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Nemesis Dreadknights


It is a truth reluctantly acknowledged by the Grey Knights that valor, purity of spirit, and battle-skill can only carry a warrior so far in single combat with a Greater Daemon of Chaos.  After all, such diabolic monstrosities tower over even Terminators, and even the weakest wield the raw might of more than a dozen Space Marines.  Yet it is often necessary that such hellspawn be faced down and destroyed, not by an entire Brotherhood of Grey Knights, nor a score of Terminators, nor even a squad of Purifiers, but by a single valiant hero of the Chapter.  For such desperate times was the Nemesis Dreadknight forged.
​A Nemesis Dreadknight is a marvel of technology.  At its indomitable heart is an avamantium-alloy skeleton, whose great limbs are given life by a compact but powerful plasma reactor.  Over this are layered a series of bonded-ceramite plates and armored control linkages.
Once a Grey Knight is strapped into the command harness on the Dreadknight's front, synaptic implants give him complete control of the machine's limbs and weapon systems - essentially granting him a surrogate body far mightier and more durable than his own.  When matched with the Nemesis Dreadknight's devastating weapon systems and the all but impenetrable force field that protects the otherwise exposed pilot, this combination serves to elevate the Grey Knight's combat abilities to a point where he can withstand the blows of even the mightiest Greater Daemon, and unleash a fearsome counterattack in reply.
Is the technology that drives the Nemesis Dreadknight a fragment of Mankind's lost knowledge, preserved through the Dark Age of Technology and the terrible times since?  Or do its origins owe more to alien influence?  Either way, the Grey Knights hold their peace, and seem determined never to share their secrets.  Few organizations in the Imperium could afford such an attitude, for it would bring them four-square into conflict with the edicts of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and indeed the principles under which all of Mankind's military is supplied.  However, the Grey Knights answer only to the Inquisition, and so stand apart from such pettifogging politics.
It would doubtless suit the Grey Knights to have every battle-brother take to the field aboard a Nemesis Dreadknight.  Alas not all Grey Knights have the strength of mind and subtlety of reaction required to master the exoskeleton's many combat stances.  Only a very few battle-brothers show enough aptitude to begin the training, let alone be deemed fit to control such a weapon in the heat of battle.  So it is that Nemesis Dreadknight pilots are amongst the Grey Knights' most honored warriors, for they have mastered skills that are the envy of their brethren.  But such honor is perilous, for it brings with it assignment to the most dangerous of all quests.  Whilst other warriors would perhaps shirk such a brutal path, Nemesis Dreadknight pilots embrace it, knowing that each trial furnishes them with new knowledge and skills.  Thus is the Dreadknight honed until it is one of the sharpest blades in the Emperor's hand.  For a Grey Knight, there can be no greater honor.

This thread is dedicated to the Nemesis Dreadknights of the Grey Knights Chapter.   Members of Titan are encouraged to post pictures of their own Nemesis Dreadknights, provide their own fan-made fluff for them, and, once 9th edition is released, to share their preferred Tactics, Tips, and Tricks related to using them in games of Warhammer 40k.
EDIT:  Please post pics of your completed models here; Work in Progress photos can go in the Halls of Titan thread, instead.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...

This is my WIP GMDK - not a huge fan of the baby-carrier look so am trying to make a 'knight/dreadnought' version - old warrior, entombed in sarcophagus yadda yadda.

Always thought that 'if I were using one of these', I'd be stomping on infantry all day long, (bit like the rules for the WFB Giant back in the 90ties)


  • 4 weeks later...

Eventually I realised that I didn't upload my work. In particular I don't like GK dreadknight version, so I modified my DKs (Now GMDKs) as DK MARK II as follows:


Firstly I took the inquisition dreddy body and managed to cut it and insert in the DK body





Then I completed my GMDKs with some iron halo and a not-chaotic head of defiler and a little modification of the position for one of them.




In a first moment my GK were white, but the emperor appeared me and made me change my mind. So now I have right color GK and GMDK


  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...



Dreadknight SMASH!


Now this was a lot of fun to make! The miniature is certainly not built for doing an overhead swing, so it took several hours of cutting, adjusting and stuffing gaps with green stuff to make this pose work.

Very cool! Could we see some more angles? Interested in how you fixed the arms and hands.


Sure! Here's a side view. You may notice something odd is going on with the shoulder ...



I had to move the whole shoulder forward to get around the the brother-captain, and filled the space with milliput. This is what it looks up close.




I cut off a lot of material on the inside of the upper arms and the shoulder and test-fitted a lot, until I could bring both arms up above the head. To make the sword fit, I cut it off below the guard, positioned the bottom hand first, then fiddled the top one in (the psylencer does a perfect job of hiding the mess I made!) and attached the blade on top, as much in line with the grip as possible.



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