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Grotty Emperors children?

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This is purely from a fluff perspective - as we all know the emps children are prestine and clean and artful in their appearance and armour. But is it plausible to have a warband of them that are not all clean and prestine but are a bit dirty and weathered in appearance, caring less and less for their personal aesthetics as they see that time spent acting upon excesses is more important than spending time looking "new and shiny"??



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You pretty much described what Emperor's Children would be between Horus Heresy and these days. They didn't just went "censored.gif being perfect, let's party all night long 3 weeks straight". biggrin.png

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Well the Emperor's Children, like the World Eaters, shattered into multiple warbands after the Legion Wars, and the warbands are very different from each other. So whilst some will still seek perfection in all things, others are more concerned with debauching themselves and bringing catastrophe and ruin to the Imperium.


...And then there's my lot who are still salty about the defeat of the Emperor's Children in the Legion Wars and are plotting to bring about the downfall of Abaddon by joining up with the Black Crusades and intentionally sabotaging them.


But anyway, yes, grotty Emperor's Children are perfectly acceptable. You could justify it as I have with my Legion of Vice (they've degenerated so far from the original legion that they barely count as Emperor's Children anymore and just keep the livery and iconography as a homage to their roots and to stick it to Abaddon). Alternatively, perhaps they are cunning and make their wargear appear ramshackle and decrepit so that the enemy underestimates them, not realizing their kit is as functional as any other and their skills razor-sharp.

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