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Death to the False Emperor and Berserkers in 8th

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I just got off the phone with the rep to do preorders and want #s for my gaming store.


Death to the False Emperor: Each roll of 6 to hit = make an additional attack in melee.


Khorne Berserkers pile in twice and fight twice each Fight Phase.



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I just got off the rep to do preorders and want #s for my gaming store. Huge order.. Will total over 3k lol. Brutal.


Death to the False Emperor: Each roll of 6 to hit = make an additional attack in melee.


Khorne Berserkers pile in twice and fight twice each Fight Phase.




Hmmmmmmmmmmm I want to believe this.

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he didnt say anything else. was too excited about getting my demo copies of the books next week msn-wink.gif

....share with us your great knowledge yes? ....Maybe in PM's if necessary :p

I just need the 1k son important material and I can do some math hammer and start a draft on the new tactica for us lol.

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If this rule ends up to be true that is a very nice boost for CSM in melee without being over the top.  It will be neat to see how the rule is worded and the qualifiers in it.  I do hope it is not limited to fighting the imperium.


Also this is very simple and use to use on the usability side of game design.  

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The melee weapons on the skull champions got even better, if this is the case. Thrashing about wildly with power fists is going to cause a ton of damage.


But the pile-in part is just as important. Not really sure how often it would come into play, but I'm just imagining a big unit of Berzerkers spreading out and dragging everything around it into combat.

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Pile in, if it works like aos, must move each model closer to the individual enemy model it was closest to before piling in, and must maintaon coherency. it's not likely that you'll be able to spread out very much.
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If you set up the unit correctly during the movement phase, it shouldn't be that hard, but the maintaining coherency might really limit it. Not necessarily a bad thing, though. Shouldn't be easy to pull it off. Plus, just have multiple units of Berzerkers charging all over the place and everyone's gonna be in combat eventually. :)


I sorta like the new Death to the False Emperor rule, but it seems like it would only work against Imperials, given that name.

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To be honest, I kind of preferred VotLW to DttFE.  A slightly stronger effect, but limited to our hated enemies.  But either way.  Keep an eye out for any characters or psychic powers that buff to-hit rolls, if it works like AoS those bonuses happen first, so a +1 to hit would give you extra attacks on 5+ and so on.

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An analogue to the dude who plants a Khornate icon and buffs everyone will be most welcome. A Khornate dark apostle who can ride a juggernaut (or at least a bike or a jump pack) would work just fine, to that end.


I like the current VotLW very much, but if it's gone it's gone. Exploding 6's for Berzerkers especially is going to be so glorious.

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So it's the old 'Axe of Khorne' boost from the original 3rd ed codex, but now unit wide?!

Tasty! biggrin.png

Of course, the big question remains - how viable will it be to make into combat with shooting supposedly being even deadlier now?

faction-wide, thousand sons have the rule too. Also, unlike the old axe of khorne, the extra attacks probably don't themselves generate extra attacks on further sixes.

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So it's the old 'Axe of Khorne' boost from the original 3rd ed codex, but now unit wide?!

Tasty! biggrin.png

Of course, the big question remains - how viable will it be to make into combat with shooting supposedly being even deadlier now?

Shooting even deadlier? Aside from a few exceptions like the Leviathan Dread it rather looks like shooting got toned a good bit down imo.^^

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