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New CSM Warband Project Concept


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Greetings my brothers (and sisters!) I come seeking assistance and input. After a lengthy absence from 40k the new 8th edition stuff is pulling me in. With the new starter box the opportunity for starting an army I have long (like decade plus) wanted to do suddenly becomes a reality. Now this army is more simply a fusion of World Eaters and Death Guard in a very much hammer and anvil playstyle. With the new nurgle models (that lord is one of my favorite models GW has ever produced) and some of the great AoS khorne parts I feel confident in having access to all the modeling needs I will have.


What I do need help with though getting started is the fluff. Like many here I care about the backstory of my army and having good fluff-friendly explanations to army composition and modeling. So how exactly does a warband form from followers of Khorne and Nurgle?


Well I have one idea so far in that two Terran brothers were recruited preheresy but into different legions, one to the War Hounds (World Eaters) and one to the Dusk Raiders (Death Guard). History ensues and it is not until after the legions flee to the Eye of Terror and fragment that the brothers eventually reconnect and form their own warband of their joint smaller forces. A few issues with this though. I know the marine making process destroys a lot of the previous identify but I'm pretty sure you should at least remember if another marine is your biological family, but I am not super certain on this as I have not read my Black Library books. Obviously the brothers would have issues working together as would their followers, but it's chaos after all! Colatitions of legions are tough, Abaddon would be the first to acknowledge that.


So what do you think? Any input would be great and as things get closer I hope to morph this topic into a project log if all things go as planned.


Thanks all!

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Ahriman still remembers his old twin brother from before his "marinating". The crusade marinating process was a scientific thing, not as steeped in myth and ritual as it is now. I expect the marines would be of a different quality...though they were mass produced on a different scale and could have other flaws...

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Carcharadons Red Tithe also features a pair of brothers from the Heresy where one became Night Lord and the other became a Raven Guard and eventually a Carcharadon.


And they didn't remember each other, but mostly because they went into separate Legions and then spent 10,000 years apart.


So there are many variables, and ultimate the development is up to you. But there are precedents.

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Its only post-heresy that marines got really indoctrinated.


The Thousand Son's character from Talon of Horus remembers his family pretty well.


Its not supposed to be rare at all to have a mixed legion/god warband. Its the mono-legion warbands that are rarer.

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Ahriman still remembers his old twin brother from before his "marinating". The crusade marinating process was a scientific thing, not as steeped in myth and ritual as it is now. I expect the marines would be of a different quality...though they were mass produced on a different scale and could have other flaws...

He served beside that brother in the Thousand Sons, mind. For what it's worth, Albyon gave warriors both to the IV (hey Garro), X (Smythe, ahem, Meduson) and the VIII (err, Var Jahan perhaps?)

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Carcharadons Red Tithe also features a pair of brothers from the Heresy where one became Night Lord and the other became a Raven Guard and eventually a Carcharadon.


And they didn't remember each other, but mostly because they went into separate Legions and then spent 10,000 years apart.


So there are many variables, and ultimate the development is up to you. But there are precedents.



Are you refering to the psykers? I've understood it that the NL was calling him brother as a mockery. Like, a traitor calls his loyalist enemy brother as they are both "sons" of the Emperor and "made" nearly the same way, thus making them brothers. :O

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Really great input everyone, thank you very much. I think I like the idea of having the two brothers....perhaps twins....at least two brothers of similar age from Terra that were recruited into the two chapters respectfully. As I said before heresy ensures, time passes and the two now split apart warbands come upon each other in the warp. They come to blows with the two brothers meeting in combat at the head of their small splinter factions. The khorne brother has superior offense, and the nurgle brother superior defense but neither are able to best the other due to their skill sets. Throughout the battle they come to recognize the other for who they are and ultimately a tentative truce is called. The warbands are fused together with the brothers acting as "co-lords". The two haves are constantly rivals and are barely able to keep their animosity in check but due to the strengths and skills of the respective groups they are surprisingly successful. Overtime as they pull in more warriors and renegades into the force they fight over which side will indoctrinate these "rookies".


Basically gives me a premise for the theme but the sides are constantly at war with each other and hold onto that....chaotic nature of chaos. Blood and guts!

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Marines definitely still remember the time before they became Marines and don't suddenly lose all their personality.


In the Mephiston novel there is a Marine that remembers his actual brother and the circumstances of how he got the Blood Angels is what drives him even in present where he is a Marine.


Note: worded it rather vague on purpose to avoid any potential spoiler even tho it's not important for the overall story

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