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Fate of Baal


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I'm actually disappointed that the Tyranids got shafted like that again just so Guilliman has his huge entry to the scene. It seems to me that GW goes way too often the way of having a quick and sudden solution to huge and meaningful battles.

The way they described the Tyranid fleet being WAY above what we can defend against made me want to see Baal actually get destroyed to be honest.


I bet in the aftermath Dante will welcome the Primaris Marines since he saw that classic Marines aren't enough anymore and by some way they also manage to repopulate Baal so nothing actually changed except for the Primaris upgrade and Leviathan now being gone. >_>

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Nah, Khorne just couldn't find the Blood Angels through all the Tyranid corpses, so to pass the time and let off some steam they had art class.


And whoopee, another "Gman swoops in at the last second to save the day after another faction with a hint of individuality fails" yet again. God thats already getting annoying.

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Cue Guilliman:


"Here I come, to save the daaayyy!"

Rare footage of Guilliman saving the day on Baal:








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So i took the time to Copy the text, so you can find it below :





Devastation of Baal

After sacrificing the shield worlds of the Cryptus System to fend off the xenos' earliest advance, the planet of Baal itself came under intense attack by Hive Fleet Leviathan. The Tyranid fleet was of such mass, even after its considerable losses, that it blotted the stars from the skies.


Lord Commander Dante bolstered the formidable defences of the Blood Angels' home world and her moons like never before.


Never one to avait attack, he also sent forth scores of pre-emptive strike forces to delay, mislead, and whittle down the living armada. Hundreds splinter fleets were thus defeated.


Dante's call, beseeching the Blood Angels' successors to send immediate aid to their parent Chapter, did not go unheeded. The Flesh Teares were the first to arrive, and ultimately all the successor Chapters save the Lamenters answered. Even the Knights of Blood, whi had been declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the High Lords of Terra, arrived to bolster the defences. It was still not enough.

Learning at an exponential rate, Hive Fleet Leviathan could not be thwarted by the same strategy twice. Advancing steadily, their superior numbers cleared the sector of life before the xenos made planetfall upon Baal and her twin moons. The first nineteen waves, each larger than the last, were driven off at great loss to the Blood Angels and their successors allies. Five Chapter Masters fell in that bitter fighting, three in the Battle at the Dome of Angels alone.


The Tyranids began the process of draining Baal and her moons, absorbing even the rad-poisoned deserts of Baal Secundus. With their defences in ruin and the moons stripped and broken, the remaining Space Marines retreated back to the rubble of the Blood Angels' sprawling fortress monastery. There, they prepared for a last stand as the next wave swept downwards. Doom, it seemed, had at last come to the Sons of Sanguinius.

It was then that the Great Rift cracked open the galaxy, and the withered Baal System was blasted by aetheric storms. Although no further attack waves came from the Leviathan fleet, not a single Imperial defender remained alive upon the last moon, Baal Prime. On Baal itself there were already enough Tyranids there to destroy the Imperial troops many times over.


Even with no chance of victory, Commander Dante led his troops, each fighting retreat seemingly more hopeless than the last. As the final perimeter was broken, the stars reappeared. Looking skywards the Tyranids sought contact with their hive fleet, but it was gone, replaced by a newly arrived Imperial fleet.





Edit (Cause i post it first and write my impression after^^) :


So, what do we learn :


=> Baal soons are dead.

=> 5 Chapter master died in action (I'm sure Gabriel Seth will be fine, Surviving is Cretacia everyday life after all.)

=> Last Stand on Baal

=> Great Rift opening (so right after Cadia's Fall and normally before Guilliman awakening...or the Rift opened after Luna events, i don't remember^^.)

=> Right after, the Tyranids fleet is gone and a new imperial fleet has arrived.


Strong point (Fluff wise) :


=> Baal moons dead. (Tyranids leaves nothing alive...)

=> 5 Chapter master died in action. (It is the biggest hive fleet encounter that the Imperium have ever known. The one that the Ultramarines faced is a minor one by comparison. So, some looses are inevitables.)


Weak point (Fluff wise) :


=> Tyranids fleet disappear after the Great Rift opening.....possible, but given the sheer size of the fleet....it is more likely that the Shadow of the Warp may have protected them....but well, it is the Great Rift of the Warp that divide the Galaxy in two...so it may still be an acceptable possibility fluff wise.



=> Shiny Imperial Fleet incoming, The BIG point with only two scenari :


      => First Scenari, the easier to accept :

An Imperial fleet on crusade got driven to Baal due to the fluctuent currents of the Warp, and endend up switching place with the Hive fleet. They immediatly come to help the Blood Angels. (I feel sorry for those that will find themselves "saved" by the Baal Hive fleet....)


      => Second Scenari, the worst :

Primaris Astartes arrive, due to Warp time loop (and GW marketing team), on Baal to save (replace) the Blood Angels.


Prepare yourselves for what may be either :


=> One of the greatest part of the Blood Angels fluff.

=> The Worst part of Blood Angels fluff. (The kind you choose to simply ignore.)

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So apparently we got the Space Wolves treatment and got decimated...

I would like to know more.

Please. We invented that game. Getting decimated is kinda our thing for a while now.. biggrin.png

but we lost alot more than 1/10th of our people....

So we are simply better at getting decimated?

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So apparently we got the Space Wolves treatment and got decimated...

I would like to know more.

Please. We invented that game. Getting decimated is kinda our thing for a while now.. biggrin.png

but we lost alot more than 1/10th of our people....

LOL We're probably left with 1/10th.

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Well I am willing to bet that third company is still on Armageddon, First and Second companies were still involved in the whole Cadia thing, etc, so we still have at least three half strength companies xD 


The real question is where are we getting our recruits from now?

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Man, I was just gutted to read the leaked fluff. Baal is done, and the majority of the greater Blood Angel family destroyed. Saved by the Ultramarines. No further fluff on the Lamenters (okay that point effects virtually no one).


Are we sure Gulliman isn't Tzeentch?

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I honestly don't see anything wrong with it. We knew Baal would be doomed (and entire hive fleet was moving in), but we have also known that Dante would be at Terra (so they had to survive). This is, in my opinion, totally justified. It in NO WAY diminishes our chapter at all.

Also I think Baal was pushed forward in time.

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i mean, no, it doesn't really diminish our chapter, but robby g showing up to save the day seems to be a theme.  It would've been nice if we had beat the hive fleet alone, and not with assistance from robby g.  i would've even liked "the sanguinor showed up and just kicked that much tail," more personally, because it's still the blood angels doing it themselves.

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