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8th Ed: Chaos and Keywords

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Given that they have shown the Imperial faction, other than daemons who would the most likely candidates for an "alliance of evil" based on this?


Trying to weight up if it is worth trying chaos marines for 8th.

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To give you an example in AoS

blood warriors have Chaos, Mortal, Khorne,Bloodbound, blood warriors


And Tzaangors have Chaos, Gor, Tzeentch, Arcanite, Tzaangor


So in a Chaos army can have both special rules that affect keyword "chaos" have an effect on both but then it can get more specific and complicated.


If you had a FOC of one HQ and two troops affected keyword "chaos" and you took a Tzaangor Shaman, blood warriors and Tzaangors the FOC could give a benefit to all three but the Tzaangor Shaman would only effect the Tzaangors.


So you can add all sorts of guys but there is definitely a boon to getting into specific units and themes. Since so many otger rules have been ported from AoS to newhammer i dont expect it to be any different.

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Right now,  I'd just put money down on CSM's + Daemons + Khornekin.

FW *says* they're going to get rules out for their stuff,  but I don't think anyone knows if it's going to be right at launch day or not?


Would be nice though if GW proper would FINALLY! give us proper Traitor Guard,  especially considering their hinting at 8th ed seeing the release of brand new armies! ;)

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I'm wondering if they will add the likes of Orks or any other races into some sort of dark alliance type key word that includes Chaos.

I incredibly highly doubt it. I assume there will still be allied detachment from what we have seen. So they would probably keep the allies of convenience slot. We still know that SM and AM can work together as imperial faction, so I assume there will be imperial, chaos, eldar, ork, tau, necron factions still. What this could potentially mean is that all chaos daemon and chaos marine factions can work together well like KDK too... which would be F'n amazing.


If my Thousand Son sorcerers on disks could join units of screamers, or my chaos lords could join units of furies... oh the things I could do...

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I can imagine a "Xenos" keyword but with each race having additional keyword to narrow it, to allow deathwatch for example to have effects against all Xenos.


Re: chaos I can see Daemon, each of the legions, gods and so on, although aside from 1k sons and death guard some of the legions may not get keywords at launch.


There may also be some broader keywords like infantry, jump and so on that will have universal effects across all armies.

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They are pushing that they have extensively playtested every unit in the game for 8th using their new rules.


Since they've never really said that before, and it's backed by 'top tournament organizers and podcast teams" etc, I think it's a safe bet that any army is viable.. Including chaos


I am pretty trusting on this one.

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Gotta agree with Archaeinox on this. GW didn't just do thsi in house...they actually reached out and asked for outside help on this to people who actually care about the game.


For anyone who has been involved with this game for a period of time, this is a huge step and a shake up from previous 40k editions.

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They are pushing that they have extensively playtested every unit in the game for 8th using their new rules.


Since they've never really said that before, and it's backed by 'top tournament organizers and podcast teams" etc, I think it's a safe bet that any army is viable.. Including chaos


I am pretty trusting on this one.


hear hear!  I agree with that. 


Its a huge occurrence since there is not precedent for it in GW so lets hope it turns out well ;-) 

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Yeah I think renegade guard is a fair bet. If GW/FW as a whole can accept that space marines and imperial guard fight alongside each other and share keywords, it would be pretty stupid design to deny that to chaos. No matter what army composition rules we end up getting, there will be min/maxing and such, so hamstringing creative and thematic listbuilding would be weaksauce.

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WHFB was literally the guinea pig for this with age of sigmar. Lets all have a moment of silence as we say thanks to its sacrifice to bring us this bountifully blessed system that is 8th ed.


That is really because WHFB literally accounted for single digit percentage of the overall revenue that GW brought in, lower even than paints. I have no doubt in my mind that if AoS did not work out that they would have dropped WHFB. The new CEO took a chance and its working out for them. They are finally realizing that listening to the customers really does pay off.


That being said I will sacrifice untold millions of souls to chaos if GW gives me some traitor guard love. One can only hope that all of chaos will get some love from daemons to the legions, to the renegade guard units. To be able to field a truly chaos army would be awesome and maybe even get me to buy some daemon models to boot.

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I'm just happy because keywords mean that things won't have to explicitly call out stuff in other books. For instance, a nurgle bonus will just apply to Nurgle units, Chaos to Chaos, Marines to Marines, Daemons to Daemons, and so forth, without having weird exceptions because, for example, this Berzerker comes from a different book than that one.

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