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New Map of the Galaxy

Urriak Urruk

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More importantly - Deliverance, Medusa, and Chogoris are absent. What. The. Hell.

Well I mean we learned in Rise of the Primarch that Chogoris was being invaded by the Red Corsairs.  Maybe in 8th we'll find out it fell to chaos forces?


Deliverance is pretty close to Octarius in case a winner finally emerges from that warzone.


Medusa might have found itself in the expansion of the Eye.


I mean none of these answers are satisfying without, you know, reams of fluff but smacking some first founding chapters around might just be what GW is planning for setting 8th even closer to midnight.

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More importantly - Deliverance, Medusa, and Chogoris are absent. What. The. Hell.

Well I mean we learned in Rise of the Primarch that Chogoris was being invaded by the Red Corsairs.  Maybe in 8th we'll find out it fell to chaos forces?


Deliverance is pretty close to Octarius in case a winner finally emerges from that warzone.


Medusa might have found itself in the expansion of the Eye.


I mean none of these answers are satisfying without, you know, reams of fluff but smacking some first founding chapters around might just be what GW is planning for setting 8th even closer to midnight.


We knew about the Chogoris thing before Gathering Storm. But yes. I can't see them wiping out three first-founding chapters which are moderately popular, though.

Also, did I miss the Phalanx?

Or is that still in the Warp?

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Look, just because such-and-such isn't on the map, doesn't mean that GW has ceased to give a monkeys about them. As Rohr said, there's only so much you can put on a map before it becomes a mess. Think of it like an acceptance speech - if the award winner mentioned everyone they should, it'd be a shambles (and sometimes it most certainly is). Not everyone is going to get a mention and it doesn't necessarily mean that they have suddenly become unimportant.


Edit - Also, props to Taeknologik for that very interesting map merger. :tu:

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Guest Triszin

I expect Fenris to end up inside the warp, and be the only imperial outpost in the warp besides whatever the legion of the damn fortress is. 

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Guest Triszin

no, the new map was deisnged to show how much the Eye of terror has grown and combined with other storms/rifts.


Just because something isnt on the map doesnt mean it doesnt exist.


Nids are swarming all around baal, and are all over the eastern fringe.


Largest ork waagh ever is on its way to armageddon 5 million gaahz ships.


templars fleets not shown.


eldar scraftworlds/worlds not shown.



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no, the new map was deisnged to show how much the Eye of terror has grown and combined with other storms/rifts.


Just because something isnt on the map doesnt mean it doesnt exist.


Nids are swarming all around baal, and are all over the eastern fringe.


Largest ork waagh ever is on its way to armageddon 5 million gaahz ships.


templars fleets not shown.


eldar scraftworlds/worlds not shown.





Ok, thanks for clearing this up!

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This map's kind of a bitter aftertaste to the welcome news on revamped rules. Not because of what it shows or doesn't, but given the bizarrely huge warp storms that are breaking out all over the galaxy, the confirmation of the 2.0 Marines, and the rest of the Gathering Storm storyline, the future of 40K is becoming very clear. Roboute Guilliman and his new Marines - clad in nigh-invulnerable armor and the finest superlatives - are going to crusade out of Terra and save the crumbling Imperium from an unprecedented Chaos invasion.


Ladies and gentlemen, we're getting AoS in Space.

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This map's kind of a bitter aftertaste to the welcome news on revamped rules. Not because of what it shows or doesn't, but given the bizarrely huge warp storms that are breaking out all over the galaxy, the confirmation of the 2.0 Marines, and the rest of the Gathering Storm storyline, the future of 40K is becoming very clear. Roboute Guilliman and his new Marines - clad in nigh-invulnerable armor and the finest superlatives - are going to crusade out of Terra and save the crumbling Imperium from an unprecedented Chaos invasion.


Ladies and gentlemen, we're getting AoS in Space.


To be honest: About Xenos Forsaken time we got round to some good ol' butt-kicking. Imperium has been on the verge of death for emperor knows how long and to be honest was getting a bit tired of the stalemate. Neither side could win and while that could still happen at least now we can actually have some real fights happen and mean something. No more feeling like you are doing nothing as a marine loyalist, liberating planets only for them to fall back to whatever problem next comes. Time to get the gloves off, fists on and get ready to RUMBLE.


Be honest: being loyalist was hard because while we have had some major stuff given to us the imperium as a whole in the fluff was...impotent. Lore even suggested this for the imperial guard where an artillery regiment was POSTHUMOUSLY (they were wiped out during a surprise warp storm/rift/daemon attack) for not obeying orders to go help in a campaign because the paper work is so slow in the imperium. Seriously.


Not exactly a fan of the smurfs but in terms of lore if anyone can get the imperium back to kicking rear it's Rowboat Girlyman himself!

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Look, just because such-and-such isn't on the map, doesn't mean that GW has ceased to give a monkeys about them.

With modern technologies they should be able to produce a map with a series of overlays and quasi intelligent fractal display algorithms that allow you to zoom in until you can literally see Guilliman and the NuMarine-tones rocking the finest superlatives out all over the segmentium. Tell the roadie-serfs to load the grav-amps and the power axes into the tour 'Hawk so we can get this show in the air.


Such a chart could be nearly all things to nearly all people and tidily do away with any dusty nooks and crannies that DIY projects might've tucked themselves away in.

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Look, just because such-and-such isn't on the map, doesn't mean that GW has ceased to give a monkeys about them.

With modern technologies they should be able to produce a map with a series of overlays and quasi intelligent fractal display algorithms that allow you to zoom in until you can literally see Guilliman and the NuMarine-tones rocking the finest superlatives out all over the segmentium. Tell the roadie-serfs to load the grav-amps and the power axes into the tour 'Hawk so we can get this show in the air.

I should chuckle at this but it sounds pretty awesome. Maybe have some Blues Saraceno playing a backing track while you fiddle with the map. :lol:

Such a chart could be nearly all things to nearly all people and tidily do away with any dusty nooks and crannies that DIY projects might've tucked themselves away in.

Is that a shot across the Liber bow? En garde sir! happy.png

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Look, just because such-and-such isn't on the map, doesn't mean that GW has ceased to give a monkeys about them.


With modern technologies they should be able to produce a map with a series of overlays and quasi intelligent fractal display algorithms that allow you to zoom in until you can literally see Guilliman and the NuMarine-tones rocking the finest superlatives out all over the segmentium. Tell the roadie-serfs to load the grav-amps and the power axes into the tour 'Hawk so we can get this show in the air.

I should chuckle at this but it sounds pretty awesome. Maybe have some Blues Saraceno playing a backing track while you fiddle with the map. :lol:


Such a chart could be nearly all things to nearly all people and tidily do away with any dusty nooks and crannies that DIY projects might've tucked themselves away in.


Is that a shot across the Liber bow? En garde sir! ^_^

Not worried. Even if they somehow produced a map with all 1 million Imperial worlds on it, it would still have (according to current estimates) at least 100,000 stars (possibly up to 400,000) for each of those Imperials worlds, with each of those stars thought to have one or more planetary bodies in orbit. The Galaxy is a big place, with plenty of dusty nooks and crannies. :P
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This map's kind of a bitter aftertaste to the welcome news on revamped rules. Not because of what it shows or doesn't, but given the bizarrely huge warp storms that are breaking out all over the galaxy, the confirmation of the 2.0 Marines, and the rest of the Gathering Storm storyline, the future of 40K is becoming very clear. Roboute Guilliman and his new Marines - clad in nigh-invulnerable armor and the finest superlatives - are going to crusade out of Terra and save the crumbling Imperium from an unprecedented Chaos invasion.


Ladies and gentlemen, we're getting AoS in Space.


Yeah... no. I mean, this map clearly shows that the galaxy has physically gotten worse with it literally being fractured in two by the warp.


Even Guilliman, with his "TACTICAL GENIUS" doesn't know how to stop the immaterium from pouring in.


Also, considering that Mortarion (and I assume later the other Demon Primarchs) are on their way, it definitely isn't going to Imperium-winning all the time. Just enough winning so that nobody gets too big an edge in the power balance.


Also on the topic of the three worlds Medusa, Chogoris and Deliverance;

- Medusa got a real problem. In the old 13th Black Crusade, it came under Chaos invasion, leading to a massive battle that the Iron Hands just won. But in the retcon, Chaos destroys Cadia and the Eye of Terror expands in scope. So if Medusa isn't destroyed, it is very likely under siege and their homeworld under serious threat.


- Chogoris was attacked by a fleet of Red Corsairs. The Red Corsairs now have a Blackstone Fortress, a gift from Abaddon, so Chogoris is also under serious threat.


- Deliverance was about to be besieged by a Waaagh! The events of Gathering Storm shouldn't change that much.


I'm sure all three worlds are not destroyed, but at the same time they definitely aren't safe either. And I would argue Medusa doesn't have hope for long-term survival.

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This map's kind of a bitter aftertaste to the welcome news on revamped rules. Not because of what it shows or doesn't, but given the bizarrely huge warp storms that are breaking out all over the galaxy, the confirmation of the 2.0 Marines, and the rest of the Gathering Storm storyline, the future of 40K is becoming very clear. Roboute Guilliman and his new Marines - clad in nigh-invulnerable armor and the finest superlatives - are going to crusade out of Terra and save the crumbling Imperium from an unprecedented Chaos invasion.


Ladies and gentlemen, we're getting AoS in Space.


To be honest: About Xenos Forsaken time we got round to some good ol' butt-kicking. Imperium has been on the verge of death for emperor knows how long and to be honest was getting a bit tired of the stalemate. Neither side could win and while that could still happen at least now we can actually have some real fights happen and mean something. No more feeling like you are doing nothing as a marine loyalist, liberating planets only for them to fall back to whatever problem next comes. Time to get the gloves off, fists on and get ready to RUMBLE.


Be honest: being loyalist was hard because while we have had some major stuff given to us the imperium as a whole in the fluff was...impotent. Lore even suggested this for the imperial guard where an artillery regiment was POSTHUMOUSLY (they were wiped out during a surprise warp storm/rift/daemon attack) for not obeying orders to go help in a campaign because the paper work is so slow in the imperium. Seriously.


This attitude is among what I feel is making the universe feel smaller and simpler. The problem with holding it together in the 41st millennium wasn't just the fact that the Imperium has a labyrinthine, inefficient bureaucracy - its also the fact that the galaxy is so freaking big, and the warp was being intensely kicked up as the last few hundred years. Messages and fleets right across the Imperium were being delayed and lost, sectors had been cut off for dozens if not hundreds of years already. Its was a systemic problem which has no simple solution - and it also was essentially the same situation as now, but without the Heresy Redux 'look at me literally cut the Imperium in two' warpstorm. In other words, I find this new galactic development ham-fisted and unnecessary.


I also strongly debate the extent of the 'Imperium as impotent' narrative. The Imperium at the end of the 41st millennium, while often politically divided at both its highest and most petty levels, also was in one of it's most militarized periods of its history. What's more, despite its intense structural problems, what mattered militarily, its tactical and line leadership has often shown itself up to the task (Admiral Parol, Creed, etc). While its backwardness contributes to its crumbling, I always felt it was the sheer odds and number of foes it was facing, as well as the timescales and communications difficulties, which are the pressures under which it is succumbing. This is real desperation and existential threat against our human effort, not a manufactured 'lol Imperium is dying cause they so dumb cause thats grimdark'.


What I would have wanted to read would be about the deployment of the Segmentum strategic Reserves, and the political debate on Cypra Mundi on whether to use them to relieve Cadia, or abandon it and try to reform battlelines further from the Eye. Then the deployment of the entirety of the reserves in a counterattack over Cadia, in the largest drop troop airborne deployment in Imperial memory that holds the line at immense cost. I want to read about the debate on Terra as to whether the growing situation warrants the use of the politically hoarded Segmentum Solar reserves and Terran Household units, and then see some committed. What were the effects of the release of elements the most powerful IN fleet in the galaxy, Battlefleet Solar, or the Terran Household regiments and other such esoteric units?


To fulfill my all my Imperial power fantasies, I don't need or want a deus ex machina injection of a Primarch on a quest that further narrows the universe to a few Heresy callback characters.


Also - I would like to think that people didn't need their faction to be WINNING in order to feel satisfied with their faction. There is much more depth and heroism in being on the backfoot than being ascendant and powerful. Being loyalist is exactly that - being loyal even in the hardest times, and that is exactly the quality I admire about the Imperium's soldiers.


I prefer narratives where there is real desperation, conflict (on a setting-wide and story level)  and nuance in their execution, then ones where we visually must see an immediate change in order for it to register or be deemed important.


That said, the map is the type of presentation quality that I welcome from GW. It certainly has 40k grimdark character in its art style, definitely immerses me in the universe. Universe building and setting an appropriate atmosphere is so often not telling, but showing - something GW has forgotten recently.


Edit: also noticed how Badab on the map has inexplicably moved at least a month's travel away from the Maelstrom? Huh?

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This map's kind of a bitter aftertaste to the welcome news on revamped rules. Not because of what it shows or doesn't, but given the bizarrely huge warp storms that are breaking out all over the galaxy, the confirmation of the 2.0 Marines, and the rest of the Gathering Storm storyline, the future of 40K is becoming very clear. Roboute Guilliman and his new Marines - clad in nigh-invulnerable armor and the finest superlatives - are going to crusade out of Terra and save the crumbling Imperium from an unprecedented Chaos invasion.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're getting AoS in Space.

Unfortunately we all saw this coming a mile away despite the company protesting there would be no AoS style - reset for 40k


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This attitude is among what I feel is making the universe feel smaller and simpler. The problem with holding it together in the 41st millennium wasn't just the fact that the Imperium has a labyrinthine, inefficient bureaucracy - its also the fact that the galaxy is so freaking big, and the warp was being intensely kicked up as the last few hundred years. Messages and fleets right across the Imperium were being delayed and lost, sectors had been cut off for dozens if not hundreds of years already. Its was a systemic problem which has no simple solution - and it also was essentially the same situation as now, but without the Heresy Redux 'look at me literally cut the Imperium in two' warpstorm. In other words, I find this new galactic development ham-fisted and unnecessary.


I also strongly debate the extent of the 'Imperium as impotent' narrative. The Imperium at the end of the 41st millennium, while often politically divided at both its highest and most petty levels, also was in one of it's most militarized periods of its history. What's more, despite its intense structural problems, what mattered militarily, its tactical and line leadership has often shown itself up to the task (Admiral Parol, Creed, etc). While its backwardness contributes to its crumbling, I always felt it was the sheer odds and number of foes it was facing, as well as the timescales and communications difficulties, which are the pressures under which it is succumbing. This is real desperation and existential threat against our human effort, not a manufactured 'lol Imperium is dying cause they so dumb cause thats grimdark'.


What I would have wanted to read would be about the deployment of the Segmentum strategic Reserves, and the political debate on Cypra Mundi on whether to use them to relieve Cadia, or abandon it and try to reform battlelines further from the Eye. Then the deployment of the entirety of the reserves in a counterattack over Cadia, in the largest drop troop airborne deployment in Imperial memory that holds the line at immense cost. I want to read about the debate on Terra as to whether the growing situation warrants the use of the politically hoarded Segmentum Solar reserves and Terran Household units, and then see some committed. What were the effects of the release of elements the most powerful IN fleet in the galaxy, Battlefleet Solar, or the Terran Household regiments and other such esoteric units?


To fulfill my all my Imperial power fantasies, I don't need or want a deus ex machina injection of a Primarch on a quest that further narrows the universe to a few Heresy callback characters.


Also - I would like to think that people didn't need their faction to be WINNING in order to feel satisfied with their faction. There is much more depth and heroism in being on the backfoot than being ascendant and powerful. Being loyalist is exactly that - being loyal even in the hardest times, and that is exactly the quality I admire about the Imperium's soldiers.


I prefer narratives where there is real desperation, conflict (on a setting-wide and story level)  and nuance in their execution, then ones where we visually must see an immediate change in order for it to register or be deemed important.


That said, the map is the type of presentation quality that I welcome from GW. It certainly has 40k grimdark character in its art style, definitely immerses me in the universe. Universe building and setting an appropriate atmosphere is so often not telling, but showing - something GW has forgotten recently.


Edit: also noticed how Badab on the map has inexplicably moved at least a month's travel away from the Maelstrom? Huh?


This. Exactly.


On another note: anybody's knows anything about the Nexus III station that connects to the Desperation system in the far north-east? 

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Gotta disagree about it being AoSification, at least with the information we have available. The timeline is being moved closer to 1000001M42, and we have a primarch leading a new crusade, but at the same time that's happening because everything else in the galaxy is falling to complete censored.gif .

We got Tau to the left of us, Necrons to the right, and here I am stuck in the middle with you...

::cough:: sorry. Anyway, this doesn't necessarily have to result in an outbreak of total noblebright.

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Hey Brothers, I was looking at the map and I got just an impression of something.  Just an impression.


I'll share what I kinda felt, but please do NOT take the following image literally.  Don't treat a certain planet falling on a certain place as an indication of anything, I'm looking at the overall map.  It's just to give a general feel:




This is an overlay of the split (often called the "fall", which is kinda inaccurate, as it's off by around 50% and 1,000 years) of the Roman Empire into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire i.e. the Byzantine Empire.


Again, don't take the specifics literally, as this was only made and good for general impressions.  The Eye of Terror and the Fall of Cadia kinda reminded me of where the Roman Empire completely got taken over by Visigoths.  The line of storms kind of traces the coastline of Europe.  The Maelstrom is like where the Aegean Sea is, which is the big divide between the 2 empires.  It's not accurate, but it's just what came to mind.


It's not the 1st time the idea of the 2 Roman Empires was invoked in 40k.  Holy Terra was always described as being on the Eastern side of the galaxy, Ultramar always on the Western, Imperium Secundus, etc.  Just an interesting thought.

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