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Fate of Baal


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You're all going Black Rage over something that literally isn't the case at all. We as Blood Angels and their successors haven't been saved by the King of the Smurfs, he turned up and mopped up the paltry force of disoriented (due to the loss of the Hive Fleet) and beleaguered force of Tyranids inhabiting the planet of Baal. He literally showed up too late the party.


What the real big deal is here is actually pretty decent story telling, in our darkest hour when all our hope was lost and gripped our blades and empty bolters one last time and stared into the face of death the sky filled with a rift in the warp and all was chaos for but a moment. Not until later do we find a monument to archenemy, to Ka'Bandha and Khorne on the surface of holy Baal. Ka'Banda and his patron in a truly Bond villain-esque have saved us( in a "the Blood Angels are ours, in time we will turn them and their service to Khorne shall be magnificent") defiled our world's and left a scar on our souls that our retribution came at the hand that had slain so many of brothers....it's just quality story telling!


Apologies for the grammar etc, doing this a mobile is pants

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I'm honestly totally fine with Guilliman coming to aid the Blood Angels. It's just the way it's written that irks me. Leviathan presented as unstoppable for the Blood Angels, literally everything is lost except for the last stand, multiple Chapter Master already died even.


And then... *BOOM* Leviathan fleet is gone, Guilliman is there and they do cleaning duty with the rest of the remaining Tyranids. Oh right and something something "Ka'Bhanda was here" on one of the moons to make sure Guilliman doesn't get all the credit.


Blegh, that's just bad writing imo. GW always goes for the easy and dramatic solution and think they are overly clever with that but it just gets dull by now imo. Could have been much better with better writer even without changing the general story. They really need to hire better people for that sort of stuff. 

I mean I understand that Leviathan had to go since the near future will be all about Chaos as threat but that was definitelly not the way to sell it to the community.

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Guest pandion40

I'm fine with it. I don't expect great literature from such a small blurb. Plus I don't resent the g-man and his ultramarines as much as some. I think their overly represented but someone has to be the face of 40k and they do that job adequately. I actually resent the overexposure of the wolves more but I also like there fluff a lot more leaving me torn when I see them again and again.


I also don't dislike the primaris marines, I don't see them as new marines replacing the classic ones. I see them like an old classic car you see on the TV shows, taken to a garage given new paint, suspension and modern handling plus new parts added to the engine to make it faster. That's still the old classic car just made better. That's how I see the primaris marines same gene seed as before just with a few extra bells and whistles.


I think my lack of resentment for the above allows me to accept the blurb and reserve final judgment until a more complete story is released.


Everyone seems to think the Baal system was totally cleansed, I don't see that in the text, it says both moons were broken and defeated but at the end it only says Baal primus was totally cleansed of life, it doesn't mention Baal Secondus. Baal secondus is the more important moon, it's where sanguinious first landed and where the tribes of the blood originated. As a result it's the moon we know most about, rad scorpions thrust water all that stuff was on secondus I don't know if primus had the same animals or not. Primus was colonised by tribes of the blood after the emperor found Baal.


So for me them only saying the least important moon fluff wise was cleansed of life means there's still a chance Baal Secondus has some surviving life on it. I hope so as the Baal beasties are just as important to me fluff wise as the tribes of the blood are. Lastly in the Dante novel Dante gives the order to scour the survivors of the Shield worlds for potential aspirants, there is no protest at all over this order to recruit from those not of Baal leaving me to conclude it's been done plenty of times before.

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So after having slept on it a bit, I want to apologize if I have stirred any passions in any of my fellow brothers here. I may have let my personal dislike of guilliman get the best of me. My points still stand, but I'm sorry if I offended anyone. That being said, I was visited by the angel last night who gifted me with a wonderful (alternative) vision of the battle. I'm going to attempt to write a short story over the next week or so, and I'll post it here when I'm done.


For sanguinius


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it is terrible writing. I mean, terrible. It would have been so much if they had wiped out the blood angels and their succesors in a last stand, leaving a handfful of companies spread through the galaxy, entirely fallen to the rage, Then they could have 3 armies to play, one a historic blood angels, the other a modern death company and 3 a primaris reawakening of the chapter. 

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I guess I would have preferred to read that the supreme sacrifice of the Blood Angel host was what did the trick, not Gulliman's arrival to save everyone after they're all but dead. I'm of the opinion that this fluff literally and figuratively diminishes our collective chapter(s), but I concede it's a matter of interpretation. I was discussing with my gaming friends the impending decimation of all of the big-name astartes chapters so that they can be refueled with primaris
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I'm still digesting...


8 chapter masters...gone. *Every* successor chapter except the Lamenters = Legion strength.


It isn't that we didn't "win" it's that they almost squat the *entire* blood line.


The the Blood Angels are the nucleus for the successors. Both on the table top, and the lore. We can assume Alphael, Karlean, and all other captains are gone. Only the main plot armoured heroes are left. Baal and her moons are in ruin.


It sets up for Dante to be the legion's Lord commander. The hopelessness of this blurb and the fact it solidifies BA fully embracing RG's marines out of necessity. The oldest and best marines mankind has to offer, all gone. What keeps us unique now?


Months old soldiers with almost 0 knowledge of the red thirst/black rage and how to overcome it. Insert other issues my mind is coming to terms with right now.


I didn't want a massive victory, I wanted hope in the literal sense, and the survival of the Blood line. Now we are the primaris legion of boys in red.


My only saving grace is trying to explain how x company are still "regular" marines and not new found primaris. To jutify continuing to paint and assemble the minis I have.

... The IX legion had 125,000. Less than 25,000 is definitely not legion strength.

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I'm mostly fine with it, but why did kabandha not attack the blood angels and instead only fight the bids? How in terra did guilliman even get there? I thought the whole point of the rift was that it cut off reinforcements?

Khrone wants the Blook Angels souls / as his followers. That cant happe if the Tyranods have eaten them all. Kabandha has just saved his masters prize, and contributed a shed load of skulls for the skull throne.

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So would some of you rather the BA wiped out to a man rather than relief forces from Guilliman and the Imperium as a whole?

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I add the last part of the Devastation of Baal, for ease :





Like an angel of vengeance came Roboute Guilliman and his crusade.

After many more battles, Baal was finally cleared of the xenos threat. A great rebuilding of both world and Chapter was undertaken, for the Blood Angels and their successors were sorely needed elsewhere.


What became of Leviathan is a mystery, although a clue was found upon the now-barren moon of Baal Prime. Xenos skulls were piled impossibly high in the much-reviled, eight-pillared symbol of one of the Blood Angels' most terrible and ancient nemeses : the Bloodthirster Ka'Bandha.





Ok, so really, i hate that part, for it disrespect some fundamental Fluff basis and because "once again Blood Angels cannot to save the day by themselves"....




Worst part :


=> Roboute Guilliman and new shiny Primaris crusade save the day. (Yeah Ultramarines > ALL...)


=> The indomitus crusade ship are able to sail the warp rift unarmed, but at a speed that border instant teleportation. (I know that the warp can be fluctuent, an thus allow such thing, but, in this case, it is just impossible....fluff-wise.)


=> Biggest tyranids fleet ever encounter, which should be able to project a SHADOW IN THE WARP able to protect it from any Warp incident, is just simply washed away...(Remember that the Shadow in the Warp is a psychic phenomena by which the Tyranids hive mind literraly separate the Material universe from the Warp.)




Day 1 : Warp Rift open (following Cadia's Fall events and Guilliman battle on Luna), swallowing the Tyranids fleet and the rest of the Baal system. Tyranids on Baal panics.

Day 2 : Warp Rift recess, freeing the Baal system. Tyranids fleet is gone, but tyranids on Baal organizes to attack and rebirth anew. Blood Angels prepare their Last Stand.

Day 3 : Guilliman Shiny army / fleet arrive and save the (Day...) Blood Angels. (So in only 3 days Guilliman awakened / saved the Ultramar system from Chaos invasion / Sail to Terra / Fight the Chaos on Luna / Meet with the Emperor / Create a new force of Primaris (+1) Astartes / Prepares whole fleets and make for a Galactic Crusade with what appears to be a Legion (Strange from the Guy who broke the Legions....) strong force. And finally, he save the Blood Angels...WHAT WILL GUILLIMAN DO THE 4rd DAY ?)




No really, from this little bit a script i fear about the quality of the incoming Blood Angels fluff.


A very sad news, given the fact that the recent Blood Angels fluff (Mephiston and Dante) was pretty good, and should have hinted to great things. (Hope is the first step to disapointment.)

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So would some of you rather the BA wiped out to a man rather than relief forces from Guilliman and the Imperium as a whole?

No, but it's not like those 2 are the only options.



OK I will add... All Chapters devastated to a handful of companies. Roaming the galaxy but prideful in the knowledge they refused Primaris marines?

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I add the last part of the Devastation of Baal, for ease :





Like an angel of vengeance came Roboute Guilliman and his crusade.

After many more battles, Baal was finally cleared of the xenos threat. A great rebuilding of both world and Chapter was undertaken, for the Blood Angels and their successors were sorely needed elsewhere.


What became of Leviathan is a mystery, although a clue was found upon the now-barren moon of Baal Prime. Xenos skulls were piled impossibly high in the much-reviled, eight-pillared symbol of one of the Blood Angels' most terrible and ancient nemeses : the Bloodthirster Ka'Bandha.





Ok, so really, i hate that part, for it disrespect some fundamental Fluff basis and because "once again Blood Angels cannot to save the day by themselves"....




Worst part :


=> Roboute Guilliman and new shiny Primaris crusade save the day. (Yeah Ultramarines > ALL...)


=> The indomitus crusade ship are able to sail the warp rift unarmed, but at a speed that border instant teleportation. (I know that the warp can be fluctuent, an thus allow such thing, but, in this case, it is just impossible....fluff-wise.)


=> Biggest tyranids fleet ever encounter, which should be able to project a SHADOW IN THE WARP able to protect it from any Warp incident, is just simply washed away...(Remember that the Shadow in the Warp is a psychic phenomena by which the Tyranids hive mind literraly separate the Material universe from the Warp.)




Day 1 : Warp Rift open (following Cadia's Fall events and Guilliman battle on Luna), swallowing the Tyranids fleet and the rest of the Baal system. Tyranids on Baal panics.

Day 2 : Warp Rift recess, freeing the Baal system. Tyranids fleet is gone, but tyranids on Baal organizes to attack and rebirth anew. Blood Angels prepare their Last Stand.

Day 3 : Guilliman Shiny army / fleet arrive and save the (Day...) Blood Angels. (So in only 3 days Guilliman awakened / saved the Ultramar system from Chaos invasion / Sail to Terra / Fight the Chaos on Luna / Meet with the Emperor / Create a new force of Primaris (+1) Astartes / Prepares whole fleets and make for a Galactic Crusade with what appears to be a Legion (Strange from the Guy who broke the Legions....) strong force. And finally, he save the Blood Angels...WHAT WILL GUILLIMAN DO THE 4rd DAY ?)




No really, from this little bit a script i fear about the quality of the incoming Blood Angels fluff.


A very sad news, given the fact that the recent Blood Angels fluff (Mephiston and Dante) was pretty good, and should have hinted to great things. (Hope is the first step to disapointment.)

Remember, the warp storm distorts time. To them it was only a few days, to Guilliman it was likely months (if not longer).

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So would some of you rather the BA wiped out to a man rather than relief forces from Guilliman and the Imperium as a whole?

No, but it's not like those 2 are the only options.

OK I will add... All Chapters devastated to a handful of companies. Roaming the galaxy but prideful in the knowledge they refused Primaris marines?

They don't even have to refuse the primaris. The literal only problem is "guilliman saves the day. Again." He could've shown up after the battle and it would've been fine. Why can't we be saved by ourselves?

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So what happened to the Primarchs tomb? 


"Dante, head low, eyes fixed on the ground, leaded Guilliman to Sanguinius Tomb. Then Guilliman standing in front, said, RISE, and Sanguinius resurected and rised from his tomb. Sanguinius bowed to Guilliman, pledging alligeance to the God like Guilliman, thanking him for saving the Blood Angels, and thus right after ordered all the surviving Blood Angels to submit themselves to the Primaris transformation."


That was on the begining of the 4rd Day of Lord Guilliman, lord of the plot armour and ever savior of the Galaxy. (Prepare, because on the 5th day, he will fight Chuck Norris and....win..., plus on the 6th day, he will outsmart Batman....).

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So would some of you rather the BA wiped out to a man rather than relief forces from Guilliman and the Imperium as a whole?

No, but it's not like those 2 are the only options.

OK I will add... All Chapters devastated to a handful of companies. Roaming the galaxy but prideful in the knowledge they refused Primaris marines?

They don't even have to refuse the primaris. The literal only problem is "guilliman saves the day. Again." He could've shown up after the battle and it would've been fine. Why can't we be saved by ourselves?



But did he? Sounds like Khorne Daemons gave the Hive a kicking and Guilliman cleared up the remnants.


But I get it its cool to hate Guilliman :)...

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TBH I have started to Love the GMAN with how they have been portraying him recently. Showing that for the son of a Demigod who's been on ice for 10k years he has a very human side to him. 


So what If he is an over achiever and seeks to support other legions in whatever way he can. His main goal is to protect the Imperium. Even if that does give him the title of "glory hog" 

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Dunno what's with the others but there are two things I don't like about the story:

1. Leviathan just plopped away suddenly

2. The story involving Guilliman again


Now I don't dislike Guilliman. In fact I liked what I read about him in Gathering Storm 3. It just becomes annoying when every story involves him. Do we play warhammer40k or guilliman40k? Seriously...

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