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Albino Fur?

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Warhammer TV has this.


I'd be more inclined to try colours with a hint of tan in them. A basecoat of Zandri Dust followed by a thin wash of Seraphim Sepia before dry brushing up through Zandri Dust, Screaming Skull and a finally a light drybrush of White Scar.

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Cryptix, if you are still looking for ideas:


Here is an image of a slightly darker than albino, but pallid, attempt at flesh, and here is my paint scheme for it.


I think if I had to change anything, I would use a more thin wash of Reikland Fleshshade, and then use some Guilliman Blue across the entire surface before going back in with the Rakarth Flesh, because human albino skin can have a light purple tone due to the veins and vessels running below it.


Another interesting thing to watch may be

with a very similar scheme to mine that comes up with a white toned skin.


For the fur, I agree with Master Commader Ajax above, but I wouldn't go down to Zandri Dust, the darkest I'd probably start would be Ushtabi Bone, then Seraphim Sepia - but truthfully, I'd try starting painting a base of Rakarth Flesh, completely covering that with Screaming Skull, shading it all with Seraphim Sepia, then doing an overbrushing with Screaming Skull, and a final Drybrush with White Scar. This should give you a very pale white fur with just a hint of a blonde seeming under-layer to the fur.

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