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GrimDark Blood Angels Blog 24/09/19 *new warlord conversion*


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Yeah, list has been submitted! I’m actually not playing my first choice, originally wanted to field 2 Invictors, but unfortunately I just couldn’t paint it in time. But here’s what I am taking!


- Primaris Cap (WL, Artisan)

- Primaris LT

- Smash Cap (99% of the time will boy HoB or AW)

- Primaris Ancient (standard of sacrifice)

- 3x5 Intercessors (deploy in Exes)

- 10 Intercessors (can combat squad if needed)

- 3 Plasma Executioners


So relatively straightforward, compact, low drops, lots of firepower and a ton of tough obsec.

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Yeah, list has been submitted! I’m actually not playing my first choice, originally wanted to field 2 Invictors, but unfortunately I just couldn’t paint it in time. But here’s what I am taking!


- Primaris Cap (WL, Artisan)

- Primaris LT

- Smash Cap (99% of the time will boy HoB or AW)

- Primaris Ancient (standard of sacrifice)

- 3x5 Intercessors (deploy in Exes)

- 10 Intercessors (can combat squad if needed)

- 3 Plasma Executioners


So relatively straightforward, compact, low drops, lots of firepower and a ton of tough obsec.


So you basically traded the two Redemptor dreads for 10 more Intercessors and upgraded the Repulsors to Executioners. Not sure if the trade was worth it, especially considering how you got wrecked by Mortal wounds last time and Executioners not being more durable than regular Repulsors, however you surprised me with the success of your list once before so I'm looking forward to the results. :) 

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Not quite. You get the ancient as well which is key. He’s a tremendous force multiplier to 25 intercessors, and allows you to play a completely different game plan than you can with the formative list, which is much more “smash face”.


Which game with the MW are you referring to? I don’t remember that!

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Hey guys,


Here’s the full army shot (that I think was demanded by Jonke!).


Unfortunately I don’t have access to a nice table or mat for a backdrop, so my painting tray and floor will have to do! At least the light is good here today in London!




Will report in full from the other side. I will definitely take good pictures this time!!



Edited by neonmole
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Hey guys,


Haven’t posted in a little bit, in the process of moving house, so that put the brakes on the hobby stuff!


I am making some minor adjustments to my army for the upcoming LGT, as well as No Retreat VIII events. One such addition is refitting my Repulsors as executioners.


Here’s a test for the plasma that I finished yesterday!



Hope you like it! Aim to finish these big boys up next 4-5 days. After that it’s 2 Invictors to round out my new list!




That plasma is freaking awesome! Love it!! Going to steal it btw.. lol!

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  • 1 month later...

As a Blood Angels and Primaris fan I have to say that I am a huge fan of this army. You've obviously devoted a lot of time and a lot of effort into making it work, and it shows in the level of detail you've placed into each and every model. Excellent work, brother!! :smile.:


I'm curious: How would you tweak this list to make it 2k points? I kinda like it enough to try it in a game at my local store. (With permission, of course.)

Edited by FuryofBaal42
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  • 4 weeks later...

This army is so fantastic, and I absolutely love all of the little updates and tips you've shared along the way.  It's a great inspiration for all of us!


I know you've posted a lot of comments about how you paint the armour, but just for clarity, for your Pimaris force, do you now follow The Mighty Brush's purchased PDF guide or have you changed it a bit?


Is it still:

  1. Vallejo German Red Brown (primer)
  2. White/Vallejo Steel Blue (shade and highlight)
  3. Vallejo Medium Yellow (thin all over)
  4. Vallejo Red
  5. Edge highlight
  6. Gloss varnish
  7. Gloss nuln oil wash
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Hey Chazzmos!


Broadly speaking yes that’s the formula I use on all my Primaris stuff. It comes with a bit of a caveat though - I haven’t changed the red recipe as such since day 1 (the mini marines you see at the start of this blog), but.. the colour I get today is quite different from back then! That’s even more so if you compare my stuff to Luther’s, despite using the same colours, our styles and the final products are quite different!


That is to say that even within that process, there are many many variables.. how sharp you go with the preshade, how heavy you go with the yellow etc etc.


Best advise I can give you is to play around with it and find the methods that give you the result that most appeals to you! That’s got to part of the fun thought right? :)

Oops, one thing I should point out. All the edge highlighting is done AFTER the gloss/nuln step. Not before :)

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That photo of your pre-shading of your army is so fantastic,  i love the amount of contrast your comfortable playing with now.  That 'dial up to 11, knock back to 10' idea seems to really be at play.


I'm definitely keen to play around with the technique, I'm thinking of adapting it to use on some Red Corsairs, or maybe some Night Lords.


Last question for you, when you preshade, do you just use white and Steel Blue, or is there something darker in there? The photo of your Executioners looks makes it look like the middle of the armour panels are almost black!


You're a legend, thank you!

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