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Index Astartes: Angels Vengeance Chapter


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Hello everyone at B&C, I'm a returning member who hasn't played the hobby for a number of years but has always kept a track of it all. With recent events surrounding 8th Edition I though it would be a good time to finish my own Chapter from all those years ago. The Angels Vengeance Chapter was part of the liber astartes campaign years ago but was never finished due to me loosing all my work.

So today I have finished drafting up my old chapter and want to share it with you all. Just a few things I want to say before you start reading it all. Firstly if you only want to read Chapter Organisation etc just scroll towards the bottom. Most names are subject to change as I'm bad at naming things, There are also some parts in brackets where I simply couldn't think of a name. The only exceptions to this are Angels Vengeance and Craton. With the Cicatrix Maledictum I did make a couple of changes to the chapter but as I don't have the actual books, I am using articles online to help fill it out so if I get any of that wrong, let me know.

· Summary

o Overview

§ 26th Founding (41st Millennia)

§ Focus on stealth and guerrilla tactics

§ Uses Local Imperial Guard Forces as an Auxiliary

§ Red, Black, Aqua (Eyes, power packs)

§ Unique power source to suits, weapons etc

o Origin

§ Gene seed from the Genesis Chapter

§ Training Cadre was from the Genesis Chapter but was lost in their first battle. Replaced by the Raptors Chapter shortly after.

§ Sent to sub-sector Trelosia due to warp anomalies, Dark Eldar trap. Genesis Chapter Training Cadre killed and a new home world chosen. Eventually fight Dark Eldar off the originally planned home world. The Imperial Guard there are merged into the Chapter as an Auxiliary (think Ultima Auxilia). Reclaimed neighbouring planets and now on campaign to reclaim the nearby sub-sectors. After the Cicatrix Maledictum, they are now defending their sub-sector against Chaos, Dark Eldar and Orks.

o Home World

§ Located in Segmentum Ultima in sub-sector Trelosia, the original Home world was civilised world Craton but was warzone so had to pick elsewhere.

§ New planet Trelos is a dead dwarf planet. The terrain has hard crystal like substances but deep underground, purer crystals used as power source for suits weapons etc.

§ Perfect defensible planet but must recruit from Craton to bolster numbers.

o Doctrine

§ Stealth and smaller precise engagements preferred due to influence of the Raptors Chapter. Will typically use multiple smaller strike forces as well.

§ Know this isn’t always viable so have defensible flexibility as well as being able to perform rapid counter attacks, both with the aid of the Imperial Guard from Craton.

§ Preference of the bolter over the chainsword, they have a smaller amount of assault marines.

§ Heavy usage of scouts as well as working with their Auxiliary Guard Forces.

§ All marines are excellent marksmen by space marine standards.

o Beliefs

§ Strong beliefs in the Emperor but also a duty to protect mankind (all of it) there is no Imperium without its people.

o Battle Cry

§ Vows before battle “Remember the Fallen” in regards to whom they have lost but also to the original Training Cadre that was lost to the chapter.

o Organisation

§ Typical structure for the battle companies but reserve companies are understrength

§ Higher number of scouts (bloated 10th company)

§ Smaller 1st Company(due to youthfulness), dispersed amongst battle companies

§ Little to no tactical dreadnought armour as well as other ancient wargear

§ Razorback>Rhino due to tactical flexibility


· The Founding

o The High Lords of Terra are informed that subsector Trelosia contains unusual warp anomalies that have recently emerged. They deem a new chapter must be created and placed there to protect the system from the potential threats that may come out of the warp as well as to strike out and reclaim/reinforce the neighbouring worlds.

o As part of the 26th founding the Genesis Chapter was given the honour of using their gene seed as well organising a training cadre for this new chapter, named Angels Vengeance.

o The Adeptus Mechanicus of Mars provide the gene seed, equipment for the new chapter as well as Skitarii forces to help investigate the warp anomalies. They are also joined by a patrol group of the Imperial Navy to provide escort but to also bolster the fleet in case they engage hostile forces from the warp.

o With the Gene Seed secure they meet up with the Frigate the ‘Warp of Adamant’ of the Genesis Chapter containing the training cadre. Initial recruits were already underway and being developed/trained on board the Mechanicus cruiser’ Sages’ Lance’.

· The Arrival

o The Battle Group arrive at sub-sector Trelosia and approach the world of Craton, the designated home world for the Angels Vengeance Chapter. Craton is a civilised world, with vast plains and sprawling cities, the inhabitants’ are loyal to the Emperor and produce regiments to protect the sub-sector and beyond. Instead of finding a welcoming world, they see it engulfed in warp energy, acting as some sort of shield. In high orbit Imperial cruisers fight on desperately to protect their world against the Dark Eldar.

o Before the battle group could react, a series of mines sends shockwaves throughout the ships, causing heavy damage. The Dark Eldar leaps at the chance of catching new prey and spread out their forces.

o The Genesis Chapters’ warship fights bravely, ordering the over vessels to protect the gene seed and the new chapter at any cost. The fighting is brutal but the Dark Eldars’ arrogance meant the planet side Imperial vessels pushed through the attackers to catch the Dark Eldar in a pincer.

o The Dark Eldar attempt to flee to the surface as the Space Marine frigate is on the brink of falling apart. In their final moments they ram their ship into the flagship of the Dark Eldar and send both ships crashing down onto the surface of Craton. This creates some sort of backlash that disables the warp like shields surrounding the planet.

o The rest of xenos ships are mercilessly gunned down, causing several ships to crash to the surface as they attempt to escape. The Dark Eldar webway gates are knocked out from the backlash of their flagship, leaving them isolated on the planet’s surface.

o The two Imperial groups sustained heavy losses but began to set up a blockade over the planet to reinforce the ground forces below. The recruits of the Angels Vengeance Chapter make planet fall (more for symbolic reasons than strategic) alongside the Skatarii and Imperial Guard to smash back what’s left of the Dark Eldar

· A New Home World

o Due to the state of Craton still being a warzone, the Adeptus Mechanicus take the gene seed and the surviving initiates to a neighbouring dwarf planet. They take a couple of ships as escort while the remaining imperial vessels continue the blockade.

o The new world they come across is a dead world, which they rename to Trelos, coated in crystal like structures as hard as steel (or some other tough metal). Landing operations begins and the fortress monastery is carved into the largest rock formations on the planet.

o As they set up defences and drill below they soon discover purer crystals radiate with energy. The Adeptus Mechanicus quickly dictate to use it as a power source to further their colonisation efforts.

o During this time word is sent out about the loss of the training cadre and the Raptors Chapter answer the call and is quick to send out their own marines to act as teachers for the new chapter. Despite this not settling too well with the High Lords of Terra, word to them would reach far too late for them; to hear the call, find a replacement then send them off to the sub-sector. Would simply take too long.

· Dark Eldar Counter Attack

o A couple years have passed and the Angels of Vengeance Chapter slowly grows, taking recruits from Craton and sending their Initiates there to help combat the ever present Dark Eldar. The Raptors training cadre has been showing their ways of stealth and guerrilla tactics that work exceptionally well. There is resentment of these ‘cowardly’ methods but the Raptors are their only tutors here so they do not question their methods.

o The Mechanicus stayed over the new home world, researching and refining the crystals to be used for fuel, engines, equipment and weapons. The surface crystals despite their toughness and durability have little other benefits for things such as armour plating and left largely ignored.

o The conflict on Craton is sporadic at best but there had been a rising influx of Dark Eldar attacks before a sudden warp surge from the webway emerges. This resulted in Dark Eldar warships bursting forth and punching through the blockade, making a beeline to the Angels Vengeance Home world.

o On top of this, war rages again across Craton as the Imperial Guard and Dark Eldar clash amongst all the major cities. The blockade sends reinforcements to the surface before setting after the Dark Eldar ships.

o The Mechanicus shore up defences above the home world while the chapter prepares the ground defences, making great use of the terrain and emplacements. The chapter is barely a company strong and already faced the brink of annihilation.

· Defence of the Home World

o The Dark Eldar attack was clearly driven by hatred as they threw themselves against the Imperium defences without mercy. The Mecanicus ship held true but couldn’t prevent ground forces from landing. Skitarii and Space Marine alike held the Fortress Monastery with everything they had. They couldn’t rely on stealth or hit and run tactics; it was a meat grind, a final stand.

o The Dark Eldar suffered huge losses but began to make ground and closed in for the final kill. They eventually pushed up to the gates of the fortress, if they broke in it would mean the end of the Chapter, they simply didn’t have the manpower to defend the interior of the fortress, so bottlenecked them at the gates.

o Many heroic sacrifices were made that day but it was the arrival of the blockading Imperial Fleet that secured victory. They shattered the Dark Eldar ships before deploying the entire 122nd Craton Airborne Regiment. Their Valkyrie gunships soared over the battlefield letting loose the planet’s most experienced warriors. The Dark Eldar invasion force was cut down to the last man.

o The Angels Vengeance took losses but they would recover; the Mechanicus forces also. The combined Imperial forces then turned their attention back to Craton, with the new arrival of webway portals, the Angels Vengeance Chapter new they had to stop the Dark Eldar once and for all.

· Retaking Craton

o It would still take years to fully cleanse Craton of the xenos and the chapter was ruthless in doing so. They sent rapid striking forces to hit soft targets and took their stealth approach on more difficult obstacles. With aid of the Imperial Guard, they began to fight back the Dark Eldar one webway gate at a time.

o It was also a chance to grow the chapter as well as give it the much needed experience. The constant fight with Dark Eldar made the chapter and the Craton forces excel in mobile warfare as well as the need for sneakier tactics. There were questions amongst the chapter about diverting from the Ultramarine heritage but the Raptors training cadre put their worries to ease.

o By the time of the final battles, the Chapter was already up to half strength due to the huge number of recruits given by Craton. Despite the majority of the forces being scouts and ‘youthful’ marines, they still had the manpower required to finally take back Craton into complete Imperial control.

o The final days for the Dark Eldar weren’t heroic; there were no final stands or massive battles. The Dark Eldar soon realised they had no way of securing victory and slipped away into the webway. The Chapter made sure every webway portal was destroyed so that the Dark Eldar could never mount such an offensive ever again.

o The Chapter had learnt a great deal from their first liberation and set their eyes amongst the rest of the sub sector. Craton was the sole supplier of Imperial Guard Regiments and with the emergence of the Dark Eldar, the rest of the Sub-Sector was left to fend for itself. Dark Eldar Pirates still loomed between the worlds; Orks had risen over Vordan while traitorous forces rise amongst the mining moons of Phoril IV and the agricultural world of Niven Prime. This doesn’t even take the rest of the sub-sector into account and the Chapters long term goal of spreading out to neighbouring systems.

o One final, unexpected act was the Raptors withdrawal of the training cadre. 1st Commander (insert name here) was given the honour to lead the chapter but was not given the rank of chapter master. They believed that privilege was for the original training cadre of the Genesis Chapter. The Raptors Chapter left the Angels Vengeance Chapter on with the first task to reclaim sub-sector Trelosia.

· Skirmishes on Vordon

o Vordon can be best described as an arid wasteland. It is covered in vast oceans of sand and rocky mountains. The climate varies from day to night wildly but has found itself colonised by the Imperium centuries ago. The planet held strategic importance due to its location in the sub-sector but holds little other values.

o The Regiments of Craton used this planet as a training ground to combat the local orks who were mainly feral up until the last couple of decades. With the entrapment of Craton by the Dark Eldar the orks were left unchecked. The orks warbands quickly overwhelmed the Imperial garrison as well as the PDF. Despite the Imperium never fully being beaten off the world, little was still held.

o The orks there quickly grew bored due to the lack of Imperial resistant and have resorted to fighting each other. The Angels Venegance Chapter saw a great opportunity to test out new stealth based tactics as well as train their recruits.

o The bulk of the scouts and initiates were sent to Vodorn to drive the orks back but not in a direct approach. The First Commander knew that doing so would only unify the warbands and could potentially cause a waaagh to arise. The chapter took its time eliminating ork leaders and destroying key locations like ammo dumps and factories.

o The orks were eventually put into check but were never fully eradicated, a vast amount of resources would be needed, one the chapter could not provide as well as the greater threats that lurked in the sub-sector that needed addressing first. The surviving Imperial forces excelled in mobile combat, using venators and chimeras to their advantage against the roaming ork warbands, they were quickly absorbed back into the Craton Regiments to act as scouting forces.

o The operations on Vordon took place first alongside the campaign that took place on Phoril IV. For the remaining orks the Adeptus Astartes would continue to use the world to train recruits to experience real life combat training as their final stages before becoming a full part of the chapter.

· Cleansing the moons of Phoril IV

o Phoril IV is a gas giant, rich with resources to help manufacture Imperium equipment, from the lonely lasgun to the mighty battle cruisers. The planet itself is inhospitable with no oxygen and corrosive dust storms. Bases on the planet were small, deep underground and the inhabitants had to rotate off the planet In order to reduce long term exposure, this made the transportation of the materials difficult. The Imperial answer was to colonise the three largest moons surrounding the planet.

o These moons were rich in life and ideal staging areas to help ferry the materials and personnel to and from the planet. Each moon also had a series of space stations orbiting them to act as salvage stations and docks. The mining companies were privately funded but fully cooperated with the Craton government and thus the imperium.

o At some point during the Dark Eldar invasion, all contact was lost to these facilities, the Imperium assumed they fell to the Dark Eldar but something far more sinister happened. Somehow the attached Imperial guard and PDF were corrupted and took over the facilities, killing or enslaving those who opposed. When Craton was finally secure, it was already too late and traitor guard controlled the moons and the planet of Phoril IV.

o While the recruits were sent to Vordon the more seasoned members were sent to purge the traitors alongside the Craton Regiments and The Adeptus Mechanicus Cruiser as support. The battle first took place on the stations, showing brutal close quarter fighting but the traitor guard were no match to the might of the Space Marines.

o Once secure they invaded all three moons at the same time. Here they encountered mutated orgyns who were used as workers as well as hell spawn, all were put to the flame. The moons were a challenge but a series of hit and run strikes crippled their defences, allowing the Craton regiments to pour through, wiping out all of the inhabitants, traitor and slave alike, no touch of chaos was allowed to escape.

o The hardest challenge was to secure the installation under the planet’s surface. Close quarter fighting was tested onto the chapter again but the traitor guard was eventually wiped out. Many secrets were uncovered to why the Garrisoned forces turned traitor but these documents were heavily classified, under the watch of the inquisition.

o With the Phoril IV cleansed, Imperial forces moved in to restart the mining operations as well as to make sure a repetition of the corruption was not to happen again.

· Siege of Niven prime

o This would be the largest campaign that the Angels Venegance had taken part in since their founding, it would be up to them to remove the chaos forces that had taken the planet. Their previous campaigns had been preparation for the forces to become venerated as well as build up their numbers. It was clear the same chaos forces that took the moons were the same who invaded the Agricultural world, hence why it brought the attention of the Inquisition.

o Niven Prime itself was largely converted into agriculture to help feed the sub-sector. The Imperial garrison and PDF were quickly driven back from the Northern Continent and have been in a stagnant state of attrition. Surprisingly the chaos forces never pushed southwards and instead built great fortresses which were supplied from the mining operations from Phoril IV.

o With their supplies cut off and the Angels Vengeance making planet fall, the chaotic war band of (insert name here) prepared their defences, hoping to put them to the true test. However, the conventional siege never arose.

o The Imperium stationed their forces away from all the battery ranges and began to rapidly strike weak points amongst the smaller fortresses. They soon became so crippled they collapsed within days of the all-out assaults by the Craton Regiments and Chapter Strike Forces.

o The last bastion stood at the very tip of the continent and held true for months of constant hit and run strikes. Like water to stone, the defences began to erode and soon an opening arose. Instead of before with focus on the Imperial guard. Two whole companies of marines burst through the beach wiping out the cultist defenders.

o The chaos war band lacked a significant number of marines and was soon overwhelmed by the Imperial attackers and fled the planet. Most were gunned down but too many escaped in the eyes of the inquisition. The whole northern continent was cleansed and the whole planet was thoroughly inspected before agriculture could restart.

· Aftermath and the Cicatrix Maledictum

o After many years of conflict these core worlds were under Imperial control and a staging ground was established to take back the rest of the sub-sector. The threats of roaming ork war bands remained, the chaotic war band and traitor guard still run amok on the outer worlds while Dark Eldar pirates pillage trade routes.

o The Angels Vengeance Chapter at this point had grown to around to 75% of its strength and had also requisitioned Craton to supply its regiments as an Auxiliary instead of a tithe to the Astra Militarium. Despite not owning the worlds, the Space Marines had overall rule to these liberated worlds and would use them to help reclaim the whole sub-sector. The Adeptus Mechanicus who aided with the gene seed had also remained to further study the Space Marine home world but to also aid in removing the traitors who had stolen much technology. The Inquisition still gazes over the sub-sector but had yet to directly intervene in the affairs.

o During the closing events of the 41st Millennium and the rise of The Ultramarine Primarch Roboute Guilliman, great troubles arrived at Sub-Sector Trelosia. The Cicatrix Maledictum has brought forth Dark Eldar and chaotic forces, plunging into Imperial space. The Chapter have recalled the majority of their forces to deal with the threat. Many worlds are in constant conflict between the Imperium and Chaos. Dark Eldar Pirates attack every vessel they can while ork forces have joined the fray on many of the warring planets. The Primaris Marines are a welcome sight and synergise perfectly with the chapter’s battle doctrines. The majority of the Craton Regiments have also been sent forth as well as the Mechanicus allies. The inquisition has also taken an active part with the whole galaxy in disarray; they fight on the front lines with the Imperial forces.

· Allies of the Angels Vengeance Chapter

o Adeptus Mechaincus group (insert name here)

§ This particular group has been allies since the initial founding. They protected the Gene Seed and were vital in securing the chapters’ home world. They were fascinated with the planets natural resources so stayed and aided imperial efforts.

§ They also took part in securing the moons of Phoril IV as well as later campaigns involving chaos traitors to reclaim lost technologies. They are currently reinforcing the core worlds of the sub-sector against chaos and ork forces.

§ They have also recruited members from Craton directly with permission from the chapter.

o Inquisitor (insert name here)

§ They mainly led a observer role up until the Cicatrix Maledictum. Now they actively fight the chaos forces in hopes to repel them from the sub-sector. They are using elements of the Craton forces, Angels Vengeance Chapter and the Adeptus Mechanicus in classified missions to cripple the chaos forces.

o 122nd Craton Airborne Regiment

§ This regiment has also been around since the founding of the chapter, fighting against the Dark Eldar invasion of Craton, aiding the defence of Trelos and have been an active member in all major campaigns of the chapter.

§ They are a counter strike regiment using Valkyries and drop troops; they excel at close quarter fighting and rapid redeployment. Veterans of many campaigns they are regarded as one of the most elite regiments who are under direct command of the chapter as an auxiliary and are currently engaged with chaos forces.

o 6th Craton Airborne Regiment

§ This regiment is considered the finest Craton has to offer, they deploy small strike teams behind enemy lines to assassinate, recon, sabotage etc. They are currently under the requisition of the Inquisitor to fight the chaos forces.

o 82nd Craton Recon Regiment

§ This regiment was stationed on Vordon before the Dark Eldar assault on Craton. They had been fighting the ork warbands before the Astartes arrived at the planet. They utilise Venators, chimeras and warhounds to great effect. They excel at recon missions as well as hit and run tactics. They are currently engaging ork forces with elements of the 10th Scout Company.

o 212th Craton Armoured Cavalry

§ This regiment was stationed on Craton when the Dark Eldar arrived and most of their heavy armour was lost in the initial stages of the conflict. They then acted as a line infantry regiment utilising lightly armoured vehicles. As the Angels Vengeance arrived in force, heavy armour was gradually reintroduced which proved pivotal during the siege of Niven Prime.

§ They have recently been dispatched to Vordon to repel the ork invasion, using their heavy armour to bolster the PDF.

o 16th Craton Regiment ‘The Raiders’

§ This regiment excels at close quarter fighting and was of great use when invading the space stations off Phoril IV. They typically use flamers, shotguns and autoguns when ship boarding enemy vessels. They are currently engaged with the Dark Eldar Pirates that have been raiding the sub-sector.

o Other regiments will be listed as they become apparent

· Enemies to the Chapter

o Dark Eldar Kabal (inert name here)

§ This Kabal was the reason the chapter was made, they caused the warp anomalies to mask their approach and trap the world of Craton. They were fought back into the webway but made one final assault to act as revenge: to wipe out the home world of the chapter.

§ The Kabal failed and was pushed back to the webway but there are concerns from the inquisition and the Adeptus Sororitas has been called for due to the recent events.

o Dark Eldar Pirates

§ Many pirating factions had used the opportunity the spread around the Sub-Sector and raid Imperial worlds and convoys. They are currently engaged with the Imperial Navy and Craton Regiments.

o Ork Warband (insert name here)

§ This warband was originally feral on Vordon before slowly using more and more technology. They almost beat the Imperium off the world but got bored and turned to infighting before being beaten back by the Adeptus Astartes. Now they have grown rapidly in the wake of the Cicatrix Maledictum and lay siege to Vorodn and many other worlds where chaos and Imperials are already fighting.

§ They emphasise on using vehicles and technology to out shoot their enemies. They have also been marked for extermination for the Adeptues Soroitas.

o Traitor Guard – Craton 75th Regiment

§ These forces were stationed on the moons of Phoril IV but turned traitor due to chaos corruption. It was fought they were wiped out by the Imperium but have remerged with the Cicatrix Maledictum and are aiding the chaos war bands.

§ They focus on chaotic orgyns and spawn as shock troops and well a variety of unusual vehicles (mining equipment). Their sudden reappearance has gained special attention from the Inquisitor.

o Traitor Guard – Cultists to Chaos War band (insert name)

§ These cultists origins have been classified. They follow the chaos marines and excel in siege warfare. They have many bodies to throw at the enemy and use a variety of corrupted machines and walkers. It is also believed they use vehicles once in the hands of the skitarii giving special hatred from the Adeptus Mechanicus.

o Chaos war band (insert name here)

§ This war band is believed to be a 25th/26th founding chapter turned traitor but the Inquisitor has yet to reveal the truth. They focus on siege warfare and worship the ways of the Iron Warriors. They create chaotic constructs and vast fortresses as a test to prove themselves to the unholy legion in hopes to joining their ranks. They were almost wiped out during the siege of Nivan Prime but escaped.

§ They, alongside the cultists, have emerged in great numbers from the warp. Having previously believed to being almost wiped out, this has come as a shock to the Chapter who have made it their sworn duty to eradicate them completely once and for all.

o Other war bands and cultists/traitor guard will be list as they become apparent.

· Organisation of the Chapter

o 1st Company

§ Under command of the First Commander, there is no Chapter Master as they believe the honour was held to the Training Cadre of the Genesis Chapter which was lost during the conflicts with the Dark Eldar. The Fist Commander acts as Chapter Master for all rights and purposes.

§ The 1st company is small due to the ‘youth’ of the chapter and only made up of sternguard veterans, they are spread amongst the battle companies to bolster fire power and add veteran warriors.

o Battle Companies

§ These companies remain true to the index astartes but they are commonly divided into half a dozen or so strike forces per company. They prefer small assaults from multiple angles at once rather than one large force.

§ They also favour the razorback over the rhino due to flexibility and much needed firepower in those small scale fights.

§ The Battle companies will often wage war with the aid of Craton Regiments such as the 122nd, seeing them as a true asset to the sub-sector. All of the companies have great respect for Craton, especially due to them being the reason for the chapters’ survival.

o Reserve Companies (all currently under strength)

§ The Tactical reserve companies are either stationed on Trelos to guard the Fortress Monestary or aiding the scout company, helping train the newer members of the chapter. Some squads are also attached to Battle Companies if the need arises.

§ The Assault reserve company mainly use vehicles such as land speeders, bikes, and storm talons over assault marines. They work very well alongside the airborne regiments of Craton for fast counter attacks and rapid strikes.

§ The Devastator company acts as an anvil in most cases, bolstering defences and providing long range fire support. They commonly use centurions and thundefire cannons to great effect and were pivotal on the Siege of Nivan Prime. This is not to say they don’t use stealth tactics, they are masters of preparing ambushes and striking from the shadows.

o Scout Company

§ The scout company commander is the 2nd most important position after the first commander and has large influence over the chapters’ major decisions.

§ The Company holds a larger than usual size of scouts due to the types of missions the chapter undergoes, knowing sometimes a scout is a better choice to a fully armoured marine. Many recruits also choose to remain as scouts rather than cladding themselves in power armour. They are spread amongst all the other companies abide the 1st. They also operate solely and with the aid of the regiments from Craton.

o Equipment (other equipment will be listed as needed)

§ The Chapter has little Tactical Dreadnought Armour due to the chapters’ young age but also it’s hard for Terminators to be stealthy. Only important personnel such as librarians, commanders and chaplains use such armour and even then that’s a rarity.

§ Land Raiders are non-existent in the company due to similar reasons.

§ The transport fleet is mainly made up of razorbacks, land speeders and storm ravens for rapid redeployment.

§ They make excellent use of drop pod assaults when the enemy is at breaking point if the situation demands it. (also use death wind drop pods)

§ Predators, Whirlwinds and Vindicators are used amongst the Battle and Reserve companies as the missions dictate.

§ Dreadnoughts are a rarity but are active amongst the Battle Companies.

§ The Chapter fleet has begun to grow with several strike cruisers being constructed to bolster the Imperial Navy stationed in the sub-sector but overall still remains small.

· Gene Seed and Recruitment

o The gene seed originates from the Genesis Chapter with the Ultramarines lineage. There have been no notable defects or mutations from the gene seed that wasn’t already apparent from the original stock. The Chapter prides itself in its purity to uphold the image that the Emperor desired to create.

o All recruitment takes place on Craton as their home world has no indigenous population. As the regiments saved them from annihilation they have been given the honour of sending recruits from their noblest and highest ranking families and houses. There remains a steady influx of recruits but due to the Chapters’ young age they have yet gathered their full strength.

o It is also not uncommon to gather recruits from lower ends of society if the candidates show potential to being an asset to the chapter.

· Battle Cry

o Before battle, vows are often spoken along the lines of ‘remember the fallen’ or ‘remember those who have fallen for us’. This is not only reference to those lost on the battlefield but a tribute to the training cadre that was lost in the opening moments of the chapters’ founding.

o During battle, little is spoken when stealth is a key part to the missions’ success. In more pitched battles you may hear lines similar to ‘for the fallen’ or ‘remember the fallen and fight in their honour’.

· Beliefs

o The Chapter firmly believes in protecting mankind and often show a humanitarian approach. This is undoubtedly an influence rubbed off by the Raptors training cadres who share similar beliefs. This is also linked to their fighting style of preferring small scale battle and using stealth rather than brute force.

o The Chapter had complete faith in their origins and with the return of The Ultramarine Primarch Roboute Guilliman, the Angels Vengeance Chapter will still uphold their oath of defending their sub-sector within Ultima. They are also welcoming of the Primaris Marines, mainly due to their faith in the Primarch but also due to the Chapters flexibility in combat.

· Doctrines

o Linking back to the influence of the Raptors chapter, the Angels Vengeance main method of engagement is through stealth based tactics. They will enact guerrilla warfare, recon, assassination, sabotage, hit and run strikes and many more methods. The Chapter is very flexible in this approach, preferring to break down the enemy via a thousand precise cuts rather than a single reckless blow.

o This is not to say they solely rely on it, they have seen the many failures of the Raptors history and are aware of their almost annihilation on several accounts. The Angels Vengeance Chapter is not afraid to try new and diverse tactics to achieve victory.

o Most of their strike forces are smaller in comparison to other Chapters, preferring to fight from as many angels/approaches as possible. It is not uncommon for many missions to be performed on squad level, especially when using or aiding other Imperial forces such as the regiments of Craton.

o The Angels Vengeance Chapter will always use as many different assets as they can, whether this is using death wind drop pods and tarantula turrets or supporting companies of the Imperial Guard. This may be looked down upon by other chapters but as long as the enemy is completely annihilated in the end, it matters little to the Angels Vengeance Chapter if they take the ‘cowardly’ approach.

o When stealth is not a viable option that will typically utilise rapid redeployments and mobility to their advantage, learnt from the many years fighting the Dark Eldar. The Chapter will hit hard and fast before falling back and repeating the process. The only exception to this would be their reserve Devastator and Tactical Company, who would act as an anvil alongside Imperial guard regiments (when stealth is not an option), purposefully giving up ground to lure the enemy into ambushes and crossfires.

o The Chapter rarely fights single battles on Company level and the whole chapter fights on the same battlefield together only in the direst of circumstances.

o For individual Marines and Squads, their choice of weaponry is the Bolter, preferring long range engagements. They only result to close combat as a means of counter attacks or unexpected pushes but will always prefer to engage the enemy at range when the option is viable. Weapons will often be interchanged from mission to mission and there is typically no preference of special or heavy weapon.

o In terms of vehicles most of the assault company forgoes the jetpacks and utilises bikes, speeders and other fast moving vehicles. For most operations where transport is required, the razorback will always be chosen over the rhino due to its tactical flexibility and much needed fire power on smaller scale battles.

o Armour in general is used when stealth is no longer a productive tactic on the battlefield or are used in conjunction with stealth based operations, acting as the final blow or a fall back option. Whirlwinds are a favourite for their long ranged potential to stealth units as well as the vindicator for when an obstacle has to be removed as soon as possible. Flyers are commonly attached to the Assault Company and operations requiring manoeuvrability, working very well with Craton Airborne regiments.

o Dreadnoughts are also held in high regard as they are the fallen warriors who will continue to be remembered; they are little in number but highly respected and often are sought for council by company commanders.

o The Angels Vengeance Chapter uses a much higher number of scouts as they are the perfect forces to use when stealth is viable. The 10th company is larger because of this and also because a higher quantity of scouts choosing not to become clad in power armour, preferring to further teach newer recruits and mastering their own skills as scouts.

o The Chapter itself are marksmen in regards to the standards of a Space Marine. When they are not in combat or practicing stealth based tactics they will constantly be on the firing range. This was another trait rubbed off onto them by the Raptors training cadre and they are most thankful for it. Each company commander has to be a superior marksman to their brothers as well as tactical geniuses and fearless leader. The veterans of the 1st company are regarded as the most superior marksmen in the whole chapter and most likely many other chapters as well.

A lot of work has gone in here. You have a lot of moving parts. I will let a more learnered Framer assist you. I just have one thing


What is the point of the Genesis chapter? I cannot see how it adds anything to the chapter that a Raptor geneseed would not

To Minigiant, Most of what is written here is from memory from about 5/6 years ago so there will be some plot holes so to speak haha. 


For your question, The raptors are a successor to the Raven Guard Chapter which have gene mutations. I originally chose it to be the Ultramarines but after reading the guides on here I decided to pick a successor chapter to give my one the gene seed, It doesn't have to be the Genesis Chapter but I figured that was a good one to pick. I wanted there to be a little conflict of beliefs between the Angels Chapters' heritage and the Training Cadre provided by the Raptors Chapter (due to their widely different approach to warfare) 

To further add to this, the original chapter who gave the gene seed (Genesis Chapter for now) sacrifices themselves to save my chapter. I incorporate this into their battle cries with remembering those who sacrificed themselves for the Chapter to survive. I figured it was also a nice reason for my chapter not to have a chapter master as they believed it was a position meant for the original chapter who provided the gene seed and the training cadre. If the Genesis Chapter simply replaced the one lost it would make my other stuff void. 

Does a quorum of Company commanders lead the Chapter, or is the "First Commander" Commanden alternative title for the Chapter Master, the way "Great Wolf" is for the Space Wolves, or "Supreme Grand Master" is for the Dark Angels? If the First Commander serves as a Chapter Master in all but name, then the latter is more appropriate.
You should edit the description of space battles in the scenes set during the Dark Eldar's initial attacks. Several times, you used "destroyed" where "devastated" was more appropriate, i.e., describing the condition of the Space Marine frigate that rammed the xeno ship (before she rammed this ship, sacrificing herself), and of the fleet that blockaded the planet to prevent the Dark Eldar from escaping.

To Bjorn, for the First Commander it was originally planned to have him in charge like the Great Wolf or Grand Master. There would just be an empty seat/slot for the Chapter Master for symbolic reasons. 


Yeah I need to redo the grammar side of it all, most amount of work I have written for almost 2 years now haha. The other thing with that was I had no idea about timelines, thats why it may seem events are out of place. I know it all occurred in the 41st Millennia due to it being the 26th Founding but outside of that I didn't really know/want to give precise dates. 


(done a couple of minor changes but will reread everything again when I get the time) 


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