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Have you seen this yet (chaos leviathan)?

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Looks like Chaos are finally getting all the crazy toys us loyalists have been enjoying for a while.

I think this unit looks great personally.


The FW Book is going to be a mandatory purchase as I mentioned in the other topic.

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Looks like Chaos are finally getting all the crazy toys us loyalists have been enjoying for a while.

I think this unit looks great personally.


The FW Book is going to be a mandatory purchase as I mentioned in the other topic.


My Thousand Sons rejoice! Or they will once I see the Chaos Index and see they're not totally crap like they are without Tzangors and other models at the mo

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I could cram a whole lot of freaky freehand onto those lovely big armour panels.


And those rules! My word!

But what weapons to choose? What weapons to choose??


Right now it's the Grav and Drill. Kinda gutted there's no USP between the Drill and Claw anymore

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I could cram a whole lot of freaky freehand onto those lovely big armour panels.


And those rules! My word!

But what weapons to choose? What weapons to choose??

Siege Drill and Grav Bombard for Chaos, definitely.

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But what weapons to choose? What weapons to choose??


This will obviously depend on how the points fall out.  Unless of course your area decides to go with the narrative 'battle points' system where upgrades are free, in which case, yeah, the drill and grav.


There are some advantages to the battle points system.  AoS does things that way, and I actually kind of like it, as I like fancy upgrades, I like seeing them, and if you price them separately there's too much risk that you'll overprice them and end up punishing people for taking them.  See chosen in the current rules with all their cool weapon options, almost none of which are actually worth paying for.  Or autocannons on chaos terminators, etc.


But on the other hand free upgrades has some silly fallout, including frequently seeing options that are just strictly superior, such as the drill just being the same as the claw but better on this leviathan.


I expect most 40k players will stick to actual points with actual costs for upgrades, so until we see those there's really no way to say what the 'best' armament is for this or any other unit.

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I think I'd go for the Butcher cannon array. 8 shots on 2+ which wound Marines on 2+, do 2 damage and reduce LD by 2 for that turn is just too sweet imo.


The Soulburner ribaudkin sounds really nice against well armored single target units....but I think if we are that close to such a model, our 4 S16 AP-3/-4 attacks which hit on 2+ as well will do the trick. :D

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Good thing I already converted one a few weeks ago ;)


This is so awesome :D I'll be taking a butcher cannon one for the sole fact it's longer range plus perfect for forcing battleshock tests on dudes with the -2 leadership may only be -1 ap (wish it was -2 :( ) but 8 shots seems like a good deal to cause at least a few wounds


So would a giant plague censer wrecking ball count as a siege claw you think :D


Hmmm I have a feeling there will be no additional benefit having marks apart on certain units from fulfilling the keywords otherwise it would be not part of its keywords and be an upgrade instead

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If allowed, double grav would be really nasty (and I will do it :P ): Minimum 2D3 S9 AP -5 D2 makes me drool, sill kicking in CQC with WS 2+ S8 that can heal himself. But I'll magnetize at least one arm for snipy claw just in case of nasty CQC monsters I think.

@teutonicavenger, your conversion is amazing wub.gif

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I'm not so sure you can replace both of the siege claws. It states you can replace one or both claws with siege drills but then says 1 claw can be swapped for a gun. Or maybe they meant you could replace each claw and pick a different weapon when doing so. Wouldn't be the first time something was poorly worded.
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That's the normal wording they use to say an item can be replaced. One everything pretty much. The number simply specifies the quantity. 1 claw and 1 meltagun for 1 option. But it can be done as long as there are pairs of claws and meltaguns to trade.

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One with siege claw/ wrecking ball and butcher array will work wonders alongside my two butcher cannon Contemptors supporting my marines as they advance


Thank you FW for letting me field true Dreadnoughts and not Helbrutes :D

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One with siege claw/ wrecking ball and butcher array will work wonders alongside my two butcher cannon Contemptors supporting my marines as they advance

Thank you FW for letting me field true Dreadnoughts and not proper Helbrutes biggrin.png

What with it still being called a Helbrute and all. :D

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That's the normal wording they use to say an item can be replaced. <snip>But it can be done as long as there are pairs of claws and meltaguns to trade.

My point was they were inconsistent in wording between the drill and gun replacement options. That leaves it open to different interpretations. Not a big deal for me but it could lead to debates in some circles of play.

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No, no they weren't inconsistent. Again, it's the same wording they've always used in every other similar situation.


You can change one or both of your siege claws for siege drills or you can trade 1 siege claw and 1 meltagun for a bigger gun, with your choice of three different guns.


One option is a straight up 1 to 1 trade while the other is making you trade two items for one, with the second trade having multiple options.


It's pretty dang clear cut and because it's two different deals, both deals are rightfully written that way so as they cannot be confused with each other, or misinterpreted.


If you trade both siege claws for siege drills, then you cannot get the Butcher Cannon, Soulburner Ribaudkin, or Grav-flux bombard, even though you still have the meltaguns. Inversely, if you trade one meltagun and one siege claw for say, a grav-flux, you can still trade your other siege claw for a siege drill. Which would give you a loadout of two flamers, one grav-flux, one meltagun, and one siege drill.


That's why it's worded that way. Each deal is an entirely separate deal and works in entirely different way from the other.

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Understood and I think we're discussing different things. My original comment was in response to the dual grav statement. The data sheet stated you could trade one pair (claw+melta gun) for a big gun, strict interpretation being you can only do that for one arm as it wasn't called out that both pairs of claws+melta guns could be replaced. They did list you could trade out and get two drills.


Edit: Clarified as my original post wasn't clear. It made perfect sense in my head, I swear!

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That thing is a beast. Looks good and has some powerful rules. Expensive as all get out though, but that is to be expected. I'm glad FW is pushing some units to either 40k from HH or imperium to chaos and access to grav. I think the order of the day if possible is the drill plus grav cannon in a dreadclaw.


I'm hoping for Osiron contemptor. The model is gorgeous and I would love a psychic dread.

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Hopefully Huron (or whatever method to unlock) can still grant ways to infiltrate/outflank units. That would be perfect for this thing. A Kharybdis just for one model, however good, doesn't seem like it would ever be worth it. Although, it does seem pretty damn good!
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