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GrimDark Blood Angels Blog 24/09/19 *new warlord conversion*


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Cheers guys!


Must be feeling some hobby mojo at the moment. Had one of those great sessions where I just picked up a model flew through him without realising!


Really cool model this, has a good time doing it:




Double cool as it serves as a test model for the Reivers I have been eyeing up too! I quite like the idea of taking this guy with the Phobos WL trait that gives +1 charge and dropping him in with a bunch of Reivers (like 20-30...), hence the choice of helmet!


Hope you like him.



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Hey Blindhamster!


Cheers mate, feels good to make some progress and feel that elusive hobby motivation! Following your blog with interest too! Look forward to seeing the Astreus!


Regarding the new Repulsor... the answer is mixed. It’s cool that we have a new toy, but I can’t help but feel GW missed the mark a bit on this one. It feels like it’s purely in service to giving marines a new toy that feels relevant to Apoc, as opposed to what would be good for the Primaris player base. I would much preferred a smaller, cheaper transport.


I would have probably been more ok with it if they had made it simpler to change out the existing Repulsor turret too... while it’s not a massive effort to retrofit and make interchangable; its not as simple as it could me. Having painted 3, it don’t really want to paint more amidst all the other stuff I could invest tome in.


That might come across as overly negative. It’s probably just because I think GW has hit a home run with Primaris in general, and this fee like a small stutter to me with a few questionable choices. In purely aesthetic terms I think it looks cool!

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That shadowspear Lt is just lovely. Your style and technique is a constant inspiration! I've been struggling to come up with a scheme for reivers (yellow helmets just look... wrong) and I think you've nailed it.

I agree that not making the new repulsors a turret swap rather sucks. I do also think they could have made the new repulsor look so much better aesthetically if you could double up the main guns. From Gael Knight on dakkadakka:


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I agree that not making the new repulsors a turret swap rather sucks. I do also think they could have made the new repulsor look so much better aesthetically if you could double up the main guns. From Gael Knight on dakkadakka:


With a turret that big, I doubt there will be room for passengers. I do like this design, but as a pure battle tank, i.e., a Primaris Marine counterpart to the Leman Russ, NOT as the battle tank-transport hybrid that is the Land Raider or the Repulsor. This vehicle should also have a new name to distinguish it- maybe the "Penetrator" or the "Progressor", starting with "P" to show it is to the Repulsor what the Predator is to the Rhino and Razorback?
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Icing it may be, but it's costing points as well. Perhaps without the transport capacity it would cost less.

I'd say that many of us would wish for the Primaris tank range similar versatility we have for the Rhino chasis - from pure transport role with minimum armament to a full battle tank role of the Predator.

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Hey @Slothysaur


It’s really, really easy. IMO it’s one the most simple little touches that adds a lot, but requires very little time!It’s essentially 2 steps, both of which you could describe pretty accurately as “bad/broken edge highlights”.


First step is to do a sort of uneven broken edge highlight with Rhinox Hide, then you just go over that again (only smaller so you still see the rhinox) with a silver colour of your choice! And that’s it...!


The key is just to make it broken and uneven. I also focus this technique exclusively on the edges, as it’s about 100000% harder and more time consuming to get it to look convincing freehanding it on a flat surface. If you see a model where I have done this, it’s almost certainly because I’m using it to hide some other mistake!


Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys,


A gaming post for a change! 


I attended Heat 1 of the 19/20 GT season at Warhammer World this past weekend, and happy to say that for the second year (2/2!) I will be attending the Finals in early 2020. In the end I finished 9th (of I think approx. 120 competitors) with a score of 4-1. As follows are a brief account of my experience!


I played the same list I have played for a while now, that got my a place in last years finals and 3rd place at the Gibraltar GT.


- Smash Captain (Hammer of Baal / Angels Wing depending on opponent)

- Warlord Primaris Captain (Power Sword /w Artisan of War, Auto Bolter, Veritus Vitae)

- Primaris LT

- 3x5 Intercessor (Power Swords, Bolt Rifles and Launcher)

- 2 Redemptors (Full gatling cannon load out)

- 3 Repulsers (all twin las, 3 storm bolter, 2 frag launcher, pintle gatling / 2 with heavy gatling, 1 with lastalon)



(all missions eternal war)


Game 1, mission was the one with the single shrinking middle objective, plus null zone in the middle - Played against guard with 3 tank commanders (vigilus with relics battlecannon etc), Baneblade, lots of mortars, and approx. 100 guardsman. I went first, had a reasonable first turn, he struck back and did a bit of damage but nothing crippling. My second turn was brutal, must have killed about 60 guardsman, with more fleeing, at this point I basically won given the mission. Closed out the game by killing the bane blade in combat with redemptors.


Game 2, mission with 5 objectives with random one being worth 2. I played against James Mckenzie with his GSC. I've played him before, and he's an exceptionally good player - has been number 1 UK on ITC before, and ultimately went on to win the event. I think in a different mission I could win, but unfortunately I just can't contest the board against GSC over 5 objectives while screening and protecting myself from his offence. Lost this one, but was a good game against a great player!

Game 3, mission where you both have a "home" objective, as well as one in the middle. Here I actually got paired against my brother, and we played on the stream!! ("yokey_dope" on IG) He plays a good pure space wolves list, and we have played this matchup on many occasions. He went first, and when I was deploying knowing this I thought I was going to be in for a very hard game... his double long fangs and dual storm cannon Leviathan really put the hurt on my big units. Fortunately, he was a bit too ambitious with splitting his fire, whiffed a bit and actually failed to get first strike. From there I was at a big advantage. He played the objective game well but ultimately I was able to more or less table him and close out the objectives.


Game 4, the intel mission with characters scoring. I played against an elder soup list, with a lot of alaitoc (rangers, couple of hemlocks, dark reapers etc) as well as a bunch of Ulthwé (eldrad, wave serpents, guardian bombs). This was an incredibly tight game. He went first, and did quote some damage, but I hit back really hard. Killed one of his hemlocks, and got my smash captain into his reapers - flattening them. He managed to get lucky and snipe my warlord, which put me way behind in the mission. In the end I managed to clear him off the middle though, and kill Eldrad in combat with my intercessors! That put me in a position to barely finish the game winning by a single point (11-10). Probably one of the tightest games I've ever played.


Game 5, the "flyers score" mission (supplies from above I think its called). Played against a pretty tough Imperial soup list featuring a knight crusader, Guilliman, and a indoimtus crusader detachment with veteran intercessors etc (which is pretty popular / strong these days). In the end I won by playing a better objectives game. He went first, but I deployed in such a way that I knew first strike would be almost impossible - which he didn't score. We went blow for blow in terms of casualties, but my control of the objectives plus the advantage of first strike meant that I won on the scorecards pretty comfortably. In the end I did actually kill Guilliman too meaning I had a big advantage in terms of models on the board.



So, with my good tiebreakers I ended up 9th, with my only loss being to the player taking the gold - ill take that! Top 25 qualify so very comfortably in with a ticket to the final!


Also got a best army nomination, which is always great! Unfortunately I didn't win... again! Always the bridesmaid... Though I DID and manage to win the "Icon of Legend" award (best large model) for one of my Redemptors! (Allstars on and off the board!)


All in all, awesome & successful weekend at Warhammer world! I also was fortunate enough to meet one or two guys from he forum - including a moderator from over on the Ultramarines sub, which was super cool!


Cheers, and thanks for reading this short writeup!

Edited by neonmole
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