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hopes, dreams, and fears for sisters in 8th


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I pretty much one shotted bloodthirsters with one, and routinely destroyed tauroxes in a single volley, in 7th. They were really good against lightly armored vehicles.


The exorcist doesn't do much damage on average this edition, unless you buff it. A canonneses reroll will prevent/lower (hopefully) the really wide "whiff" margin that the exorcist currently has this edition...


I'll still use them, because they look awesome, but the d6 shots is no longer unique or powerful.

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Played two games of 8th with a 35 power Sister army. Went 1-1, beat Harlequins, lost to the Necrons. AoFs are very powerful when used properly. Sisters don't scale super well I think, but are very good at smaller levels.


I liked it.


I feel like sisters have never scaled well at higher point levels. All you could do before is add more scary dominion squads to be competitive.

In 8th though, at least until we get our own book/faction specific things, it opens up the ability to piecemeal in strong supporting units from other armies without the "tax units" you HAD to take before.

Want a single chaplain in your army? Take it, it's Imperium. Squad of 10 guardsman? Take it, no need for an HQ choice there.

So far I can see the most cheese coming out of <Imperium> simply because there's so few downsides to taking a mixed force when you aren't dealing with the space marines..mostly because they're one of the few Imperium armies other than admech that ACTUALLY get something for a pure force.

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The exorcist is miles better than it used to be, I just don't see it as the best thing for it's points. There's plenty better though, personally I'm going to trade mine off for a pair of dunecrawlers.


I'm still trying to figure out where the various vehicles fit relative to one another.  The laspred was the early leader in terms of output (especially relative to the exorcist) and people have been pointing out a few odd design choices - like the anti-tank leman russ turret being weaker than the cheaper regular turret against vehicles.


How GWs whole plan of test and re-price works out will be interesting to see if they follow through on it. The exorcist definitely feels short on dakka so far.

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The fluff of my army would actually make more sense for me to put out more guardswomen than sisters, but sadly they get to be really expensive and tedious to but and paint that many models. So for now I'm sticking to about 30 BSS in various squads. I'm trying to find weird and fluffy (my fluffy) ways to make other things work too. For the first time ever I have to run a canoness and the command squad units now...Probably counts as a fear that 8th edition is going to make me have to convert up a bunch of these OOP models and models I've never used before just because you basically NEED them.

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That was my complaint. Exorcist for 160 and hunters for 90 with similar stats.


Hunters are 130 120 points (Edit: I can do simple maths, me), the vehicle is 90 and the launcher is 30.


As well as the different guns the Exorcist gets +1 Wound (and +1 Strength, -1 Leadership but those seem relatively irrelevant).


The guns are rather different in function, making comparisons hard.


60" Heavy 1 S9 AP-3 DD6, re-roll 1s to hit, get +1 targeting flyers


48" Heavy D6 S8 AP-4 DD3


This means that the Hunter will only ever kill 1 model in a turn, whilst the Exorcist can kill 6 times that, and punches clean through Power Armour instead of giving the opponent a 6+ save (and 5+ versus 4+ for Terminators makes quite a difference). The Hunter can do more damage to the typical vehicle with its single hit (wounding T8 on 3s not 4s, getting D6 damage not D3), but can never do more than 6 damage in any circumstances, whilst the Exorcist can theoretically do 18 damage.

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That was the point I was making before. It's a smaller difference in points when you add in weapon costs. Plus the Exorcist will only lose a save if it's hit with mortal wounds. Meanwhile you can just rend a hunter to death without it being able to do anything.

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90 and 30 is 120. :)



A guy on Reddit was theorizing that 4 hunters, 2 whirlwinds, and 2 defense lines would be unbeatable at 1000 points (strictly in terms of killing models) as no army could do enough wounds to kill it all in 6 turns. I think we both had the same leaked info showing the hunter at 90 and the missile launcher at 0.

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90 and 30 is 120. smile.png

A guy on Reddit was theorizing that 4 hunters, 2 whirlwinds, and 2 defense lines would be unbeatable at 1000 points (strictly in terms of killing models) as no army could do enough wounds to kill it all in 6 turns. I think we both had the same leaked info showing the hunter at 90 and the missile launcher at 0.

Even jumping to 120 points, that just drops it to 3 hunters, with everything else unchanged.

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Quick aside. What book was the Avenger released in? I know that it is likely to be in one of the books FW is releasing soon for 8th, but for the life of me I can't remember what book it was introduced in.

It was "Imperial Armour - Aeronautica" (and I think maybe reprinted in one of the later Imperial Armour books).  8th Edition rules will be coming in "Index - Forces of the Astra Militarum", along with the Aquila Lander and Arvus Lighter, as confirmed by the screenshots of the Contents page on Forgeworld's website.

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Well I'm hoping that the Repressor still has its fire points, or at the very least has a transport capacity of 15 and becomes our version of Land Raider lite. Easily see it with the same toughness, wounds and save as the exorcist.


You know, I really thought we'd get laud haulers and whatnot for our vehicle upgrades. It's is part of our thing. That's like not giving orks...deff rollas and junk.

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90 and 30 is 120. smile.png

A guy on Reddit was theorizing that 4 hunters, 2 whirlwinds, and 2 defense lines would be unbeatable at 1000 points (strictly in terms of killing models) as no army could do enough wounds to kill it all in 6 turns. I think we both had the same leaked info showing the hunter at 90 and the missile launcher at 0.

Yes, little bit of a derp there.

Not entirely sure about that theory, especially as killing models is not the only metric. Even ignoring stuff like objectives etc. if you engage any of the vehicles in melee (hello multi-charge/pile in/consolidate) then even if they Fall Back they cannot shoot in the next turn, and reducing them to a maximum of 3 S6 AP0 attacks hitting on 6s utterly cripples their offensive power. First-turn charges are now a thing given the speed of some units and the reduced no-mans land, not to mention ability to Deepstrike and Charge.

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Well I'm hoping that the Repressor still has its fire points, or at the very least has a transport capacity of 15 and becomes our version of Land Raider lite. Easily see it with the same toughness, wounds and save as the exorcist.


You know, I really thought we'd get laud haulers and whatnot for our vehicle upgrades. It's is part of our thing. That's like not giving orks...deff rollas and junk.

Honestly, yeah. The Laud Haulers would be extremely useful morale wise in 8th I think (which is I assume the direction they'd take it).

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A guy on Reddit was theorizing that 4 hunters, 2 whirlwinds, and 2 defense lines would be unbeatable at 1000 points (strictly in terms of killing models) as no army could do enough wounds to kill it all in 6 turns. I think we both had the same leaked info showing the hunter at 90 and the missile launcher at 0.


Four celestines with a gemini each and a wall of ten 2++ rerollable seraphim with inferno pistols come in at under 1000pts (until it's all FAQed anyway).


The hunters would hit the seraphim on 2+ with a reroll. Might even kill one... :p

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Only just realised that a Canoness can dual-wield pistols!

Yep though one has to be a bolt pistol. So my converted canonness with inferno and plasma pistol is only slightly off the mark.



A guy on Reddit was theorizing that 4 hunters, 2 whirlwinds, and 2 defense lines would be unbeatable at 1000 points (strictly in terms of killing models) as no army could do enough wounds to kill it all in 6 turns. I think we both had the same leaked info showing the hunter at 90 and the missile launcher at 0.



Four celestines with a gemini each and a wall of ten 2++ rerollable seraphim with inferno pistols come in at under 1000pts (until it's all FAQed anyway).


The hunters would hit the seraphim on 2+ with a reroll. Might even kill one... :p

Who honestly would buy 4 Celestine to exploit a rule that will obviously have the longevity of a snowball in hell? Who even has that many Celestine? Don't answer that. It'll just make me sad.

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Who honestly would buy 4 Celestine to exploit a rule that will obviously have the longevity of a snowball in hell? Who even has that many Celestine? Don't answer that. It'll just make me sad.


Someone on the facebook thread mentioned they had purchased a whole pile of them to build a squad of plastic seraphim (ebaying off the rest to help pay for it - in theory).

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