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Not News! Speculation about IG revamp

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Let me start by making perfectly clear, this is not news/rumours, I don't want anyone's hopes up for nothing


Anyway, with the fall of Cadia, a new ruleset and the Imperial Guard plastic kits looking quite the worse for wear (Cadians and Catachan troopers anyway) it stands to reason that they'd probably be starting a new range soon: I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to how they could design one?


I was wondering if one of their starting boxes could have bodies with trenchcoats, with separate heads in different styles: bearskin (for Vostroyans), chapkas (for Valhallans), Gas-masks and helmets (for Armageddon Steel Legion and Death Korps of Krieg). Perhaps pairs of legs with caps could also fit with Mordians?


Perhaps another boxset could be organised to have bodies that would fit Catachans (bare arms) and Cadian Survivors (with the iconic helmets)? and perhaps some of the more feral/savage regiments?


I'm sure someone would be able to fit the Tallarn Desert Raiders in somewhere too.


This method would allow for people to make diversified Imperial Guard regiments with iconic gear from their respective worlds, and even mixed-world regiments as depicted in some sources (Gaunt's Ghosts for instance)


any additional thoughts ? :)

The Krieg kits from FW are ridiculously popular. The moulds are also totally bodged.

Armageddon is a big deal again now.

I think we'll see something similar to the Steel Legion or Krieg, with a bit more variety. Also special weapons on sprues etc.

THEN AGAIN - it's only the basic cadian/ catachan box that is super old. The command squad, Ogryns and all the other plastics are still. As are the Heavy Weapon teams... So who knows?

A man can also dream and hope they bring back a 20 man squad for £15.... teehee.gif

If they've not got rid of the Catachan kits yet, I don't see them getting rid of Cadians. The main argument against Cadians is that they're 'boring' whilst Catachans just look- yeah. Then again I also didn't expect them to chuck Tomb Kings in the bin so what do I know?

I could see them putting out a trenchcoat kit, but I wouldn't expect too much diversity. Maybe a couple of Sergeant/Officer heads that signify the difference between Death Korps and Steel Legion, but the rest are otherwise just repaints. Any more than that would either be driving up the cost - in what is already one of the most expensive armies to start - or going down the route of upgrade kits. As much as I love the idea of Black Templar-esq upgrade kits, I don't see them doing that just because Imperial Guard are not Space Marines.

What I THINK will happen is that we'll get an updated 'Cadian' box; respirator head options, new sergeant/lieutenant heads and the addition of plasma/meltaguns. They'll probably also rebrand them as generic Imperial Guardsmen rather than specifically Cadian.

A man can also dream and hope they bring back a 20 man squad for £15.... teehee.gif

The first 40k box I ever picked up and tried to buy was that original Cadian Shock Troop box because the artwork was so great. Every time I look at the range I cringe with a mixture of nostalgia and disdain whenever I see the difference in pricing versus models we get. After my young and naive self caved into the "h-hey kid, don't you want this Space Marine paint set instead?!" my first proper purchase were those. 20 for £15 seems (and was) so long ago now. Sigh.

Got interrupted and can't edit my previous post.


Cadian Kits are old, and I won't even mention Catachans, but I would like to see some Steel Legion.


Tempestus are nice but I would rather see a new Kaskrin kit to be honest, maybe the survivors of Cadia. I would buy the :cuss out of those.


Then again if it happens it will be later down the year after the NuMarines and Nuchaos marines hit the Shelves.

Till this day I'm waiting for my humans for AoS.

Hopefully they can change some of those regiments (Cadians again) for a more tactical force instead of just fooder.


We get it SM are the Elite, but there is the average Joe Vs the horrors of the galaxy appeal that should not be ignored.

After all they kept the Imperium together for 10k years.

I wouldn't look too deep into the Armageddon thing. The Imperial Guard got nothing in Fall of TheImperialGuardsPosterBoysPlanet afterall. Yarrick being part of a Triumvirate is the most I'm holding out for. I would like to be pleasantly surprised though.

I would love to add more Steel Legion troops to my ranks. I have so many of the cookie cutter poses that I would love some variety to my units. Alas this is a pipe dream until I see them hit the table. Oh how I would like it. I may just offer a few blood sacrifice for them.


I've been waiting a long time for the plastics to change. I will have to wait and see.

I think this is on the cards for a lot of races but they may go the nostalgia route and do the second ed Jes Goodwin concepts which wouldn't be a bad thing.


Cadians came about when they stepped away from the grim darkness and were trying to promote marines and guard as future sci-fi soldiers. I often wonder what would be if they had stuck with Jes Goodwins original ideas of the original guard and land raiders covered in rivets.

LOL, turns out Cadia's not as dead as we all thought;






I think this essentially confirms IG aren't getting any updates for some time...

WE should also keep in mind that, should GW make plastic versions of some of those other popular Regiments, they'll most likely have some subtle (or not-so-subtle) differences in details.


I recall when the plastic Cadians came out there were some people who lost their minds because the plastics didn't look EXACTLY like the old, metal figures.


Be careful what you wish for.

I thought the gear that Cadians use is the standard for guard, with the snowflake armies being different?


The "Ultramarines"/"Black Legion" of guard armies as it were.


It looks plausibly futuristic/modern as well as a throw back to wwi/ii/Korean war style.


It would be cool if they were redoing the kit to have more face mask options.

I thought the gear that Cadians use is the standard for guard, with the snowflake armies being different?




I just want to be able to outfit my troops in respirators without forking out more money than what a whole Infantry Squad kit costs.

We've discussed a possible reboot, and what level of re-bootage may happen.


At this point, I would hazard a guess that the launch of 8th will see disappointingly little change from we have now...other than points adjustments, game mechanics, and special rules making IG actually able to hold its own. When the Battletome/Codex thingy rolls around, I would imagine it's timed with new kits (if they ever come).


Cadia-pattern Infantry Squad

--comes with several different head types: iconic, hazardous, bare-headed

Command Team/Hazardous Environment squad/Special weapons squad

--includes greatcloaks and robes to make officers, commissars, priests, psykers. Also not-so-subtly provided so that those who want to use the bits to make entire armies of Krieg/Armageddon/etc... can buy more of the kits

--includes lots uniform-torsos to make Moridans out of

Drop Troop squad

--a "new" Elites unit type in the Codex that basically turns Elysians into a unit type that can be taken in any army

Regimental upgrade sprues:

--Catachan: biceps, bandanas, blades

--Vostroyan: cossak hats and stuff

--Tallarn: shemagh, curved blades, badassery


something like that. The safest bet would just be the upgrade sprues for several of the big ones. Speaking of which....what would we say are the "Big Four" IG Regiments? For SM it's: Ultramarines, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels.


1. Cadia

2. Catachan

3. Armageddon

4. ???

While I would love to see box sets along the lines of what you describe, Indefragable, Guard players have been postulating/wishlisting such kits since 3rd edition. So I am pessimistic. Given all the third party bitz sites the market is definitely there and this would be relatively easy for GW to pull off but for whatever reason they never have.

While I would love to see box sets along the lines of what you describe, Indefragable, Guard players have been postulating/wishlisting such kits since 3rd edition. So I am pessimistic. Given all the third party bitz sites the market is definitely there and this would be relatively easy for GW to pull off but for whatever reason they never have.

Yes I stopped playing in 3rd just after the plastic cadians and catachans were released. I have to admit when I started back up I was disappointed to see 15yrs later nothing had changed in their line up...


But this is exciting times for the company

You want guardsman? Nonsense! Have bigger Marines instead!


I said it before and I'll say it again , plastic Kasrkin is money waiting to be made.


True, but ... when I attend a tournament of 40 people and see 2 Guard armies and about 25-30 Space Marine armies, I think I understand why GW continued to give all the love to marines. While there is money to be made in expanding the Guard line, it still doesn't compare to anything marine.


I'd love if GW did do the stuff we wishlist here, but there is so much great 3rd party Guard stuff out there that it may be a blessing in disguise that they haven't supported Guard more.


But this is exciting times for the company



Yeah, this really does seem to be "the new GW" and observing how they've been dealing with the Blood Bowl re-release, gives me a little more optimism than I'd normally have about Guard model releases. Time will tell.

I mentioned this some months ago in a different thread but I think it's just as plausible now. I think GW had those limited runs of metal, old-school regiments to gauge economic interest in a new line of plastics. I think whatever regiment sold the fastest indicated to them which one to "reboot" in plastic.

I mentioned this some months ago in a different thread but I think it's just as plausible now. I think GW had those limited runs of metal, old-school regiments to gauge economic interest in a new line of plastics. I think whatever regiment sold the fastest indicated to them which one to "reboot" in plastic.

But in that reasoning is a flaw... what about all the modelers in this camp.." i really love those +insert favourite model here+ models but i won't buy em in metal,although if they were in plastic?... huh.png

i just hope that those metal lovers out there bought the stuff we really want to come out in plastic sweat.gif .


It's another catch 22 at this point, like so many other armies and kits currently trapped in an odd sort of Limbo. GW see that no-one is buying a kit and think it's unpopular, so have no desire to invest money into upgrading it. All the players are wanting said kit but it's so old / ugly / expensive at this point that they don't buy it. Just because no-one is currently buying Catachan squads (because... you know...) or spending £70 on a single squad of metal sisters doesn't mean that they are unpopular. If a new guard kit of plastic sisters did come out it would be a huge seller.


There is hope with the new GW actually asking players what they want. We have plastic Genestealer cultists now, the skies the limit!

I think we should go on to FB page, since it's the easiest place to do so, and write a decent post about wanting plastic Kasrskin.(or whatevs, just an example)


The instead of just spamming just add to your comments on to that post showing your interest.

If anyone is willing to do it just share the link here :)


That way we are giving feedback without being annoying.


I like my Templars a lot, but I would rather have a new cool guard line than SM currently.


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