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From the depths of dirty diapers and piles of dirty laundry I crawl forth. I have an itch to paint, no idea if I can accomplish it but I might as well attempt and make a small pledge out of it.



Edited by Fytharin

Grey Mage, I bow to you. That is a mighty vow and will be a sight to behold, once it is done... most impressive!

BROTHERS, behave! One of the proudest daughters of Russ, Fytharin, has joined us!
Good to see you back - and even better to hear that you and the little one are doing well. :smile.:

Welcome mercbat! I see you couldn't resist the beauty of the heavy Mk3 Armor aswell...

I had to edit my vow, because I didn't see I had 7 Wolf Guards in Cataphractii Armor - DO NOT ask me how you can loose someone in the biggest Terminator Armor available...
...well, I added him to the vow.

It is too warm to paint today.
So now, let's get those Scouts ready before the Primaris arrive...


Lesse, I reckon I've got some 3000 pts of unpainted models kicking around.

I, for now, pledge:

-1 Venerable Dreadnought w/ Fenrisian Great Axe and Blizzard Shield

-Arjac Rockfist

-Ulrik the Slayer

-Njal Stormcaller in Terminator armour

-8 TH SS Terminators

-2 Wolf Claw Terminators

-1 Land Raider Crusader

I'll probably pledge more later, but I'm hesistant to put everything on the table in case something comes up.

I, GalaxyChief do hereby vow to bring to bare my battle brothers to the aid of my Wolf brothers in the defense of our chapter and human kind.


I will pledge the addition of......


10 Grey Hunters with Attached Wolf Guard battle leader and Wolf standard


10 Sky Claws with attached Wolf Guard battle leader


10 Long Fangs 


6 wolf guard


Ulrik The Slayer


Njal in Terminator armor


Geigor The Fell-Handed


Wolf Lord Krom


Arjak Rockfist




While some of these gents are partial painted, most are assembled and primed. Jump packs need to be stripped.





I wolf lord Hljodir vows to bolster my great company, from 4 years of slumber, with the following:


logan grimnar on sled



wolf lord on TDA ss/frost sword

wolf priest on TDA

wolf priest on bike

2xGHPL pfist

grey hunter with wolf standard

swiftclaw with flamer

15 bloodclaws

5 skyclaws

TDAWG wc/ss combi/psword pf/sb

2x ven dread axe/shield

dread 2xautocannon


3x twc 

longfangs 3plasma cannon 1multimelta



Edited by r@f

Aw yes Riku, Harpoon wielding Varagyr... You have made me a happy wolf.


What spears did you use?

Hehehe, I am not telling... yet. I will present them in their full detailed glory once they are done ;D


Welcome, TheDuck and GalaxyChief, an awesome collection of Heroes of the Fang! Can't wait to see them.

Hljodir Duskwalker, wow, already a sight to behold... welcome aswell!


The Mad Hermit, I am waiting with bated breath, haha!



So OOC question: is this a challenge build topic? 


Yes, Brotherblur, it is - and it is open to all sons of the Fang!





In the Meantime, I have finished kitting out the Scouts.

And the Primaris reinforcements arrived and i have started to get them of their sprues... guys... these are the future. They look so clean and crisp and awesome. If we get Space Wolves kits for these later on... boy, I can't wait. They tower over Tartaros and Cataphractii Terminators with ease. Maverick was right, they ARE Jotunn. I know, I know, lorewise we need a bit more details and they will probably need time to develop them... ...but from a modeling standpoint, we can only win.


I ordered me some curved Insignias of the Wolf Head from Popgoesthemonkey for my Primaris.

I also ordered some decorative bits from the Wulfen kit (the small emblems, knives, trophies), so the Primaris can get some small signs and trophies from their first few battles alongside our chapter. (It's basically a benefit, that they are so blank and only have a few aquilas - you decide how much bling they get. I will make sure that they look like Space Wolves - but in a way that shows that they haven't earned personalized armors and etchings and stuff yet.)


I am also considering ordering a single Lieutenant, to convert a Primaris Ragnar Blackmane... MAYBE... (probably - I already look through ebay)

War-hardened brothers do not need a lot of time to rearm, as we all know.

So I, mercbat, claim my first vow completed:

Pack ready to hunt!


Some pics of the oldest veterans in the squad.

First is Tharni "Skuld fellow":



Second is Ort "Sting" Tharson:



Brothers, I vow to fill up the ranks with my new company, the Space Wowlfes.


As I just started 40k my goal is to assemble and atleast fully basepaint the following:


All marines from the dark imperium

10x grey hunters

2x box of wolves pack so prolly 20 grey hunters

1x dreadnaught

5x WG melee termies

3x TWC

1x foot wolf lord(probably turn it wolf priest)

5x long fang

5x wulfen


And make my gf design logos for my own SW company as well as make a backstory.


If you dont hear from me come october, send help!

Mercbat... Wow! Amazing work, so crisp and clean and beautifully detailed. Amazing! And Congratulations to being the first vow finished!


Welcome to the Valdrmot, Graceslick! A respectful vow, especially for a newcomer! If you need help, advice or guides, just shout! Dantay collected a huuuuuuge list of guide articles and videos for ALL kinds of painting, sculpting and building techniques useful for Space Wolves Models, last year.


Sorry I havent posted in awhile. My stormfang parts are bent from out of the box. i tried training them with rubberbands, dipping them in warm-hot water and manipulate them all to no result. I contacted GW and awaiting a reply.

I have the feeling the Stormfang Mold is slightly cursed... on mine there was the front corner of one of the side plates missing entirely, as if the mold wasn't filled properly. So I had to turn that in aswell, once. Hope you get a quick answer!


I am waiting for some bits to arrive now. So I did something, to get my idea down...
...and I want my Space Wolves Primaris to look similiar to my normal Space Wolves, but in a way that honors and 'remembers' bearly brothers lost to another past and their paint scheme.

Space Wolves Primaris

But I only have Paint to work with, due to my laptop being acting like a oven/attack-helicopter, when I open more than a handful of Firefox Tabs...
Orange = Copper
Light Grey = Silver
Yellow = Gold

I hope the finished models can do justice to the Iron Bears in a more honorful way... *sighs*

Mercbat... Wow! Amazing work, so crisp and clean and beautifully detailed. Amazing! And Congratulations to being the first vow finished!


Welcome to the Valdrmot, Graceslick! A respectful vow, especially for a newcomer! If you need help, advice or guides, just shout! Dantay collected a huuuuuuge list of guide articles and videos for ALL kinds of painting, sculpting and building techniques useful for Space Wolves Models, last year.



Sorry I havent posted in awhile. My stormfang parts are bent from out of the box. i tried training them with rubberbands, dipping them in warm-hot water and manipulate them all to no result. I contacted GW and awaiting a reply.

I have the feeling the Stormfang Mold is slightly cursed... on mine there was the front corner of one of the side plates missing entirely, as if the mold wasn't filled properly. So I had to turn that in aswell, once. Hope you get a quick answer!




I am waiting for some bits to arrive now. So I did something, to get my idea down...

...and I want my Space Wolves Primaris to look similiar to my normal Space Wolves, but in a way that honors and 'remembers' bearly brothers lost to another past and their paint scheme.




But I only have Paint to work with, due to my laptop being acting like a oven/attack-helicopter, when I open more than a handful of Firefox Tabs...


Orange = Copper

Light Grey = Silver

Yellow = Gold

I hope the finished models can do justice to the Iron Bears in a more honorful way... *sighs*

I love the idea of successor chapters to the space wolves. We could certainly need a few right about now.

Hey, guys!  Just a quick update.  I've got the attention span of...something with a short attention span...so the latest edition releases have proved significantly distracting.


Here's  my workspace.  Yes, that's my dining room table.  Yes, that's about as much project "creep" allowed by wifey before measures are taken.

mcmw40k 7708


Here's what I'm *supposed* to be working on:  second axe dread in progress.  I've not so much as touched the two unassembled drop pods yet.  Too much in the hopper that I'll actually be using on the table for this edition.

mcmw40k 7726


Gotta get Bjorn squared away soon, given the stellar reviews...

  • 2 weeks later...

Made a start on 1 of my 3 dreads which I have vowed... Very early days!!


35365149550_a2ed296bbe_b.jpg20170705_225733 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35583535382_fe7fd62382_b.jpg20170705_225722 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35583534642_63e7355181_b.jpg20170705_225656 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35583534642_63e7355181_b.jpg20170705_225656 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35365149360_0918d36c44_b.jpg20170705_225648 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35583534962_375d46b12b_b.jpg20170705_225641 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


35365149660_b5ba40a89d_b.jpg20170705_225632 by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Long time coming, but enough settled to find some hobby time! I'm pledging this kit bashed and modified Primaris Space Wolf Intercessor Squad (and hope I find time to paint this and more):



  • 2 weeks later...

I, Gemini Vow to bring to crucible of battle: 

1x 5 man squad of Jump Pack Wolf Guard armed with Combi-plasma and plasma pistols, pack leader with Thunder Hammer

1x 5 man squad of Jump Pack Wolf Guard armed with Storm Bolters, plasma pistols and chainswords, pack leader with Thunder Hammer

1x 5 man squad of Bike Wolf Guard armed with Storm Shields, 4x Combi Plasma, 1 Combi-flamer, chainswords and a pack leader with Thunder Hammer

1x 5 man squad of Bike Wolf Guard armed with Storm Shields, 5x Storm Bolters and a pack leader with Thunder Hammer

1x 5 man Grey Hunter Squad. Base (these will add to another 5 man squad that already has all of the specials)


Battlescribe has this at 985 points. 

Pictures of primed/unpainted to follow...


noname (1)

image (15)

image (14)


image (16)


Edited by Gemini

I have to admit my first vow might been a little too optimistic given that it takes me forever to paint a model. Also I am unsure how to equip many of the models and if I even want to use the primaris so I shamefully change my vow to a squad of around 1k that I can learn to play with and try to paint them better than just stresspainting like I first planned.


10x Grey hunters

1x Wolf Lord on foot

3x TWC

5x termies

5x wulfen

1x razorback

1x dreadnaught

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