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Fate of Baal


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Dunno what's with the others but there are two things I don't like about the story:

1. Leviathan just plopped away suddenly

2. The story involving Guilliman again


Now I don't dislike Guilliman. In fact I liked what I read about him in Gathering Storm 3. It just becomes annoying when every story involves him. Do we play warhammer40k or guilliman40k? Seriously...


So a few stories with Guilliman GS3 and this and its Guilliman 40k? Really... Wow...


Leviathan was probably wrecked by KDK :) ... That idea seems hard to get. 

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So what happened to the Primarchs tomb? 


"Dante, head low, eyes fixed on the ground, leaded Guilliman to Sanguinius Tomb. Then Guilliman standing in front, said, RISE, and Sanguinius resurected and rised from his tomb. Sanguinius bowed to Guilliman, pledging alligeance to the God like Guilliman, thanking him for saving the Blood Angels, and thus right after ordered all the surviving Blood Angels to submit themselves to the Primaris transformation."


That was on the begining of the 4rd Day of Lord Guilliman, lord of the plot armour and ever savior of the Galaxy. (Prepare, because on the 5th day, he will fight Chuck Norris and....win..., plus on the 6th day, he will outsmart Batman....).


Oh that was sweet I laughed so hard .

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I think leviathan just go teleported somewhere else (time wise).


And look at it like this, Guillimans first major objective was to reinforce Baal.


But its Guilliman.... *Throws toys out of pram*

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So would some of you rather the BA wiped out to a man rather than relief forces from Guilliman and the Imperium as a whole?

No, but it's not like those 2 are the only options.



OK I will add... All Chapters devastated to a handful of companies. Roaming the galaxy but prideful in the knowledge they refused Primaris marines?


I would absolutely take that.

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My least favorite part is Guiliman being described as an angel of vengence coming to save the day... we are the angels!!! Haha


But seriously I was expecting Gman/primaris to come "save" us... not that i especially like it...


It definitely feels like a little nudge to get BA players to invest in primaris marines, but I mean GW is a business after all and needs to keep making money to survive.


I think they should have left this out of the rule book, I thought this would be a big campaign/supplement that we could get later on (and it might still be) but this kinda makes it seem like we are already past this point in time and maybe will get a codex revolving around a different engagement... with khorne maybe?

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I feel like if it was anyone but Guilliman way more people would be cool with it. If the Space Wolves showed up after leaving Fenris they would be totally fine with it. But because it's Guilliman with those evil Primaris Marines (who has so many people up in arms when there is only like, a page of actual lore on them), people are so quick to crap on it. Did anyone really not see this coming? We KNOW the Blood Angels weren't enough to stop Leviathan, we KNOW Guilliman is starting a new crusade to retake the galaxy. Shouldn't people have known Baal would be his first stop? It's not some Deus Ex Machina, the writing's been on the wall for about a month about how this going to end. Hell, he'll probably stop by Chorgoris next and save the White Scars


Also, all these little blurbs about the Devastation of Baal add up to like fifteen sentences. It's not like these tiny codex entry talking points get a bunch of detail shoved in. Maybe wait until the actual novel comes out and explores what happened before you pull out the pitchforks?

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Dunno what's with the others but there are two things I don't like about the story:

1. Leviathan just plopped away suddenly

2. The story involving Guilliman again

Now I don't dislike Guilliman. In fact I liked what I read about him in Gathering Storm 3. It just becomes annoying when every story involves him. Do we play warhammer40k or guilliman40k? Seriously...

So a few stories with Guilliman GS3 and this and its Guilliman 40k? Really... Wow...

Leviathan was probably wrecked by KDK smile.png ... That idea seems hard to get.

You know, your overly pro-Guilliman attitude and teasing comments are just as annoying as the doom&gloom posts these days. Could you tone it down a bit please? Thanks.

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Also, alphael? should still be alive. He was said to be on Cadia, so no way he made it back to Baal to fight the nids...

Which is part of an earlier point I made. We are better off than when we only had 50 men left. The only difference is the state of Baal.

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Dunno what's with the others but there are two things I don't like about the story:

1. Leviathan just plopped away suddenly

2. The story involving Guilliman again

Now I don't dislike Guilliman. In fact I liked what I read about him in Gathering Storm 3. It just becomes annoying when every story involves him. Do we play warhammer40k or guilliman40k? Seriously...

So a few stories with Guilliman GS3 and this and its Guilliman 40k? Really... Wow...

Leviathan was probably wrecked by KDK smile.png ... That idea seems hard to get.

You know, your overly pro-Guilliman attitude and teasing comments are just as annoying as the doom&gloom posts these days. Could you tone it down a bit please? Thanks.

Its not Pro-Guilliman its just me not having a high expectation.

And I would rather be happy than the Doom & Gloom. Sorry :P

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I know why GW did it, but i don't like how. I would have preferred a modified version where the Gman turned up way after the fact say a few weeks, with the Primus marines and tech to terraform Baal and it's moons to complete Sangs dreams of turning them into paradise worlds and the system being saved by the combined help of the sixteen or so chapters and the three or four Knight worlds that have home worlds closer to Baal then Terra.


Don't get me wrong I like BL's version of Gman in unremembered empire (thats as far as i've got in the HH books) but i don't like the 40K version of him (other than he's portrayal as flawless and i still think he was a traitor in 30K).


Kinda awesome that the Gman thinks Baal is worth saving over a lot of other places he could have gone, kinda like the Big E told him to go there first (Gman my pawn of galactic conquest, save my empire but first save Baal for without them thou shalt have thine ass whup'd, turns out the techpriest is a 20th level cleric and casts raise dead on Sang, Sang and Dante go to Terra and yay Big E comes back) tells Dante he is needed on terra or something, ok thats kinda hinted at with the they are needed elswhere thing. ok maybe not Terra but somewhere, where the Gman can save them again


ok im a cynical so and so

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I feel like if it was anyone but Guilliman way more people would be cool with it. If the Space Wolves showed up after leaving Fenris they would be totally fine with it. But because it's Guilliman with those evil Primaris Marines (who has so many people up in arms when there is only like, a page of actual lore on them), people are so quick to crap on it. Did anyone really not see this coming? We KNOW the Blood Angels weren't enough to stop Leviathan, we KNOW Guilliman is starting a new crusade to retake the galaxy. Shouldn't people have known Baal would be his first stop? It's not some Deus Ex Machina, the writing's been on the wall for about a month about how this going to end. Hell, he'll probably stop by Chorgoris next and save the White Scars

Also, all these little blurbs about the Devastation of Baal add up to like fifteen sentences. It's not like these tiny codex entry talking points get a bunch of detail shoved in. Maybe wait until the actual novel comes out and explores what happened before you pull out the pitchforks?

RA!! RA !! ziss boom ba Gulliman Gulliman RA!! RA!!!RA !!!! Primaris is questioned by Dante , "Brother why the the half blue &red Armor? response Lord? I'am a Blood Angel but my allegence(spelling) is to Lord Gulliman.biggrin.png

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I actually have no issue with Guilliman, or anyone, coming to our aid. In fact I like the Ultras far more than most other chapters (space pups etc) - it's more the implication that the Blood Angel's army will be 'fixed' by the inclusion of Primarus Marines that has me weary.


I still have faith in GW's effort to make balance, but they have a terrible track record when it comes to BA's...



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I don't think the flaw will be fixed by Primaris.


Hah no I think you're correct with that. I was more referring to 'fixing' the game/codex balance issues. Given that Angel's Blade was 'new GWs' idea of a fix so very recently, coupled with outcries of people having built formations that want to still use them... our formations however were just too taxing (yeah old news)... but what I'm getting at is; I kinda feel like we're getting the same codex we had before, but 'fixed' by including Primarus.

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Angel's Blade was a Band-Aid, not a fix. I have a feeling GW knew they messed up with the mega formations and detachments of formations of detachments. Tossing out another Decurion just so Blood Angel players would shut up would just exacerbate the problem. Then we'd have Demi-Companies with an allied  juiced up DC detachment and a Ravenwing. It would have made fluff armies even worse, and just given the power-gamers another ally to kill fun with. So, ya, it looked like we got a giant step back, but that's because everything else was about to take a step back anyways. We just missed the boat on the massively over-powered formations.


I really want to see if we get Primaris Death Company. We know they'll have the flaw sense in the release blurb they said they would, but I'm not sure if we'll get DC Primaris right of the bat

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I really want to see if we get Primaris Death Company. We know they'll have the flaw sense in the release blurb they said they would, but I'm not sure if we'll get DC Primaris right of the bat

Yeah releasing actual units will take a looooong time. It's not just BA that would get Primaris versions of their special units.


Anyway I'm still a bit bummed that we haven't seen a single Primaris melee unit so far. The Inceptors will be fun to use but I already have an almost 1:1 similar unit with Crisis in my T'au army so I'm not that interested in them.

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I am happy Gman rescued the Angels! He knew how important it was to have us at his side and this puts us smack bang in the middle of the biggest plot centre for the whole future of 40k. You can garantee we will be involved in the new crusade and whatever adventures Pappas G are involved in. And I garantee gw are not done with him yet, there will be more to come


Sure as hell better than being a a white scar or salamander who I am sure will continue to be forgotten in any meaningful way!

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"Pffft, foolish astartes. we are the ADEPTUS PRIMARIS! We're like you except we wear capes and are naturally better and we've borrowed your Primarchs corpse to rebirth him as a Primaris Primarch""


Dante hears the news, has a stroke and dies. 


ROFL x1000!

I know why GW did it, but i don't like how. I would have preferred a modified version where the Gman turned up way after the fact say a few weeks, with the Primus marines and tech to terraform Baal and it's moons to complete Sangs dreams of turning them into paradise worlds and the system being saved by the combined help of the sixteen or so chapters and the three or four Knight worlds that have home worlds closer to Baal then Terra.


Don't get me wrong I like BL's version of Gman in unremembered empire (thats as far as i've got in the HH books) but i don't like the 40K version of him (other than he's portrayal as flawless and i still think he was a traitor in 30K).


Kinda awesome that the Gman thinks Baal is worth saving over a lot of other places he could have gone, kinda like the Big E told him to go there first (Gman my pawn of galactic conquest, save my empire but first save Baal for without them thou shalt have thine ass whup'd, turns out the techpriest is a 20th level cleric and casts raise dead on Sang, Sang and Dante go to Terra and yay Big E comes back) tells Dante he is needed on terra or something, ok thats kinda hinted at with the they are needed elswhere thing. ok maybe not Terra but somewhere, where the Gman can save them again


ok im a cynical so and so


We're not going to recruit from a paradise world.

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Hey DBH, it's your dudes, your universe, your interpretation.


Is Boudan going to stop churning out fantastic Lamenters models because they weren't there and may even be gone? Is Midnight Runner going to stop his phenomenal Flesh Eaters force because they vanished aeons ago? Am I going to stop using my RT and SC Marines despite them being almost half the size of a Primaris? Is Charlo going to all of a suddden paint any of his Sanguine Visions? Of course we aren't!


It's a bit of fluff and nothing changes. People still use Tycho despite him getting killed off. People still convert Captain Machiavelli (sp) despite him being retconned. Basically, a chabge (imo) really doesn't matter.


This isn't a scientific manuscript where you write it for someone else to read. You're building a collection for one person only and that's you. If you like the models, paint them up, usefulness be damned. Why should your CB lack things from the Marine range just because the PSMs are out? All of it remains legal to use and (bar Scouts) looks great - do what you want and besides, someone needs to become the best CB painter on here :)

Thanks Jole. I needed this. It was the shock of reading it and the insuing knee-jerk reaction. I've had a day to think it over, and things are as grim as I originally thought. You're right.
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