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DA and Marines 2.0

Master Sheol

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I wouldnt mind new marines as long as they keep the Lions geneseed and that theyre as DA in mind and spirit as current DA. Id like to see them made in house. im more curious to see what makes them better. i would not mind implementing some into my army, but only some. a squad or two, maybe mixed in with other squads.

While i do think the Lion would oppose Guillimans ideas, I would hate a civil war. undoubtedly we would be the bad guys, and give more fuel for the traitor fire, while losing.as well. 

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What are Marine 2.0?


Are they a whole new faction (ex deathwatch) or just an off shoot of Marines such as Custodes.


They may well just end up being an MC every Marine Dex can buy, they've already hinted on bonuses for single faction and an end to the endless cross-buff mechanism that sprouted with allies.


What would a powerful marine cost were talking Terminator ++ then wargear on top of that your not going to get many in an army?


as an example a Terminator with a Cyclone is about 60 points then you have a Dread at Base 100 and would a squad of these be available as a Lord of War Choice?


Until we have some answers then I don't think anyone can say for sure weather they'd fit fluff wise, space marines are a scarce resource in 41st milenium and Chapters such as ours and wolves etc. haven't in general gotten the SM toys.

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The Lion is no fan of Guilliman and has a hard time trusting any of the other Primarchs after the Horus Heresy happens. I would like to see The Lion awaken and discovering what Guilliman is doing, gather the Unforgiven chapters and maybe even the loyalist Fallen together to reform the Dark Angels Legion and lead the civil war against the heretic Guilliman and his "Super Marines". Freeing the Imperium from this new "False Emperor" and bringing it under the rule of the Emperor's true heir.

One can dream...

Oh and hi everyone.

- Bish

Lol. The Lions face when he wakes up and realises old Guillimans at it again...

One Heresy is tolerable but two? I don't think he'll be quite so forgiving this time around.


I'd be cool with that plot line. Feel like that's the natural fit for the DA in the 42nd millenium. Probably Space Wolves and Fists too if Russ and Dorn return. Don't see GW going that way though.

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Yes... I agree...

Probably Roboute will be the only loyalust to return cause being the worst of all primarchs he is the ideal one for the Ward immature writing... biggrin.png

It will be interesting to see if/when they bring back further Primarchs and which ones they choose. Mortarion is widely rumoured to be the next Chaos primarch (and I guess the other obvious choices - those that are not 'dead', although I'm not sure that is a strict limitation - are Fulgrim, Perturabo, Angron, Lorgar and whichever of Alpharius and Omegon is still with us). If they want to balance each Chaos Primarch release with a loyalist then - excluding those who are 'dead' although GW may not - they could opt for the Lion (asleep), Khan, Russ, Vulkan, Corax (gone 'travelling' and/or disappeared) or maybe Dorn (assumed dead but with ambiguity).

However, it feels easier in story terms to reintroduce the Chaos ones (they are still around hanging on their planets and waging unending war as it suits them) than any of the loyal ones where substantial story questions are likely raised by each return. This hasn't stopped Guiilliman returning but should we anticipate Gathering Storm style ructions in the galaxy more regularly from now on.

I'd imagine that the Lion or Russ are the candidates on the loyalist side likely to cause the most excitement (although I know all have their fans) and are therefore likely prospects though it would be interesting how GW would make the stories work.

If they released the Lion, would they release a Luther miniature as well (with Cypher somehow getting back in on the story)? How would they move forward the story arc with the fallen? Maybe Cypher will help the Lion and Luther realise that it was all just a bit of a misunderstanding and the chapter can reunite with those fallen that haven't turned to Chaos in the intervening 10k years (like the Space Wolves have taken in the Wulfen although obviously a little different)! Or maybe not!

If they released Russ would that mean eighth edition truly represents the end time - I guess with the galaxy reshaping implications that seem to be coming up with eighth you could make a case for this!

Either way, would this allow the Dark Angels and/or Space Wolves to create their own marines 2.0 with their own gene-seed instead of that of Guilliman?

I'd like to see them release the Lion and, if they do, it will be interesting to see how they make it work!

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Gotta remember, guys, that in the Fluff, Roboute was with the Lion and Sanguinius in Imerpium Secundus.  Lion was Lord Protector, or whatever, and Sadclown was the Emp-rar.  So Robot was the "power behind the throne" so to speak. 

Point is, the Lion does not have a major problem playing with his brothers.

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I think we are straying from the topic... No matter what the relations between Primarchs were and will be, we have to wait for the release of the new Marines before hitting the panic button.  Chances are that the new Marines will be incorporated well into fluff, if not we will have to figure it out for ourselves. In the meantime, just enjouy the rumors about new edition with a salt shaker at hand.

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As a knee jerk reaction, I'm saying no, I won't be including these guys. We've made it fine these years without Centurions, AA tanks, certain fliers, etc. I don't really see the 2.0s fitting in either.


On the other hand, I'm very excited at the possibility of me not having to hack apart and add shims to all my marines to tall scale them. The amount of time, effort and blood this would save me is incredible! Plus the idea of tall scaling already tall scaled marines seems a little absurd

on the flip side the unifed starting codex means we might get a lot of these things finally like the hunter/stalker, cataprachti/tartaros, and the contempor dreadnaught. a welcome boon indeed.

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As a knee jerk reaction, I'm saying no, I won't be including these guys. We've made it fine these years without Centurions, AA tanks, certain fliers, etc. I don't really see the 2.0s fitting in either.


On the other hand, I'm very excited at the possibility of me not having to hack apart and add shims to all my marines to tall scale them. The amount of time, effort and blood this would save me is incredible! Plus the idea of tall scaling already tall scaled marines seems a little absurd

on the flip side the unifed starting codex means we might get a lot of these things finally like the hunter/stalker, cataprachti/tartaros, and the contempor dreadnaught. a welcome boon indeed.

Ah, see that aspect I'm looking forward to, the unified codex. Being the 1st legion, we should have had access to contemptors and different TDA marks from the beginning. The AA tanks I'm indifferent about, maybe because I don't know much about them. Centurions, no thank you


I may be totally wrong about the 2.0 marines. GW may do a fantastic job fluffing them into the story, and they may be a terrific unit. In that case I'll gladly eat my own words and hop onboard the Uber train. Everything else about 8th and the bumped story line I'm enjoying, but for whatever reason the 2.0s just aren't sitting well with me yet

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Guilleman may keep his 2.0 tacticals. DA will have a TDA-army anyway. Terminators stay as is, tactical get Tartaros armour and devastators/assaults get catapractii. Problem Ultra's?


I wouldn't worry to much, I guess it's more of an update for the models to get them up to the right scale. The story they can sell alongside it is just a bonus. I doubt the new marines will change as drastic as the RT-marines compared to the current line. See it as updated Deathwatch.

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I think we are straying from the topic... No matter what the relations between Primarchs were and will be, we have to wait for the release of the new Marines before hitting the panic button.  Chances are that the new Marines will be incorporated well into fluff, if not we will have to figure it out for ourselves. In the meantime, just enjouy the rumors about new edition with a salt shaker at hand.

The problem is that there are nomore giuys like Priestley and Chambers in GW...

The fluff from Gatherin Storm is terrible... I spend days to recover from the neural shock it caused to me (more or less like the Callidus neural gun)...

I am sure the fluff about the numareens will be terrible childish and ultracentric...

A good reason for me to stay faithfull to the REAL Astartes...

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If DA get a lot to pimp these 2.0, yeah why not.

Also the Lion should be the next loyalist primarch making an appearance, and it's something I will buy.

Let's just see how this will roll out.

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If DA get a lot to pimp these 2.0, yeah why not.

Also the Lion should be the next loyalist primarch making an appearance, and it's something I will buy.

Let's just see how this will roll out.

I dont think the Lion will come fast... That guy cheated on Cypher and didnt let him to talk with the Emperor...

One more reason to not trust that guy...

First he was "resurrected" by xenos sorcery

Second he cheated on Cypher...

Third he is messing with the SM creation process created by the Emperor...


One reason is enough to not trust him and he is giving us three or more...

I dont trust him... I will keep fighting in the name of the Emperor and not not in the name and following the orders of that guy...

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I don't understand the problems with the updated marines. There isn't much information available and all the rest are rumours, superstition and theories. Distrust for Guilliman isn't a valid reason to bash on the presumed lore for the marines, he isn't going to create them by himself after all. And he isn't going to replace his entire chapter for some new toys. All these pessimistic posts are useless, since nothing is even released yet! When we know everything, we can have a 'decent' discussion. No need to shoot down an evolution in lore/models/gameplay if we have barely any information available. 



If DA get a lot to pimp these 2.0, yeah why not.
Also the Lion should be the next loyalist primarch making an appearance, and it's something I will buy.
Let's just see how this will roll out.

I dont think the Lion will come fast... That guy cheated on Cypher and didnt let him to talk with the Emperor...

One more reason to not trust that guy...

First he was "resurrected" by xenos sorcery

Second he cheated on Cypher...

Third he is messing with the SM creation process created by the Emperor...


One reason is enough to not trust him and he is giving us three or more...

I dont trust him... I will keep fighting in the name of the Emperor and not not in the name and following the orders of that guy...



Now this is an odd post. Seems like you have personal grudge against Guilliman (yes, that is his name) for some reason.

1st point: True, some weird stuff went down during his resurrection. But I doubt they would revive a primarch to weaken the Imperium. Enemy of my enemy and all that stuff.

2nd point: You're mad because he cheated the arch enemy of the Dark Angels, the guy that wanted to take a sword within several metres of the emperor? 

3rd point: There isn't much left of the Emperor creations that hasn't been messed with. Even the beliefs of the current marines are a travesty to the Emperors vision, as Guilliman has noted. This dude actually had teaparties with the Emperor, would you trust him or the result 10.000 years of superstition?

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8th edition has me excited to dust off my DA and I have to say that while I'm weary of the new Marines, I'm sure if they contain the Lion's geneseed they will eventually be inducted into the ranks of the 1st Legion. It's about a brotherhood forged on the battlefield and if they carry their weight, I can see the Chapter accepting them, even if begrudgingly.

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Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, May 9, 2017 - Off Topic - not about DA and Marines 2.0
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, May 9, 2017 - Off Topic - not about DA and Marines 2.0

What I want to see in 8th is Tartaros Terminators, Cataphractii and Contemptors for all the first founding Chapters!


As for Marines 2.0 - I kinda feel they should somehow be linked to the living Primarch. As more Primarchs return, the Lion, Dorn, etc, more chapters gain access to them...

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Yes DA can accept and use the numareens if They are made with the Lion's geneseed but i doubt the first legion will totally accept them...

First the Legion is highly secretive and i doubt They will trust the same way a marines sent them by the blue guy than the marines we personally select to become part of the Legion...

Second the DA are the first legion and have a fetish for Ancient revered wargear... I highly doubt that the RW and DW (in particolar the latter) will discard the Ancient and revered TDA dating back to the days of the GC/HH to give the new bigger guys bigger brand new TDAs... So it's possible that the numareens will be never part of the DW and maybe RW and DA will continue to recruit by his own regular marines for that role...


my 2 cents

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I think old marines will be phased out by attrition. New marines becoming the norm. But that is far in the future, and won't be in the current time frame. I hope they're made in the rock rather than shipped via fed ex, that will be the only way for flawless integration. I doubt those locally made marines will have any loyalty to anyone other than the lion, the emperor, the unfirgiven, and azrael.
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I think old marines will be phased out by attrition. New marines becoming the norm. But that is far in the future, and won't be in the current time frame. I hope they're made in the rock rather than shipped via fed ex, that will be the only way for flawless integration. I doubt those locally made marines will have any loyalty to anyone other than the lion, the emperor, the unfirgiven, and azrael.

The problem is if these numareens are bigger than the norm they will not ve able to wear the DW armours and to ride into the RW veichles...

Being these things patterns unique to the DA there will be the problem to make new ones for the numareens...

This is Why i think that DA will continue to recruit normal marines and will use the numareens the smurf will send as main battle line (or cannon fodder if you like better)...

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The Chapters will likely be phased in over time. I expect that, as the new larger marine line is fleshed out with more and more model kits, the older smaller marine kits will be phased out until only the Chapter-specific kits remain, and then even those will go the way of the dodo, to be replaced with who knows what who knows when. If people like their marines looking more like marines in comparison to the scale of everything else, many will buy their armies all over again, though probably fewer models, as the price of these new kits will be more on par with those of Age of Sigmar. The only way I'll even consider doing this is if they release some Battleforce type boxes that are a good deal.

And we'll probably be seeing redesigned Rhino-class and Land Raider- class vehicles, in the new larger scale, in the not-too-distant future.

The unending string of expletives you keep hearing is just your wallet losing it's #$@!, that's all. tongue.png

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I think old marines will be phased out by attrition. New marines becoming the norm. But that is far in the future, and won't be in the current time frame. I hope they're made in the rock rather than shipped via fed ex, that will be the only way for flawless integration. I doubt those locally made marines will have any loyalty to anyone other than the lion, the emperor, the unfirgiven, and azrael.


Agreed, if GW wants to sell their new marines to every faction, they'l have to do something like that. Guilliman shares the improved methods for creating augmenting Space Marines and new armour, and everyone produces their own so they can bring the fight to the enemy. Otherwise we would have the Terrans-Calibanite issue again from the great crusade.



Edit: deleted ranting

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