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Rubric Marine Objective Marker

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New edition, new rules.. NEW OBJECTIVE


I figured that with the glorious return of "All is Dust" to 40k, I'd make an objective out of my last unused Rubric Marine. I spent about 30 minutes making sure that with the backpack and repositioning of the feet, it looked like he was laying realistically! 


Tip: If you put glue on the points that contact the cork, you can put accelerator spray on the cork and then press down so it sinks in a little bit (important for the backpack and backsides of the pouldrons)











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That's very cool.


It gave me a funny image though. I've seen people do fatalities like this on a base and often there's copious amounts of blood. I had this funny image of all this sand coming out of the wounds.

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Last time we had 2 wounds I had 2 Rubrics looking down and holding out their hands where sand was pouring into them. They were wound markers.


They have been lost to the.........................................................................................


sands of time

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