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2017 - A Tale of Hobbyists - Sign-up

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I, Ghostbear_100, finally having gotten motivated to paint my army, agree to participate in the Tale of Hobbyists 2017 challenge.

The forces committed shall be the members of the IVth legion 314th Task Force, the members of the Iron Warriors who fought alongside the Lord of Iron during the -to be named- campaign.

Been building up this pre-heresy army for years now, finally just about to finish painting up the first member of a tactical squad today actually(getting the paint scheme figured out/written down for easier repetition), so I think this will be a good motivator to keep me going to finish more than I would on my own (I have SO much to paint, and still more to build AND paint).

Army is themed (design and lore wise) around an Iron Warriors legion campaign to drive Orks off a series of human worlds during the latter stages of the great crusade (supposed to be before Horus turned, ie when things were still fairly hopeful).  Going to be trying lots of new techniques that I hope to master as much as possible before I get to the army centerpoint, Perturabo himself, who I want to make sure is painted as best as I am able, so I do justice for the legion that has held my heart since I discovered 40k almost 15 years ago.

I ,TrawlingCleaner, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists. My Project is the remaints of The 5th company of the Sanguine Knights, my DIY blood angels chapter, who have been all but wiped out in the defense of Baal and the Cryptus systems.

I've been a long time lurker on B&C but I never made an account until recently. I want to challenge myself and keep myself working at a steady pace, what better place to do this. The scheme I will be using will be a mix between white scars and blood angels but a bit more dirty (stolen from Halandaar, sorry dude). I've never painted white before so this will be a learning experience



Just as a side note, when do we start submitting pledges and progress?

I, Sagentus, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, my project will be to expand my cohort that have pledged themselves to the blood god khorne! This cohort is lead be a ferocious bezerker champion going by the name of Urmak the merciless. Following the recent destruction of Cadia Urmak has lead his blood crazed cohort on a rampage on the Eastern fringe of the imperium collecting an uncountable number of skulls and shedding blood everywhere his cohort goes. He has his sights set on a forge world run by the mechanicum, here he will forge his daemon engines and wreak bloody havoc along the eastern fringe in the name of the blood god. 


I have a tonnes of models unbuilt and unpainted and i hope that with this i can keep churning the figures out. I am currently on a ban of buying more models until i have a decent percentage of what i have painted. Really want some daemon engines but cant until i have more painted (hence why Urmak is heading towards a forge world). 


I have quite a few 1/2 painted models, whats the rules on them? are we allowed to include them in our pledges? 

I think my 6month procrastination from doing anything has been long enough.


I, Kennyjapan, commit to the B&C 2017 Tale of Hobbyists!


I shall be doing my newest project (crusade name yet to be added) of a combined combat force consisting of:

 - at least a Demi-Company of Sons of Jaghatai, (1 Captain, 1-2 Chaplains, 1 Techmarine, 1 Librarian, 3-6 Tactical Squads, 1-2 Assault Squads, 1 Devastator + Vehicle Support)

 - an old CAD of Knights of Blood, (1 HQ, 2Troops minimum) 

 - an old CAD of Disciples of Caliban.....     (1 HQ, 2Troops minimum) 


And if I get distracted maybe some of my HH Ultra's... maybe


Like Sagentus, i too have many half painted models and would like the rules on them =)



I Marqol, commit to participate in the 2017 tale of hobbyists, my project being reinforcement of my Iron Warriors ready to lay waste to the Imperium. 

This will include finishing of current core choices and the addition of armoured support.  I have to sieve through what I have as my hobby space got upturned last 2 months but I hope to have a full list of models to start by the time we hit 8th. 


I, Erasmus Tycho, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, I pledge to have my entire Blood Angels 3rd Company the 'Ironhelms' armed and ready. We shall stand hardened and unwavering against the vile Green Horde and the Dark Menace that threatens our planet.


Welcome On Board! 


I think not having a specific armylist to work to is a much better approach for this Tale, gives a bit of freedom to do all sorts of productive things. In that case I will most likely still focus on Fulgrim and his Phoenix Guard but I will probably be working on some Sons of Horus infantry and Rapiers for Centurion mode too.


Thanks! I do plan on having sub-events in the Tale that may have lists within it. But I want to focus this event on as a way to tell a story of a group of gamers working through the first few months of the new edition. But yep feel free to add some Sons of Horus to the project the only thing I would ask is to work out a framing for it. (Which isn't hard as Sons of Horus and his Phoenix guard campaigned together plenty of times) 



So I Lionofjudah pledge a 10 man unit of dudes for the Fists and a 10 man unit for the Iron Warriors.

I'll add more as I'm able:)


I will put you down for a Battle between the Fists and the Iron Warriors then. 



I, Ghostbear_100, finally having gotten motivated to paint my army, agree to participate in the Tale of Hobbyists 2017 challenge.


The forces committed shall be the members of the IVth legion 314th Task Force, the members of the Iron Warriors who fought alongside the Lord of Iron during the -to be named- campaign.


Been building up this pre-heresy army for years now, finally just about to finish painting up the first member of a tactical squad today actually(getting the paint scheme figured out/written down for easier repetition), so I think this will be a good motivator to keep me going to finish more than I would on my own (I have SO much to paint, and still more to build AND paint).


Army is themed (design and lore wise) around an Iron Warriors legion campaign to drive Orks off a series of human worlds during the latter stages of the great crusade (supposed to be before Horus turned, ie when things were still fairly hopeful).  Going to be trying lots of new techniques that I hope to master as much as possible before I get to the army centerpoint, Perturabo himself, who I want to make sure is painted as best as I am able, so I do justice for the legion that has held my heart since I discovered 40k almost 15 years ago.


Ghost Bear, that sounds like a great project, It sounds like it has depth and will be fun to watch. 



I ,TrawlingCleaner, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists. My Project is the remaints of The 5th company of the Sanguine Knights, my DIY blood angels chapter, who have been all but wiped out in the defense of Baal and the Cryptus systems.



Just as a side note, when do we start submitting pledges and progress?


TrawlingCleaner, that sounds Great. The Progress thread will start in June, with official kick off being on the 14th of June. (Dates may change slightly based on the release of 8th edition. 



I, Sagentus, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, my project will be to expand my cohort that have pledged themselves to the blood god khorne! This cohort is lead be a ferocious bezerker champion going by the name of Urmak the merciless. Following the recent destruction of Cadia Urmak has lead his blood crazed cohort on a rampage on the Eastern fringe of the imperium collecting an uncountable number of skulls and shedding blood everywhere his cohort goes. He has his sights set on a forge world run by the mechanicum, here he will forge his daemon engines and wreak bloody havoc along the eastern fringe in the name of the blood god. 


I have quite a few 1/2 painted models, whats the rules on them? are we allowed to include them in our pledges? 


Welcome to the Tale! 


Ok 1/2 Painted models. They will be viable, erm I am listening to what is being said and the final rules for the event will be posted in the project thread when it goes live. At this time I cannot say that all vows will allow for 1/2 painted models. But I intend is that at least Month 1 will allow it, and at some point after 8th edition drops I will have a challenge that looks for people to go back to completed models to make changes to wargear and stuff.  I hope that is a bit clearer. 


I think my 6month procrastination from doing anything has been long enough.


I, Kennyjapan, commit to the B&C 2017 Tale of Hobbyists!




Welcome to the Tale! 



I, Grandmaster Damion Commit to the B&C 2017 tail of hobbyists.


I will bring all my unpainted board appropriate projects to completion too long have they sat in box and sprue


Grand Master Damion? Do you have a defined project? 

I Marqol, commit to participate in the 2017 tale of hobbyists, my project being reinforcement of my Iron Warriors ready to lay waste to the Imperium. 


This will include finishing of current core choices and the addition of armoured support.  I have to sieve through what I have as my hobby space got upturned last 2 months but I hope to have a full list of models to start by the time we hit 8th. 


Wellcome! Always room for more Iron Warriors in the Tale. 

Sinds there wil be no etl I might as wel participate in this and get some stuff painted. 


I, Iron Bars, pledge the forces of the Forgeworld Ryza, including skitarii, the sepuloran reactor guard and (pre/post)heresy cybernetica forces, attached militia forces and allies space marines of still undiffined chapters to be painted for the BolterandChainsword tale of painters 2017

I, Scared to death, commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists. My project is to gather a motley force of Shadow Crusade-era Word Bearers and assorted allies & foes.


Likely I will eventually gather an army for the new edition as well, but that is not yet settled upon.

My project will be four 5man kill teams watch captain Artemis and a Deathwatch dread for my armies on parade.


More may follow us I open boxes and find what's inside


Essentally everything I butterflied away from I'm going to us3 this to revisit and complete will try to know out some fluff to tie together all the bits.


Hmm actually that could be fun Deathwatch Charcaradon and Fleshtearers dear Emperor they would make a mess

So much to do, so little time!!


I'll certainly jump on board the fun bus again. I really need to take a full shot of my completions from the last challenge! I've plenty of unpainted/half done stuff to get on with!


I'm currently attempting to salvage a Storm Eagle so am tempted to get my Air Assault / fast attack EC game on. Also tempted by some Thousand Sons and the upcoming Death Guard. I'm sure I'll have something!


I'm looking forward to challenges/set tasks this time, to keep things interesting!!

I Ferrus Manus, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, My Project will focus on the Lions Eternal III Company and attached units during the Purging of the Lokoro Cluster.


Hopefully this will kickstart me into actually producing a decent Marine force to go alongside my eldar. I've got quite a few moves planned over the next few months so progress will likely be slow to start. But I'll aim for at least one demi-squad a month or a character or two.

I Ferrus Manus, Commit to participate in...


Don't get in over your head.




I'm very tempted to jump in on this but I'm still digging stuff out of boxes and dusting it all to see exactly what I have to work with.

I Mandaloriano, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, My project is the Invasion of Leporis System.


The invasion of the Leporis system is about a horde of Khorne Daemonkin, called Branzen Hounds, invading a system in which there is an important settlement of the Adeptus Mechanicus with relics of the Horus Heresy. After the initial defeats of the Empire, a Space Marine Chapter respond to the call for help.
Therefore, my project consists of assembling at least three small armies (KDK, AM, SM), with which I can test the eighth edition.

I, foamy248, commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists; my project is a Black Legion warband (that still needs a good fleshing out of fluff). I'm a really slow painter, so my vows would be pretty meagre, but hopefully this helps me kickstart the army I have planned for 8th Ed! 


I, Iron Bars, pledge the forces of the Forgeworld Ryza, including skitarii, the sepuloran reactor guard and (pre/post)heresy cybernetica forces, attached militia forces and allies space marines of still undiffined chapters to be painted for the BolterandChainsword tale of painters 2017


Welcome on Board. 



I, Rashbold,

commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists

My Project is the "The Legio Bolter and Chainsword".


Its will be great to see the Legio Bolter and Chainsword in the event! 



I, Scared to death, commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists. My project is to gather a motley force of Shadow Crusade-era Word Bearers and assorted allies & foes.



Welcome to the Tale. 


My project will be four 5man kill teams watch captain Artemis and a Deathwatch dread for my armies on parade.


That sounds great. I will put you on the list! 



So much to do, so little time!!


I'm looking forward to challenges/set tasks this time, to keep things interesting!!


I hope so, I think this will be a great way to spend the rest of the year. 



I Ferrus Manus, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, My Project will focus on the Lions Eternal III Company and attached units during the Purging of the Lokoro Cluster.


Welcome to the Tale. 



I'm very tempted to jump in on this but I'm still digging stuff out of boxes and dusting it all to see exactly what I have to work with.


Well you have basicly a month before things get really going. 




I Mandaloriano, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, My project is the Invasion of Leporis System.


The invasion of the Leporis system is about a horde of Khorne Daemonkin, called Branzen Hounds, invading a system in which there is an important settlement of the Adeptus Mechanicus with relics of the Horus Heresy. After the initial defeats of the Empire, a Space Marine Chapter respond to the call for help.
Therefore, my project consists of assembling at least three small armies (KDK, AM, SM), with which I can test the eighth edition.



Sounds Like a Great story and Project! 



I, foamy248, commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists; my project is a Black Legion warband (that still needs a good fleshing out of fluff). I'm a really slow painter, so my vows would be pretty meagre, but hopefully this helps me kickstart the army I have planned for 8th Ed! 


Welcome to the tale. 



I Kurama with sound judgement and mind Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists, My Project is the Xth Legiones Astrates


The sons of the Gorgon will never lay to rest


Welcome Kurama good to have you abord. 

I'm adding a knight!!! Red and black if that's a house;)


Sounds Like a fun addition to your force. Looking forward to seeing it! 


Glad there's a month before it starts. I'm getting supplies and actually working out how things will go together rather than my usual get random bits throw together with glue. :smile.:


Yep, its why I posted this a month early. Give everyone time to get things in order. 

I've been looking at the Fists I've already painted and want to do away with them:(...

Does anyone else suffer from learning to paint better itis?? It's like I paint/ learn new techniques while painting/ look at stuff I just finished and want to start all over again...


Ok, rant over and ready to rock n roll:)

I Lemainus, Commit to participate in the Bolter and Chainsword 2017 Tale of Hobbyists.


My project is the Rise of Malice - an ongoing battle I've been working on between my loyalist Dark Angels successor, the Iron Lions, and the malevolent forces of Malal.


I don't have an army list, I paint and model because I like to tell stories. So. I pledge to finish at least a few kitbashed models a month, one sweet diorama, and a bunch of short stories. With (hopefully) few grammatical errors and a somewhat compelling arc. 


I've always watched these threads with great interest... and now I'm gonna participate in one!


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