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[Iron Gauntlet 2017] The Emperor's Vengeance *WIP*

Brother Emund

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OK. Here goes.

This Chapter has a decidedly dodgy history which is shrouded in secrecy (and probably a little shame). Rather than put ** CLASSIFIED ** in every section, I hereby (by the power invested in me by the Holy Inquisition), do give you all Vermillion level clearance to read on...

* * *

The Emperor's Vengeance

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Emperor's Vengeance

Close Assault Marine - 4th Company "Colichemarde"

Date:...............750 .M41


By:..................Brother Emund

Re:..................Adeptus Astartes - The Emperor's Vengeance

Thought:........ There is nothing more satisfying than forcing a blade through a ribcage

The Emperor's Vengeance is a non-Codex compliant and secretive Chapter, locked in perpetual conflict in the dread area known as the Ghoul Stars.


Chapter Name: .......... ....................................The Emperor's Vengeance

Founding: ......................................................Unknown

Progenitor Legion/Chapter: ..............................Unknown

Primarch:....................................................... Unknown

Chapter Designation: ......................................249th

Chapter World: ..............................................Pindarus

Fortress Monastery: .......................................The Blade

Chapter Master: ............................................ Tauri Epamedius

Notable Characters: .......................................Chapter Master Glaros, Captain Anselm, Venerable Brother (Vidmunt) Maignart

Battle Cry: ....................................................."My Honour is my Loyalty", Xenos Absolutum", "Forwards to Glory"

* * *


Steady as she goes helm.”

The Dictator-Class Cruiser “Tor Garnett” gave an imperceptible shudder as it slowly entered the cloud of space debris that lay before them like a grey curtain. The shields were at full and it slowly eased aside the fragments like a tidal flow on a still river.

"Aye, course holding, steady as she goes, Sir."

Rear-Admiral Torvez Skarstein swivelled around in his command chair and scrutinised the faces of the crew around him. Most of them were locked in various positions of concentration, heavily involved in the minutiae that made the ship run so efficiently; others were in animated conversation with menials and runners. It was all running as smoothly as he could hope for, but there was something there under the surface, an uncertainty that he had not seen before.

He had commanded this crew many times before. When he was assigned to this Fleet he preferred to transfer his flag to this ship rather than any other. He knew most of the Command cadre by name and they had all served him well over the years, but on this trip, something had changed. He spared the ship's Captain a cursory glance. Drac Lareson, the stoic and dependable, fifty-nine-year-old Navy stalwart with a hundred actions under his belt was sweating profusely. The light grey uniform tunic he was wearing was stained around the armpits and back. This was most unusual for a career officer with a solid head and indubitable courage.

The whole crew was tense, and he could almost taste their uneasiness in the air. They were entering the unknown and far from the comfort of Imperial shipping lanes. This area of space marked 'Ignotumque - Uncharted' on the map, had been cut off by warp storms for nearly a thousand years. No Exploration Fleet had ever tried to penetrate its depths until now. The whole crew was on edge and their nerves stretched to breaking point.

He was not worried about the prospect of moving on into the beyond, he had, after all, been cut off in the warp enough times during his time in the Navy, and knew that feeling of helplessness that goes with it. What worried him was the fact that the light of the Astronomican was barely visible out here, and he always comforted himself with the knowledge that he could trace a line back to Holy Terra, and that meant comparative safety.

He checked his monitor. They were entering a section of The Ghoul Stars, or the Ghost Stars, depending on your point of view, where only the hardiest of souls ventured. They were at the farthest reaches of the Imperium and he was not sure that whatever was out there was friendly. It was a risk he was willing to take.

Emperor save us, even the names of this region send shivers down my spine...

This was the furthest point that any of them had ever travelled. Beyond them was darkness and the unknown. He hoped that they might find someone out here on the frontier, but it was so far out, so far beyond the safety and light of the Imperium.

He knew that the word of Man had ventured beyond this point a long time ago, but this region had been cut off by warp storms for as long as anyone could remember and any contact with whoever might be out there had been lost.
He had heard of the lost ships and the fleets that never returned. He had heard of shadows on the outer rim, and rumours of a creeping menace.

Bedtime fables he scoffed, mothers stories to make their children sleep.


He put the crews fear behind him and thought about his own needs. He had not slept for eighteen hours, and despite his enhanced physiology, he was not a Space Marine. He needed some well-earned rest.

“My eyes are about to explode,’ he said quickly as he turned to his deck commander. ‘Captain Lareson, you have control of your helm. I am going to get my head down for a while. Only wake me if the Emperor himself turns up for dinner”.

As he stood up a few heads turned towards him. Nothing was said, but he realised that the last phrase might be a little heretical to the more pious amongst them, so he made the sign of the Aquila and muttered a quick litany of forgiveness... just in case.

Lareson, now free from the Admirals restraints resumed command. He turned to a black-uniformed pilot who was in deep conversation with a female Tactical Notitia Lector.
“Squadron Commander Robson?”, he said, clearing his throat. The tall, handsome pilot straightened up and unconsciously pulled down the front of his jacket.
“Have some of your scouts bring in samples of that pile of rock out there. I want to know why it is playing merry Hel with our Auspex”
“Right away, Sir”

Lareson had saved his famous blood-freezing
stares for the female Tactical analyst.
“Ensign Moran. Fleet tunics have buttons that do up at the neck. See that it is done as per Regulations in future”.

* * *

One hour later Admiral Skarstein was tactfully woken up.

"What do you mean it is mainly biomass in nature?"

TheMechanicum Artisan stepped back from the command dais and spared the small group of Mechanicum Adepts a quick glance. The senior Genetor gave him a binary spurt and nodded his head.

+ I will deal with this. These Humans do not have the same cognitive aptitude as us. I will have to explicate in more detail +

Genetor Ijendu-Obinna was a two-hundred-year-old Xenos Physiologia Specialitas who had been studying alien life-forms and alien anatomy for as long as he could remember.

They had discovered something interesting after the scouts return but he had seen this before, many times in fact and some would add, with more frequency than before. So why did the tiny portion of Humanity that he still retained give off primitive danger responses to his brain, which in turn, triggered an increase in adrenaline levels?

He had not felt such unease in a long time.

+ Note: Run diagnostic on Hypothalamus. Unusual levels of adrenaline associated with the fear response +

He gave a formal bow towards the command throne.

“AdmiralTorvez Skarstein, our conclusions are exact. The ‘debris’ out there is made up primarily of inert biomass…”
“Dead biomass.”

Skarstein stood up and turned his back on the Mechanicum contingent. His straightened his shoulders and crossed his hands behind the small of his back.
“It covers rather a lot of space, wouldn't you say, Genetor?”
“Approximately ten thousand square kilometres. There is something else…”
“Go on”
“We have observed … structures within the biomass.”

Skarstein turned around his face flush and red. He hated these half-men, half-machines with a passion... and he trusted them even less. Anyone who voluntarily removed parts of their body and replaced them with artificial additions was an anathema to him. He looked down at his own right hand and made a fist. He had lost it ten years ago to an Ork cleaver and he had never quite accepted his augmentic one. Captain Lareson stepped in between them.

Genetor. If there is something more, then please tell us”
“Of course... Captain. We have also found Imperium markers.”

* * *

Skarstein called a Command Meeting on one of the small shuttle decks. It was unusual, but he had decided that all those who needed to know should be present to hear the facts. He wanted them to be told officially and not by the rumour mill, which was always a constant thorn in his side.

All of the fleet Captains were there including representatives of the Mechanicum, Departmento Munitorum and the Adminisratum. A small Auditorium had been made to accommodate the hundred or so in attendance.
He had taken a back seat and letLareson take the lead.

“We have confirmed,’ Lareson began. ‘That the Biomass that dominates this region is of the Xenos species designated Tyranicus, or more commonly referred to as the Tyranids.”

A rumble of mutterings broke out as the news was heard for the first time. Several of the more dramatically-posed amongst them wrung their hands and shook their heads vigorously. Skarstein gave them an undisguised sneer.

After a minute or so, the noise gradually died down and silence befell the hanger once more.

"The biomass was destroyed by a combination of heavy lasers, torpedoes and..."
Lareson pointed at a tall, gangly Fleet officer sitting near the back of the audience.

“As the Admiral’s representative, I recognise Captain Atold Urdina of the Munitorum ship The Galahad.”

The tall man stood up. He had tucked his thumbs under the lapels of his frock coat and bobbed from side to side to give the appearance that he was an important figure amongst those that were gathered.

Skarstein rolled his eyes and spared Lareson a glance.

Skarstein’s body language said it all. Do not let this prig talk for too long. Skarstein gave an almost imperceptible nod.

Yes Captain… Urdina, you have something to say?”
“You mention Tyranid as if it was the most natural thing in the Universe, a minor thing, an inconvenience”.

A few of the faces around him shook their heads in agreement.
“I for one have met these… abominations and barely escaped with my life. I for one, never wish to have any dealings with them again.”

There was more mumbled agreement.

“We are an exploratory Fleet, not a battle fleet; our contracts did not mention anything about mixing it with these…”
“I am reliably informed,’ clippedLareson, ‘that these abominations, as you call them, are all dead. This appears to be the remains of a small Hive ship and it has been completely destroyed.”
“Not completely.”Someone added, which was followed by an outbreak of forced laughs.
"May I remind you all that you are under Navy Command and that any contracts that you might think you have are overridden by any exigency that might occur"?

There were a few mutterings, but when Lareson switched on the Hololith projector, the dissension abruptly stopped.
A ragged piece of metal appeared, floating in the middle of the Auditorium.

“We also found this”. The image became clearer and crisper and appeared to zoom in on some markings.
“Space junk!”
Urdina’s ship!”
“It bears an Imperial Aquila?”
“Yes, some of the other debris is definitely of Imperial origin. This is
from a fin-stabiliser
on a Night Hawk escort fighter”
"Night Hawk?,' said a proto-Navigator wearing the crimson robes of House Mercator, a mysterious Navis Nobilite clan. 'Night Hawks are an obsolete design and have not been in Imperial service for..."
"Approximately half a Millennia" added his colleague, a short female wearing a golden bandana across her forehead.
"Nevertheless,'Lareson continued. ' This has been identified as such."
“Out here?”
“Yes, out here.”

An Imperial Guard Colonel, resplendent in an ultramarine blue full dress uniform raised a hand.
"ColonelYerdan,' Admiral Skarstein smiled, nodding respectively at his long-time friend. 'What are your thoughts please."
The grizzled officer gave a low bow and opened his arms wide. "Could this be a sign that there are, as we have suspected all along, Imperium outposts out here after all and they are not lost?”

A sharp crack echoed around the shuttle bay as the far entrance suddenly opened. The dull orange light from beyond was blocked out by a body of men who entered the chamber.

"Noble Raysul,' Captain Lareson hailed as he moved to the centre of the Auditorium. 'I was unaware that the Adeptus Telepathica were interested..."

A line of Armsmen carrying power mauls and shotguns had marched in and began lining each side of the bay. Standing before them, leaning heavily on a long brass staff was the bent figure of the ship's Astropath. His hood was pulled back revealing a pinched, haggard face. His eyeless sockets stared back at them like burnt holes on white parchment.

But the gathered Captains were not looking at this lonely figure, they were staring at the person who now walked in behind him. A deep, baritone voice boomed out, magnified by the hollows and voids in the chamber.

"Leave now. Return to your ships and await further instructions."

This was not a request. This was an order which was to be obeyed without question, by someone who was never ignored.

The bay cleared quickly, leaving only the Admiral, Captain Lareson and the Mechanicum Genetor standing by the Hololith. A minute later, on some unheard order, the Armsmen also left and the door slammed shut again.

"Sergeant Vaveld,' sighed the Admiral. 'This is an unexpected surprise. To what do we owe the pleasure?"
Towering over them in yellow power armour with the white armoured gauntlet emblem on his left Pauldron, was a Space Marine of the Imperial Fists Chapter. For few seconds he surveyed the room, scanning its recesses with his internal sensors.

When he was satisfied they were alone, he removed his helmet.

A surprisingly handsome face was revealed. This was a moving-picture-stars face, and not that of a gene-bred killer. He had a single service stud embedded into his forehead which marked him out as a seasoned veteran.

With a whispered command, two other marines stepped into the light, each carrying a bolter at high-port.

He pressed a command stud on his wrist and the Hololith changed to a line of jumbled images.

"Sergeant Vaveld...” Lareson began. The Marine held up a hand. Silence was non-negotiable.
The Astropath coughed and then began, his voice almost a rasp.
"The Astropathic Choir has picked up an anomaly."
"We have picked up a transmission from deep within this system and, possibly from the far side and beyond." The Astropath paused, waiting for the customary interruption from the ship’s Captain.
When this was not forthcoming he pointed his staff at the symbols.

"To your eyes, these are symbols, random perhaps, unusual even. To us in the Adeptus Telepathica, this is a message. We use symbols when we project messages..."

The Space marine coughed. It was subtle, but it stopped the Astropath from continuing with his current strand.
"This is a message from one choir to another. It is encrypted, but we do know that it is used by... Adeptus Astartes."

TheGenetor Ijendu-Obinna spurted some binary but stopped abruptly when SergeantVaveld wagged one of his gauntleted fingers.
"We are shielded. Save your communications until after this meeting. Understood?"

The Mechanicum Genetor was unused to such intrusion or being caught out like this by a... Organic.

A plague on Adeptus Astarte’s and their mistrust of everything and everyone.

+Note: Formulate scan of shuttle Bay to locate inhibitors. Interesting. We did not detect their signals on initial entry+

Untit-tur bowed awkwardly.
"I live to serve... the Emperor."

Admiral Skarstein smiled at the rebuff, and with a wisp of his hand, he bade the Astropath continue.

"It is hard to decipher,' continued the old man, ' and the main crux of the message is not clear. However, one thing we do know and is corroborated by Sergeant Vaveld is that one of these symbols represents the originating Astartes Chapter."
"The white disk with the three red stars,' addedVaveld, 'Is a Chapter symbol. The white disk represents a large gas giant and the three red stars in a triangular formation can be seen in the skies above Pindarus, a planet in the Grides System. This is the Chapter symbol of The Emperor's Vengeance Chapter."

* * *

Squadron Commander Simone Robson was sure that his Viper-class scout sloop had not been detected. Weighing in at 4.9 megatonnes and just under a kilometre from bow to stern, it gave off no discernible signals. He knew that he could penetrate virtually any defence system and was a master of his trade.

They had just left a massive Orbital Defence Platform behind them and were already approaching the upper atmosphere of the planet below. Robson noted that the inhabitants below appeared to live in virtual darkness as its nearest stars were blocked by the huge gas giant.

He thought that it must also be dreadfully cold.

"We have our first visual of the surface, Sir."
The main viewing screen flickered into life revealing a sea of black with a billion lights at its centre.
“What is that?” Robson asked, trying to work out what he was seeing before him.
“A Hive, a mega-hive sir’ said the junior officer pointing at the screen, ‘With several smaller Hives linked to it by what looks like main highways. The one to the north is about one hundred kilometres long.”
Robson turned to his deck officers.
“Any thoughts, anyone?”
“Standard Imperial lay-out, Sir.”
“We are all in agreement then?”
There was a series of affirmatives. Robson raised an eyebrow then turned to the rest of the crew.
“Get as much information as you can, and then let’s get out of here.”

Chapters Origins

"Brothers, failure is not an option here. If we fall back, the line will collapse. If the line collapses, the front collapses. If the front collapses, this continent will be overrun.
We have nowhere else to go Brothers. We hold here or die trying…."

Attributed to Captain Anselm of the Haftel Company during the siege of Casperis

* * *

The Emperor's Vengeance Chapter was rediscovered three hundred and ninety-five standard years ago, after being cut off by warp storms that ravaged that particular part of the system for nearly half a Millennia.

When the Astropathic Choir of the Exploration Fleet Novius intercepted messages encrypted with Astartes protocols, a scout ship was dispatched to the location. When Imperial facilities were discovered, the Administratum was duly informed and an Interrogator team from the Ordo Hereticus, accompanied by assault units of the Adepta Sororitas, were dispatched to the system.

After exhaustive tests, this lost Chapter was found to be free of the taint of Chaos, and unaffected by their isolation. In fact, they flourished in a system ravaged by internecine warfare and repeated incursions by Xenos infiltrators.

Their battle skills, honed to a fine edge during countless encounters with the Emperor’s enemies and fought in Humanity's name, make the Emperor's Vengeance a worthy addition to the other Adeptus Astartes Chapters.

Their loyalty to humanity and our beloved Emperor is of no doubt.

They were subsequently re-designated the 249th Chapter “The Emperor's Vengeance”.

There is great speculation as to where the Emperor's Vengeance gene-seed originated from. The gene code markers are confusing and the original progenitor Legion cannot be verified. The gene stock may even be a mix of two Legions or Chapters. Again, this cannot be verified.* (Note: EMU/add/001: See Gene-seed section)


"Codex, What is this thing you keep speak of? We have no need for books, charts and lists to abide by, we were absolutely fine before you arrived and began to preach..."

Battle-Sergeant Rushton, "The Hammer of Belhus"

The Emperor’s Vengeance is a notoriously reticent Chapter who do not give up their secrets easily.

It was never a Codex-Compliant Chapter and there has always been some confusion over the Chapters organisation and numbers. One would think that the Codex was only a guide and that minor transgressions would be and are often overlooked. That being the case, despite many audits and examinations, they do not appear to have been sanctioned for any transgressions.

(Note: These are the best estimates to date, but might even be out of date in the short time I have taken to produce my findings – EMU/ addition/1A)

The Battle Companies

Chapter Master

The current Chapter Master is Tauri Epamedius, who was previously the Captain of the 1st Company. His predecessor was Chapter Master Archambault who was killed in action during the cleansing and subsequent destruction of the Ork Rok Tuffnutt.

Epamedius, also known as The Master of the Northern Watches, is a two-hundred-year-old veteran who was previously the Chapter Masters Swordsman of the Watch and leader of the Mur d'acier Terminator squads.

Epamedius was recruited from the Deathword Muria, in the Encore System. He is a surly, expressionless character who is very hard to read (* EMU/ addition/1B: and speak to).


I have checked the archives and ancient records and have discovered that each company is named after a weapon from antiquity.

1st Company, "The Goupillon"
Traditionally, this is the Veteran Company which also houses the Chapters Terminator Squads. The exact number of Terminators is unknown and is deliberately kept secret for security reasons. What is known is that there are always at least 2 full squads of Terminators garrisoned within the Chapter Monastery.

3rd Squad, 1st Company, "The Falchion", is traditionally the Chapter Masters Personal Bodyguard. To be eligible for The Falchion, a Marine must have served at least seventy years’ active service and hold a rare Weapon of Lore. These weapons are very rare close combat weapons that have been passed down for generations, Marine to Marine. These weapons can be thousands of years old and are revered by the Chapter.

To lose one of these weapons is a great disgrace and would effectively end a marine’s service. Those Marines that were unfortunate to do so are stripped of their Chapter regalia and banished to one of the many Deathworlds. Here, they spend the rest of their days spreading the Emperor’s word to the ignorant and unworthy.

They never return.

2nd Company, "The Plancon"
Assault Company

3rd Company, "The Morning Star"
Assault Company

4th Company, "The Fauchard"
Tactical Company

5th Company, "The Guisarme"
Tactical Company

6th Company, "The Naginata"
Tactical Company

7th Company "Makhaira", currently on a Penance Crusade.

8th Company, "The Bardiche"

(NB: EMU/ addition/1C): I have also read battle reports from units called ‘The Maul’, ‘Anelace’ and ‘Pierrier’, but cannot find out any more about them or where they are? These after-action reports are significant conflicts involving numerous squads and potent firepower and casualty lists. Again, I cannot verify if these units are part of the current Companies or are additional units.

9th Company, "The Trebuchet"

10th Company

Marine Scout Company and training cadre


Numbers - Classified

Notable Positions within the Chapter

Swordsman of the Watch

This is the Chapter Masters personal bodyguard and Champion. This is the highest position within the Chapter save the Master himself. The swordsman is the Masters shadow and will protect him with his life. The Swordsman never leaves his side so is privy to the inner most secrets of the Chapter. If he survives this prestigious task, the Swordsman will generally, though not always, take over the title of Chapter Master.

Loremaster and Keeper of the Truth

Usually the senior Chaplain and a veteran, The Loremaster protects the history of the Chapter and some would also say that he protects its hidden secrets. Only he and the Chapter Master know the Emperor’s Vengeance lineage back to the Heresy.

Master of the Blade

This is a veteran Marine who has excelled in close combat. Skilled in his own right but also taught by the very best, including Brothers from other Chapters, The Master protects and maintains the weapons of the Chapter and teaches their ways. Traditionally, he carries võidukas, The Vanquisher, a massive double-handed power sword.

Master of the Ordnance

Usually, a Techmarine who works with a Mechanicum cadre, The Master is responsible for the manufacture and testing of all forms of weaponry including new and untested weapons and ordnance.

* * *

Interactions/ Relationships with other branches of the Imperium

Adeptus Astartes

The Emperor's Vengeance are amenable towards other Chapters and will often lend cadres or individuals with specific expertise in aspects of warfare. They are friendly with The Death Spectres Chapter and have fought alongside them in numerous actions.

They tolerate the company of Space Wolves if the need should arise. However, there is no love loss between them and when units meet there are always minor conflicts of honour where one Champion will challenge another. Allegedly, blood has been spilt in the past.

Astra Militarum

The Barbarus Guard are garrisoned within The Blade. This Imperial Guard Regiment has an ancient lineage going back to the Chapters founding when it was known as The Barbarus 9th Tunnel Rats. As far as records go, this Regiment has always fought alongside The Emperor's Vengeance. The relationship between the two is of respect and honour. No other Astra Militarum units receive is held in such high esteem.

The Chapter will often assist in training other Guard units, especially the Stormtrooper Regiments, who are experts in boarding actions and urban warfare.

Adepta Sororitas

The Chapter will fight alongside The Sisters of Battle, but that is where their company will begin and end. There is no other contact between the two branches. Some suggest that this is because of their close links with the Inquisition.

The Inquisition

Over the centuries, various Branches of the Ordos have visited and studied the Chapter. There is no suggestion of taint, but every time an Inquisitor arrives the Chapter's demeanour subtlely changes. As if by chance, and purely coincidental, many Companies find themselves on Crusades and 'Special Actions' across the systems, leaving the garrisons noticeably devoid of many of its occupants.

Inquisitors who wish to join campaigning Companies are always treated with suspicion.

The relationship between the two is always professional but just under the surface there is always tension.

The Mechanicum

The relationship between the two has always been close. There is never the distrust that may be found in other Chapters as all information is exchanged and readily shared. The Chapter has many Techmarines who are often on secondment to The Mechanicum.

However, exchanges and sharing of information with the Mechanicum outside The Emperor's Vengeance sphere of operations is virtually non-existent. Communication with Mars does not exist.

The Adeptus Ministorum

Contact is kept at a minimum as the Chapter does not trust the agents of the Ecclesiarchy. This stems back to a war in history when the Chapter was betrayed by a rogue Ecclesiarchy Cardinal, which lead to the death and destruction of many of their Brothers.

Chapter Hero's

  • Adrus Glaurus - First Chapter Master of the Emperor’s Vengeance. It is believed, but not corroborated, that Glaurus was previously a Battle-Captain in the Imperial Fists. He held a Power sword called 'Forrædere Sutter'. This sword was given to him by the Regent of Terra at the formation of the Chapter. This is the Chapters most revered relic and is now held in stasis in the Chapter Monastery.

  • Captain Anselm – Former Battle Captain of The Haftel Cohort. Anselm commanded an ad-hoc unit of Astartes and Guard during the Siege of Casperis. (???.M39). The garrison held out for nine months against a million strong Ork horde before finally being overrun and slaughtered when an Ork Vortex Bom ignited the Fortress arsenal.

Anselm's body was later recovered by a strike team of Terminators.

  • Battle-Sergeant Aych Rushton, “The Hammer of Belhus” - Rushton single-handily held a bridge over the Belhus Gorge against a host of Hormagaunts, during the Infestation of Griea S6, a mining colony in the Ceovis System.

Estimates state that he killed upwards of one hundred and fifty of the Xenos before being cut down. His body was recovered and he was

interred in Dreadnought armour. He lived for a further seventy-nine years before he was tragically lost to the warp.

  • Venerable Brother (Vidmunt) Maignart – Already a champion in his own right before he was badly wounded and housed in a Dreadnought, Venerable Brother Maignart is a Legend to the Chapter. His deeds and daring are standard reading for all Neophytes and his name is revered.

* * *

Notable Engagements

  • M34: The Pale Wasting - The Emperor’s Vengeance and possibly The Death Spectres Chapters were listed as two of several Chapters who were involved in this conflict. Much of the information relating to this is very vague and may have been censored for whatever reason. All that can be gleaned is that many worlds were attacked by devices known as "Nightmare engines" of Xenos design. De-classified documents state that at least eleven Chapters were obliterated during the battle, which was a catastrophic loss at any level. The Xenos were destroyed but vast swathes of Imperial space were left devoid of human life.

  • The Invasion of Bounides (409.M36) - During the First War of the Fraternity of the Chosen, which was the first of three wars in their name, the Emperor’s Vengeance was in the Vanguard that retook the Shrine World of Bounides. Kill Teams were unable to capture the renegade Apostate Cardinal Harischandra Toor who escaped just prior to their storming of his Citadel. Toor would continue his blasphemous preaching for a further four years before he was silenced by a Callidus assassin who had infiltrated his inner circle.

Emperor's Vengeance companies were involved in numerous actions throughout this period and did the Chapter proud, however, losing the Apostate in the First war left a mark on those involved. The Chapter Master at the time, Primeiro Vázquez granted those involved the right to redeem themselves and were sent on a penance Crusade beyond the outer Rim and into unknown space. When the survivors finally returned ten years later, they were aged beyond their years and worn out and haggard. None of them talked about their experiences and within a year of their return, they were all dead. Any further information relating to this has been deemed - Classified.

  • Siege of Doglinda (###.M39) – Although it is now believed that they were discovered back in M35, this was one of the first real encounters with the new threat to Mankind, the Tyranids. When a tide of Xenos races began crossing the eastern borders of the Imperium, several Chapters were dispatched to assess and then destroy any threats. It became clear that the invasion was actually a retreat from a far larger and far deadlier enemy. The Emperor's Vengeance found themselves heavily involved in battles against the fleeing aliens and was able to stop or drive them back in many Sectors. However, one particularly aggressive Ork Waarg had decided that they would rather stop and die at Imperial hands than that of their new enemy.

They attacked the Imperial Hive World of Doglinda, subjecting its inhabitants to a year of siege. In a brilliantly executed manoeuvre, the Commander of the Imperial Forces at the time, Lord Militant Fayaaz El Hachmi was able to blow a hole in the circling Ork fleet which allowed a Task Force led by the Emperor's Vengeance, to break through and relieve the garrisons. The Orks had their wish and died, every last one of them.

  • The Decimation of House Kelios (287.M40) – House Kelios was an ancient Navigator family whose linage stretched back to the golden times when the Emperor still walked the earth. When a disproportionate number of their ships began disappearing to the warp, the authorities were alerted. When investigators began to die or simply disappeared, the Inquisition was sent in. A vast conspiracy was uncovered and the family had become corrupted. A massive Ruinous Powers Armada suddenly appeared and engulfed several Sectors wiping out all of the Imperial garrisons.

A task force was hastily assembled and struck back. A Company of the Emperor’s Vengeance simultaneously attacked the enemy flagship and the Seat of Kelios power on the planet Gucroth. The once proud House had been corrupted by Nurgle and lost to the Imperium. The two attacks literally beheaded the Chaos attack and it was sent scuttling back into the Warp. House Kelios was deemed Excommunicartus Traitorous and was decimated by Emperor Vengeance kill teams.

  • The Scouring of Grorth 74W (907.M41-908.M41) - In early 907.M41, Rogue Traders had presented evidence to the Inquisition that Chaos Warbands were operating in the Wouvis System, masquerading as Reevers and pirates. They had apparently secured a stronghold on the Ice planet of Grorth 74W. This was confirmed when a Black Ship was ambushed but was able to drive off the attackers. Evidence recovered confirmed that traitor Marines were renegades from Adharon's Reavers.

The renegades were lured into a trap when a tithe convoy entered their system and lured them out. When the renegades attacked they were shocked to discover that the fleet was made up of Q-ships, that is, military vessels designed to look like cargo ships. The Emperor’s Vengeance sent boarding parties to most of the enemy vessels. They secured a few and destroyed the rest. The renegade survivors were driven down to the surface where they were hounded and attacked with ruthless perseverance until the Warband was all but destroyed. Enemy prisoners-of-war were then taken by the Inquisition to an inevitably painful death.

  • Infestation of Griea S6 (994.M41) - Two Companies were dispatched to the mining colony of Griea S6 in the Ceovis system when it became infested by Tyranids. Most of the host, however, was destroyed by unusual radiation storms which did not effect the Marines or miners who evacuated deep underground. The most noticeable action here was the defence of Belhus Gorge by a single battle-Sergeant, against a host of Hormagaunts.

  • (995.M41) Hive Fleet Jormungandr – A breakaway tendril of Hive Fleet Jormungandr entered the domain of the Emperor’s Vengeance. Five Companies were involved in its annihilation.


"The light of the Emperor surrounds me. The Love of the Emperor enfolds me. The Power of the Emperor Protects me. The Presence of the Emperor watches over me...

but the Bolters and blades of a Space marine are always handy to have nearby, just in case!"

- Guardsman TobiusWrakmann, 44th Pindarus Pioneers

The Chapter's homeworld is Pindarus, which is actually a moon orbiting a gas giant, Drurn Ultima 7C. The moon is in the Grides System which is to the galactic north of The Ghoul Stars, which are also known as The Ghost Stars. This is a mysterious region of space that is part of the Halo Stars located beyond the furthest reaches of known space, north-west of the Segmentum Ultima beyond the Eastern Fringe.

Pindarus is a Hive world.

The Chapter Monastery, which is known locally as The Blade, perches high up on a mountainside overlooking Carthago Primus, the Planets Capital City. It is a dark forbidding place that is shrouded in cloud and smog. It's battlements and turrets are a permanent reminder to the citizens, that The Emperor's Vengeance are all powerful and ever-watching.

The Chapter also has several smaller bases located throughout the planet, and these are used for training and administration purposes.

The Chapter maintains a large space fleet and has access to many armoured vehicles and Attack-craft. Large orbiting space stations ensure that the planets occupants remain undisturbed and safe from outside interference.

The Emperor's Vengeance also maintains constant watch over several star-systems, which they consider to be theirs, though most of the inhabitants of these systems, are blissfully unaware of this. The Chapter has intervened in local conflicts and outside invasion many times over the Millennia, but contact with other inhabitants is usually kept to the minimum.

On several of the feral or Deathworlds, the Space Marines are considered to be Gods and avatars of destruction, an idea that is cultivated by the Chapter who rely on their populations for new recruits.

Combat Doctrine

"If your sword is too short, add to its length by taking one step forward"

- Unknown

The Emperor's Vengeance is a Non-Codex compliant Chapter because its doctrine was laid down long before The Codex Astartes was produced. Isolation meant that it was never fully implemented.

They are experts in close-quarter combat and fighting for protracted periods that would normally wear down even the hardiest Astartes. Many, especially the Assault Squads, carry Stormshields and personal weapons such as swords, Warhammers and Powermaces. In fact, great emphasis is put into the art of close combat with any and all weapons.

The Chapter has many ancient weapons that have been passed down from Marine to Marine, and some of them are thousands of years old.

This makes the Chapter ideal for urban warfare or boarding actions.

They are also masters in the art-of-war against their long-standing enemy... the Tyranids.

Throughout the Chapters history, they have fought and destroyed countless Tyranid incursions and have assisted other Chapters with their knowledge and expertise. This knowledge has been gained at great expense, and the attrition rate is always high.

Only once, in its long history was it ever defeated by the Tyranids and one of its Companies was virtually annihilated in the process. This happened a long time ago, but the unit in question, the 7th Company "Makhaira", is still on a Penance Crusade to atone for the stain on the Chapters honour.

The Chapter also has to maintain a considerable arsenal of heavy weapons to support these actions against the Tyranids, and over the years they have adapted and perfected different types of munitions to counteract the bio-diversity of the monstrosities that they come up against. They have perfected many grades of flechette rounds that are unique to the Chapter (and the envy of the Mechanicum). Their artisans have also produced various specialised breaching charges and anti-personnel devices that are all uniquely made for the enemy they encounter.



Restricted Access - Inquisitional Order - LI FD-S ~ Ordos Hereticus ~ Praise be his name


Praeter - Non Verificatur

The Great Betrayal

The drop site massacre on Istvaan III did not completely destroy the Loyalist Legions that were present. It was true that they were utterly shattered and their command hierarchy broken with several of the Primarch’s missing or dead, but many did survive and managed to escape to fight another day.

The void around the planet was itself a battlefield with ship turning on ship as loyalties changed and deadly bargains were struck. Vessels of every sort vied for space in the confusion that followed. Many Loyalists realised that to stay was suicide so they left… in their droves.

One of these vessels was part of a small fleet. On board was a company-strength unit of the Death Guard and some support personnel, plus several companies of the Barbarus 9th Tunnel Rats, an Imperial Guard Heavy Infantry regiment. The fleet was made up of four attack vessels; several support ships and a Mechanicum Construction hauler. The Avenger-Class Grand cruiser Equitem Pallidus became the flagship.

By stealth and guile, they managed to break through the traitor picket line and escape the Istvaan system. On the way, they picked up a clutch of civilian vessels that had also escaped the massacre. After a long stand-off and fraught negotiations, the newcomers joined the fleet.

On board were about 200 loyal Emperor’s Children.

An uneasy alliance was formed between the Legionnaire brothers, who vowed to join forces and swear Retribution on all traitors. This great meeting would go down in history.
Not knowing the full extent of the treachery that had overcome their Legions, they made best possible speed to the only place that they knew that they would get answers… Terra.

The small fleet was intercepted by Battlefleet Solar and quarantined on the orders of Malcador the Sigilite. When he met the survivors of the two Legions his manner was not that of a Judge and executioner, it was that of a confident, quiet teacher speaking to his pupils.
When he had explained in full the extent of Horus’s betrayal, the Space Marines went down on their knees and begged to be allowed to go back into the fight against the new enemy who they once called brothers. Malcador admired their devotion and spirit but he had another task for them.

“You have been sorely tested, proud sons of the Imperium and I can see that your loyalty is without question. I know that you seek revenge and that it should be immediate and swift, but I am afraid that you will have to wait for a while. You will not be part of this upcoming battle.

You will be part of the Emperor’s retribution against those that have turned from him, but not as you would wish it. Like some of your other brothers, those that have also crossed space and time to get here, you will not be thrown into the upcoming battle for Terra. Your numbers are too small and would not influence the outcome. Your lives would be wasted.”

The gathered Marines demanded action and voiced their displeasure. They demanded to be able to fight and regain their honour, but such was Malcador’s presence that they were soon silenced. He smiled at them and looked into their souls and all those that were gathered felt an inner peace come over them like a slow acting narcotic. They soon realised that the Sigilite was not going to punish them or doom them to inactivity and penance; he was offering them a chance to redeem themselves and to fight once more for the Emperor.

When he spoke again, it was tinged with a hidden sadness.

“The Imperium will endure this ‘Heresy’ and your other loyal brothers and sisters will hold true. The Emperor will be triumphant and the traitors will be defeated, but the cost will be very high, very high indeed. Humanity will be dealt a crippling blow from which it may never recover completely. The Imperium of man will be changed forever. Others are watching and will seek to take advantage of this confusion.
We are sorely stretched and our borders are now exposed. I have need of stout hearts and strong hands to protect these borders against those that would exploit our weaknesses.”

To be contunued....

The Prayer for Vengeance

We are The Emperor’s Vengeance.
We are a Brotherhood, born for War
We serve the one True Emperor, we bear his name.
We will serve his will
We will never accept defeat
We will advance when all else fails
We will never surrender
We are the harbingers of death, the deliverers of pain; we are the mailed fist of the Emperor.
We bear his arms
We bear his blood
We will fight all that stand against Humanity, whether human or Xenos
We are the Astartes, warriors of the Imperium
We are the Emperor’s Vengeance

A few things, if anyone can help:


1. I have used the template:   skullheaderhalf=000000] Word [/skullheaderhalf] (enclosed in [ ] ) as shown but the skulls do not appear in the headings???

2. I have 'built' a space marine on the SM builder but I cannot seem to save it beyond the basic form ie; no extras like weapons etc. SORTED

3. Also, I do not know how to attach it to this post SORTED

1. I think(?) there are a couple of the older Headers, in particular the half+skulls, that the coding doesn't work properly since the last board update.


2. Which SMP are you using? If you go to the DIY resources thread (stickied at the top of the Liber forum) there is a link to the SMP Beta which has all the wargear?


Once you've got all the kit you want there is an image URL button, click it for a code that you can paste into your post that will then show the pic. Or alternatively save the image as a JPEG/whatever, post it to a photosharing site and link to it from there?

1. I think(?) there are a couple of the older Headers, in particular the half+skulls, that the coding doesn't work properly since the last board update.


2. Which SMP are you using? If you go to the DIY resources thread (stickied at the top of the Liber forum) there is a link to the SMP Beta which has all the wargear?


Once you've got all the kit you want there is an image URL button, click it for a code that you can paste into your post that will then show the pic. Or alternatively save the image as a JPEG/whatever, post it to a photosharing site and link to it from there?

Apart from the skull/ header issue, I have sorted it now... Thanks

I'd like more details regarding the Chapter BEFORE it was forced into isolation; at the very least, the Imperium should have records of who they're supposed to be. Otherwise, the Inquisition should suspect this "lost Chapter" is one of Chaos infiltrators (see the Alpha Legion), and purge it, "just in case."

I'll try to add more on the fluff later but for now I'll focus on the colour scheme: firstly, I really like the colours you've gone with... but the placement of said colours feel a bit off? Might be worth either going for a full half-and-half/quartered scheme or move the colours so that they're placed a little more symetrically?

Perhaps something like:


(also popped in a 'standard' dark grey on the soft armour/face grill/pipes to match the abdomen pipes)

Bjorn Firewalker


Please see Origins: I have a small story that I could add which goes into the re-discovery of the Chapter. I think I will add this.


Now here's the thing. Before I went into detail, I had to make sure of the Do's and Don'ts first. I had some characters that I was going to put in but it might cause a stir! I could get away with it (I think), but I want to make sure I get my fluff right.


They are certainly not Alpha Legion as they were isolated right back during the great betrayal. This is a very old Chapter that was, how shall I say... put out of harms reach, just in case their loyalty was in doubt. This is how they became isolated over time.

Rest assured, these boys are true blue Loyalists!! 




I like your colour scheme... in the words of John Luc Picard... "Make it so!"

Just a thought, but unless these guys are first founding I doubt that their non-codex nature would be a result of it being formed before the Codex was written. For the most part it was written during the Great Crusade. That said, their isolation could explain how they have had to adapt their practices to suit their circumstances. 

My question is this, How did the Chapter remain so well equipped during their isolation? Are there any forge worlds in the area they were sequestered to? You indicate that they are experts at dealing with the Tyranid yet the if they are as old as you implied then I wonder how this could be since the Tyranid didn't emerge as a threat until much later into the Warhammer 40K timeline. If however you are referring to the Ymgral Genestealers, the problem is that as far as I know the Ymgral were abandoned by the Hive Mind, and so wouldn't likely have support by any sort of Hive ships.

I'll echo the sentiments of others in questioning the need for the age of your chapter, if it is meant to serve as a reason why the Chapter isn't Codex compliant I don't see why your couldn't just use the isolation as the reason instead. I think going this route would be wiser in your development of the Chapter and would serve as a buffer from those Inquisitional attentions that the Chapter's mysterious past would attract. 

Otherwise, a great start. I really enjoyed the Prologue. I look forward to what you end up with.

Very interesting IA. I like the whole isolation idea. I really hope you have more of the IA coming before this challenge is finished, even though the challenge might be finish soon, please try to complete it as I like what you have written. I have a few things to suggest.


The isolation idea: How has your chapter maintained an extensive armory if they have been isolated? Perhaps several forge worlds are near by. What have they battled since their isolation, in the warp storms daemons are more common. Perhaps a section on notable campaigns to give us an idea what the chapter hsa been up to. Has the Chapter tried to make  re-connections to the Imperium when they were lost? 


Just a few things.

I'd like more details regarding the Chapter BEFORE it was forced into isolation; at the very least, the Imperium should have records of who they're supposed to be. Otherwise, the Inquisition should suspect this "lost Chapter" is one of Chaos infiltrators (see the Alpha Legion), and purge it, "just in case."

They were rediscovered by an Explorator Fleet (see intro) and then the Inquisition (with some Battle Sisters) went in. They were found to be free of taint.

Just a thought, but unless these guys are first founding I doubt that their non-codex nature would be a result of it being formed before the Codex was written. For the most part it was written during the Great Crusade. That said, their isolation could explain how they have had to adapt their practices to suit their circumstances.

Yep, they would have had no knowledge of the Codex so they would have made it up as they went along! The 'Chapter' (I used this to describe the EV's unit) was probably much bigger than 1000 marines. Once they re-united with the Imperium proper, I am sure (however reluctantly) they would have complied and brought the number to Codex levels. That said, as I have stated, there does not appear tp be any other 'Chapters' linked with the EV.

I´m wondering, how did they recruit in an isolated system ravaged by enemies? You could make an interesting part of the background with this. They defenitely should have a hard time recruiting while everything burns biggrin.png

Keep going!

There were several Systems, all of whom would have welcomed a large bunch of angry marines! The planets would have had their own planetary defence forces and as there are a few Deathworlds and Hive Worlds full of low-life, I am sure the EV's would have had plenty of recruits to chose from!

My question is this, How did the Chapter remain so well equipped during their isolation? Are there any forge worlds in the area they were sequestered to? You indicate that they are experts at dealing with the Tyranid yet the if they are as old as you implied then I wonder how this could be since the Tyranid didn't emerge as a threat until much later into the Warhammer 40K timeline. If however you are referring to the Ymgral Genestealers, the problem is that as far as I know the Ymgral were abandoned by the Hive Mind, and so wouldn't likely have support by any sort of Hive ships.

I'll echo the sentiments of others in questioning the need for the age of your chapter, if it is meant to serve as a reason why the Chapter isn't Codex compliant I don't see why your couldn't just use the isolation as the reason instead. I think going this route would be wiser in your development of the Chapter and would serve as a buffer from those Inquisitional attentions that the Chapter's mysterious past would attract.

Otherwise, a great start. I really enjoyed the Prologue. I look forward to what you end up with.

I know of at least 2 Forge Worlds under the EV's domain so I am sure they would have been well-equipped. As for the Tyranid question? They are masters of fighting them NOW, but I am sure that they were not around when the EV's moved into the System. I am writing a more complete history, but from what I can make out, the initial problem was with Xenos races, some of which are known and some have been erased. There are also hints that show that there was another powerful enemy (NOT 'nids) that they encountered. Could be Nec's, not sure. What is sure is that once the EV's were established and had taken control, the systems were slowly cleared and Xenos incursions were halted.

However, they still had pesky greenskins and Reavers to exterminate and then, of course, the 'Nids.

Funny, I have studied their (heavily censored) records and can find no references to Chaos?

I concur, Isolation was the reason why they are Non-Codex. I am still not 100% sure if they are 1000 in number? Again, the EV's are very secretive with their records.

Very interesting IA. I like the whole isolation idea. I really hope you have more of the IA coming before this challenge is finished, even though the challenge might be finish soon, please try to complete it as I like what you have written. I have a few things to suggest.

The isolation idea: How has your chapter maintained an extensive armory if they have been isolated? Perhaps several forge worlds are near by. What have they battled since their isolation, in the warp storms daemons are more common. Perhaps a section on notable campaigns to give us an idea what the chapter hsa been up to. Has the Chapter tried to make re-connections to the Imperium when they were lost?

Just a few things.

I am in the process of writing their notable campaigns as well as a few of their heroes, so watch this space.


Very interesting IA. I like the whole isolation idea. I really hope you have more of the IA coming before this challenge is finished, even though the challenge might be finish soon, please try to complete it as I like what you have written. I have a few things to suggest.


The isolation idea: How has your chapter maintained an extensive armory if they have been isolated? Perhaps several forge worlds are near by. What have they battled since their isolation, in the warp storms daemons are more common. Perhaps a section on notable campaigns to give us an idea what the chapter hsa been up to. Has the Chapter tried to make  re-connections to the Imperium when they were lost? 


Just a few things.


I am not sure at this stage whether they attempted to re-connect or contact the Imperium during their isolation. I do know that they were cut off by warp storms for at least a Millennia so they might well have given up! I am sure it was a surprise when they finally made 'first contact' with the Imperium again.

Firstly, i like the small quotes before each section. I'm intrigued by the tradition of passing down weapons from marine to marine, do some of these legendary armaments carry their own names also? Also how exactly has the Emperors Vengeance been able to defeat the tyranids so many times, have some of those times been for example just minor scouting fleets or something akin to that?  

Please note, in an effort to get stuff done I have not reread all other non-author posts.


Chapter Master: ............................................ Tauri Epamedius

Notable Characters: .......................................Chapter Master Glaros

Firstly, you have two different names for the Chapter Master. Is one a title, and the other a name, or is one the first one and another a later one, or was that just a space-out and you forgot?


In your introduction, you may consider un-italisizing the thoughts. Script is just hard to read and is smaller than everything else.


The Chapter Monestery, perches high up on a mountainside overlooking Carthago Primus, the Planets Capital City. A permanent reminder for all to see, just who is in control here.

Has unnecessary commas between 'monastery and perches', missing an apostrophe in "Planet's" and "...for all to see, just who..." is a tad awkward. Consider changing it to "...for all to see and remember just who...", or something like that. It pronounces weird.


which they consider to be theirs, though most of the inhabitants of these systems, are blissfully unaware of this.


This is a little unwieldy. "...consider to be theirs, though..." Could be broken into two sentences by replacing the comma with a period, though with However, and removing the second comma.


The 'envy of the Mechanicum' bit with the flechettes may bring ire toward the chapter-innovation is forbidden, after all. Do they have conflicts with the AdMech as they try to both steal the tech and censure the Emperor's Vengeance Chapter?


I apologize it was 90% grammar, but it's been redrilled into my head just recently so my brain is still stuck there.


With the color scheme they have I look forward to seeing minis!

Captain Lenoch

  1. One is the current Chapter master and the other is a notable character from the past.
  2. Chapter Monastery,, ...,..., perched high,,,.,,;; .. it just is?
  3. ..............
  4. The tech they have developed was in conjunction with the Mech so it is shared with 'local' Mech. Most of this was done before they were re-discovered. As they share their experience with other Chapters, I am sure anything that could help fight the 'Nids is passed on. They want to win in the end!

Hm....interesting IA.

Don't know why but I got Dark Angels in mind when thinking about their origin.


A force of Astartes, larger than 1000 Marines, stationed and isolated from the wider Imperium. Very secretive. There's a tendency to close combat and sword mastery. Not really codex compliant.


Liking it thus far.


Now, a couple of questions and suggestions:


DId I see it right that you named all companies after weapons?

What are the tactical designations of the 7th, 8th and 9th company? Reserve? Devastor?


Ever thought about the Hexagrammaton? It was the very first organizational structure, written by the Emperor Himself. Could be interesting to implement this into the EVs structure.




How large was the isolated area? One system? A sub sector? If it's "just" a system, I believe imho that 2 Forgeworlds are a bit too much.


How about giving them one Forgeworld to protect during their isolation. The entire system was ravaged and the EV were able to fend off every threat but at a high cost. After being rediscovered, they were provided with new marks of wargear, thus making their "old" stuff holy artifacts of their chapter.


Just a couple of thoughts for you to play with. :)

Hm....interesting IA.

Don't know why but I got Dark Angels in mind when thinking about their origin.

A force of Astartes, larger than 1000 Marines, stationed and isolated from the wider Imperium. Very secretive. There's a tendency to close combat and sword mastery. Not really codex compliant.

Liking it thus far.

Now, a couple of questions and suggestions:

DId I see it right that you named all companies after weapons?

What are the tactical designations of the 7th, 8th and 9th company? Reserve? Devastor?

Ever thought about the Hexagrammaton? It was the very first organizational structure, written by the Emperor Himself. Could be interesting to implement this into the EVs structure.


How large was the isolated area? One system? A sub sector? If it's "just" a system, I believe imho that 2 Forgeworlds are a bit too much.

How about giving them one Forgeworld to protect during their isolation. The entire system was ravaged and the EV were able to fend off every threat but at a high cost. After being rediscovered, they were provided with new marks of wargear, thus making their "old" stuff holy artifacts of their chapter.

Just a couple of thoughts for you to play with. smile.png

I think that apart from the Companies designated Assault, Veteran or scout/training, all the Companies are Tactical with a Devestator element. However, the Tebuchet and Pierrier are siege weapons so the Companies with these designations would contain all the heavy duty kit!

Hexagrammaton: I like the sound of this so I will take some time out to delve into it a litle further.

They protect at least 3 Systems that I am aware of. Not sure of the number of inhabited planets though?

Thanks for the bits. I shall take time out to look them over.

Ok, thanks for clarifying.


Did I get it right that their 1st company got only 2 squads equipped with Terminator armor? When you're continue in saying that they are well provided during their isolation, than they should have been able to keep more suits operable.

Other then some serious formatting issues and sentence structure issue (different text sizes, sometimes only a few words in the middle of a sentence, lots of short sentences that read more like dot points in some areas etc.) the main issues I can see here is with your origins.  Unknown gene-seed from before the Codex = Lost Legion.  As far as I know the Codex was written before the First Founding so anything that precedes it was a Legion.  Its not even a case of reading between the lines here as even if this isn't your intention you basically slap us in the face with it.  If you want to go Lost Legion (and there is nothing wrong with this if you do it well) then I suggest spending a bit of time working it less from salmon to the face obvious and perhaps more subtle.  If it isn't your purpose or you don't want it to seem like the case then perhaps a bit of a rewrite is in order.


I will leave it at that and sorry if I seem harsh but thats just how it comes over to me.  Good luck with the Gauntlet

I like the secrecy element about the origins but think it has come up against its limits in a few ways.


It seems, from the scheme, at least, and your secrecy about the origins, that you're hiding Emperor's Children who got lost in the Warp sometime around the heresy.


You don't really hint at that, aside from the combination of the scheme, the interest in swordsmanship, and the deliberate secrecy regarding the origins- a secrecy that would not be necessary if you did not intend to present an ambiguity within the scholarship about the faction that left open the possibility of traitor (specifically EC) or otherwise chimeric gene-seed.


If this is the case, I think there's some justification that needs to go on that's more specific than that they disappeared and were rediscovered. While it's not wrong, it's just the standard story with loyalist chapters made from loyalist factions from traitor legions, and I think your chapter is interesting enough to deserve its own unique way of making that sort of formal structure to the origins interesting enough for the rest of what's going on with your chapter.


If it's not what's going on- perhaps I am misreading it- but, again, I think something more specific than being lost in the warp and returning and being found clean is required for these cases.


Again- all to say that you're allowed to pull that move off, and I encourage it.  But it has to be snuck in, it can't be shouted.

Brother SP: Sorry about the formatting and the sentencing issue. I left myself very little time to enter this and wanted to get it out quickly. It was done on 2 PC's with different Fonts etc. Now I am under less pressure I will sort these issues out.

Bloodhound23: Nope, this is not one of the lost Legions; even I would steer well clear of them!

Nice bit of detective work regarding the EV's origins. You mention their colour scheme. Very close, but please note that there are 2 main colours. There is also their love of swordsmanship and then finally you name a (suspected) Legion. I also say that they enjoy close combat, are steadfast in defence and use shields.... can you guess who else they might be linked to?

I will update in more detail, but basically, The Emperor's Vengeance was originally formed from some of the survivors of 2 Legions that were butchered at Istvaan 3. The Main point here is, and it will become clear later... they were not from the Loyalist Legions that were ambushed, they were from the traitor Legions who had remained true to the Emperor.

A little taster for you... msn-wink.gif


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