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DA and Marines 2.0

Master Sheol

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I don't mind the Primaris fluff per se- having it take Cawl and his magos buddies 10k years to give minor upgrades to the SM really tells you how good the Emperor was when he managed to create the SM/TW/Custodes. He basically did all the major work himself and took much less time to completely invent them, rather than just improving. 


Do I think they work for any of the Unforgiven? Not a chance. There is no way they would be accepted by any of the Chapter Masters as true Unforgiven, no matter the time that they spend together. They have been raised in a way totally different to how the Unforgiven are, and are not to be trusted.


Do I think that the Unforgiven will accept them from Gulliman? Yes. The Inner Circle knows that refusing will cast suspicion upon the Unforgiven if the Primaris aren't allowed to join them. However, I believe that they will be relegated to duties similar to vanilla Greenwing members- kept very far away from anything that has to do with the Fallen.


I personally won't be getting any, as I'm a 30k guy, but I don't mind them that much.

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 Now the question is: do we get them coming straight from Mars or are the Primaris being "born" on the Rock, made by DA themselves. If the former ,they have DA gene-seed so that should make integration more easy. Worse case scenario they'll never achieve DW and they'll be treated like techmarines are.

If the later, then, no problems at all. They'll just be DA Hodors.

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The saddest thing is that we are probably never going to see those things we've been hoping for like a plastic Azreal or new robed veriants. I'm still little bummed that space marines have been superseded. Oh well let's see what happens.
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I don't se why this means no new azrael. Modified humans led astartes, look at Luther. Why can't an astartes lead a primaris? He doesn't need to be as big or strong, he's a centuries old chapter master. mean it's not like azrael is the leader of ALL the unforgiven. If we get new models, new azzy has my money as one of them, along with nakir


Edit: I think I read to much into what you meant. My apologies

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I just can't wait for the Lion to wake up and see what he makes of what Guilliman has done to the Imperium!


His reaction could be....interesting


Go Rogue and make the DA haters finally say we knew you were traitors all along?... No thanks... 


This is the one thing that would make me truly quit.


After years of utter crap its proved we are loyal.


Guilliman is loyal to his "Fathers" Imperium, just as the Lion is. 

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Right now i would not mind having Dorn coming back declare guilliman tainted and a traitor and start a civil war against him and his primaris marines.

I would love the BT never to be a thing... We don't always get what we want... smile.png

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I been thinking about the changes that Crawl has been able to pull out after 10k years and the one people are running with is he made changes to the process of creation better somehow, but what if the process hasn't been changed and instead the raw material is the defining difference.


Space marines are mass produced from compatible humans. A small margin of deviation is allowed in the process.

Custodes are created in a similar process with the process be altered slightly on a case by case, this allows for a better out come with harder process to difficult to run as mass produced.

What if all the work Crawl did was making a better neophyte. One that is 100% in line with the gene seed, allowing the full genetic potential to shine.

Designer Neophytes, tailored to each primarch.


What are your thoughts.

(Ps wanted to put this in the main thread but it got locked by some half crazed mod)

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What are your thoughts.

(Ps wanted to put this in the main thread but it got locked by some half crazed mod)

Its probably locked as people are claiming the sky is falling.

Maybe ill do a Primaris DA army.


Go for it.
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Still bugs me that Mk8 was never mass produced and now I think I know why... Mars was to busy using the materials for a Mk4/Mk8 variant to hold a new type of space marine, behold the Mk10, oh and a new bolter, excuse me rifle.


Does that mean you wont be buying a squad? Oh I never said that.

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From (rational) fluff perspective I think it's impossible for DA to integrate primaris into the chapter structrure. DA are super secretive and are very carefull with their neophytes slection, training and indoctrination process from the earliest stages of initiation. Hell, everyone knows DA fluff - how they are distrustfull of outside factions etc. And now (if?) they are about to take full grown uberSM into their ranks? I would totally see DA being one of those 'we're not interested' chapters as primaris were made in some unknown location with unknown means, by not Unforgiven. More than that - what's in their heads? Mayby they are imprinted with some secret time-triggered orders? etc

But I'm sure Gav Thorpe can write a perfect book how DA embraces these new generation of astartes.

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 Now the question is: do we get them coming straight from Mars or are the Primaris being "born" on the Rock, made by DA themselves. If the former ,they have DA gene-seed so that should make integration more easy. Worse case scenario they'll never achieve DW and they'll be treated like techmarines are.

If the later, then, no problems at all. They'll just be DA Hodors.


 From WH40k website:


"Some, Guilliman has forged into new Space Marine Chapters, whole brotherhoods comprised only of these new warriors. Others he has offered to the existing Space Marine Chapters. Many Chapter Masters have welcomed their Primaris brethren into their ranks, accepting the new reinforcements gladly. Others, though, view these new creations with suspicion or outright hostility, claiming that the Emperor’s work should not have been meddled with.


Though they are a step removed from their brothers, the Primaris Space Marines still bear the gene-seed of their Primarchs, and some dissenting voices worry how this new type of warrior will react with the known genetic quirks and flaws of some of the more unusual Chapters…"


Sounds like he has a pot of M2.0 to go round, and if he's been tapping the gene seed of the available Primarchs and (presumably) has the Lion's, then it sounds like he's got some Mars derived DA2.0 ready to go as well?


No idea how that's going to go down but I'm leaning towards the view that if he has, we'll take them to avoid raising eyebrows (although it reads as though some chapters aren't that happy about them anyway), and keep them at a long arms length from IC. Even if we get the recipe and start knocking them out on the Rock, could they step inside the Circle of Truth with regards to the Fallen? Possibly, it's just the same as new recruits of M1.0 at the end of the day, but I think the initial Mars batch will be viewed as outsiders at the least. 


I'll prob get a couple of squads for my Guardians all said and done.


EDIT: Sorry if that's bad form btw with the quotes from GW, not teaching anyone to suck eggs - I had to read it in detail to form a view is all!

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In part of the fluff for my successor chapter (the Night Angels), they learned that there are descendants of the Primarchs living within the Imperium, unaware of their august/dread heritage.  Having learned this, they actively seek them out, collecting and sheltering the descendants of the loyalist Primarchs, while extirpating the descendants of the traitor Primarchs.


I'm thinking of incorporating the NuMarines into my army by having my chapter's Apothecaries "activate" the heritage of the Primarch's descendants.  I'll use robed Night Angels to lead the squads of NuMarines.  The fluff will be that the chapter is placing picked heroes of the chapter to lead the squads of NuMarines/Primarch descendants, to shepherd them through their baptism by fire until they can rise to their full potential.

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Any Primarus we get are not going to change the status quo of the Unforgiven, they are barely a year out of their vats or whatever. 


Given the fact Librarians screen recruits I can't see why these would not be treated in the same way. 


The only reason for us to get upset is if they are forced into the Deathwing/Ravenwing.


Don't want to use them? Fine thats your bag. 


Me personally there are new Chapters being made, you can bet your ass some with have DA Genestock. :).... 


I am buying some and they will be of DA Geneseed...



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I don't see the problem with the inner circle. They all get screened by librarians, it would be silly to deny a capable warrior entry into the ranks of the rw/dw if he is truly loyal to the cause. It's not like they'll be told the whole truth anyways, just enough to execute their duties
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Where is the Rock right now anyway? We know that the Imperium is basically split in half by the warp rift, with Baal outside of the main Imperium, located in what now is being called the Dark Imperium. Is the Rock in the Imperium or Dark Imperium? That may influence the amount of SM2.0s they are able to receive.

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If GW will make proper DA variants (including RW and DW) of the numareenz and if the fluff will say that DA can recruit numareenz on the Rock i could get some...

If not i will continue to use the superior miniatures we ready have...

And if GW will phase out our model line no problem... I have 1 fullbatyle company and about half DW and half RW companies... ;)

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