the darker areas.



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