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Have you seen this yet (chaos leviathan)?

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Hopefully FW scrap the rule where it can eat guys or dreadnought I absolutely :cuss loathe stupid rules like that


I really want to see the plague hulk and contemptor stats as I just used both in a tournament and they were pretty brutal and damn right resilient so can't wait till the new edition when they get even better :D

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Thinking on this, I couldn't decide but had an idea.


I am going to get one with the Grav and the Drill, and I have a two Butcher Cannons in my bitz box which I had earmarked for my Calth Contemptor, but I think I will now be building a Butcher Cannon array from them for when I want that large calibre, leadership reducing dakka hit!

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Huh, this is a welcome turn of events. While it's greatly appreciated that Chaos is getting access to at least some of the Loyalist units that make some sense, this has me really wondering what formal Chaos units like the Desimator will look like in 8th. Interesting times, indeed.
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