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Sol System orbital cities - in-depth info?


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So the FW HH books mention that Neptune and Uranus have extensive void settlements, along with presumably Jupiter and Saturn goven their shipyards. Is there more extensive info elsewhere - city names, dominant industries besides manufacturing ships, culture?
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The novel Praetorian of Dorn features one of the outer system industrial worlds. I think it's one of Neptune's moons. I can't recall the details but it was one of those great moments where we see a glimpse of normal working class life away from the front lines.
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Another reason for me to read Praetorian of Don. Can you hint at living conditions without giving too much away? That's digressing from the topic, but you'll tolerate it for a moment?

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I'm planning a meeting scene aboard an orbital, probably around Saturn. Partly just because it's there, and also because it's a nice reminder that Sol is more than Terra and Mars.


I've actually read an extract from PoD which touches on that. You have family-run shipping clans (with inherited positions, so the guy running one ship is permitted to sleep and fiddle wth himself through every voyage) and most Jovians in the crew have only ever lived aboard a ship or orbitals.

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There's at least one orbital plate over Terra: Somon. It was conquered in the unification wars by a single Luna Wolf who ended its king's plea for peace by murdering him, mainly because the speech was boring. One of the rare instances of funny stuff in FW writings.
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