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Fate of Baal


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I am happy Gman rescued the Angels! He knew how important it was to have us at his side and this puts us smack bang in the middle of the biggest plot centre for the whole future of 40k. You can garantee we will be involved in the new crusade and whatever adventures Pappas G are involved in. And I garantee gw are not done with him yet, there will be more to come

This, exactly this. The first thing Gman did was come to the Blood Angels. Shows how important we will be going forward in the story.


And I don't feel like he "saved" us. The warp storm did. He showed up after the tide was turned and helped clean up. But, it's very cool from a storytelling perspective that we were his highest priori.

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(At least we found out that old marines aren't going anywhere today...so Primaris were confirmed as there own separate army.)


Maybe BA will find a way to continue there blood line after all. 



They didn't get confirmed as seperate army tho.

All Primaris Datasheets we've seen so far have only <Imperium>, <Adeptus Astartes>, <Chapter> as faction keywords. No specific Primaris Astartes faction keyword. That means they belong to the same army as any other regular Space Marine unit.

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I wouldn't bet on it, but I also wouldn't be surprised by it. Unless they go full derp and say the Black Rage is chaos related so the Primaris are resistant to it they should fall to it eventually.

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When I started reading the Shield Of Baal series, as both a nid and BA (Angels Incarnate) player, I knew that one would get anhillated but the way that it happened the only thought I had was (and apologies to any ultramarine players) those bloody smurfs. WHY DO THEY ALWAYS COME IN AT THE LAST MINUTE AND TAKE ALL THE *censored* CREDIT! Although I will write in my fluff that the fifth Company of the Angels Incarnate was on Baal Secundus. Gives me an excuse to get Primaris Marines.
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Given the current 40k Imperium situation it is a very sensible conclusion. I don't think he steals the credit, because he wasn't the one fighting a losing war against the Tyranids and not breaking the entire time. We were ready to die to the last to do our duty. So no, the credit, the heroism, the unbreakable sense of duty and sacrifice remains ours. What Guillliman and his chapter proved is that they are ever evolving and flexible in their strategy and seeking solutions, and he is one of the greatest of the Primarchs (which he rightfully is). He also recognized how valuable we are to his plans for his crusade to save the Imperium!


We should be thankful for Guilliman and his great chapter, but their actions do not diminish ours.


Now I'm ready for some Primaris Blood Angels to replenish our losses alongside surviving scouts who clearly earned the right to become a full brother of our chapter! I'm also eagerly awaiting how they handle the future of our home system?

ps. If anything I'm sure he is aware of our assistance when Ultramar was threatened by Tyranids a while back?

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Man I'm loving this!


1. Ka'bandha wont have anyone eating (beating!) the Blood Angels but him, so he exterminates the nids. Only thing nids cant eat is daemon/soulstuff so there you go

2. Indomitus crusade popping by Baal baby! Late showing only mopping up the remnants but hey, at least you came for the afterparty.


Now hit me with some genetonics and roidjuice, i need bigger sanguinary guard ;).


Cant wait to read the novel

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I've been thinking more about it and this is how I'd like the fleshing out of the story to go/it's what I can stomach.:

1) The whole, 'Leviathan more or less disappeared through a warp crack' bit is actually Ka'Bandha and his merry band of skulltakers wrecking face. 'Nids can't replace their losses from demon casualties, there's no genetic material to consume. The skull effigy on the moon is his way of letting the BA know which will certainly adda Pyrrhic element to victory - without the intervention of one of their greatest foes they would have been lost, as it is they're on the brink of collapse. Vagueness of detail is Imperial censorship.
2) Guilliman's role is peripheral and involves minimal fighting, certainly isn't bailing even the much depleted BA & co out of anything they couldn't handle once Ka'Bandha had broken the hive fleet.

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As a Blood Angels player I don't mind the way the Blood Angels did really that much. Roboute also doesn't really save us, the Warp does.


If anything the only problems I got with the fluff really is;


1) Crossing the Cicatrix Maledictum, which the Fluff was building up as such a huge thing, is apparently already accomplished by the Crusade super early, and the planet in need of most help, Baal, already got saved right at the start. The Indomitus Crusade is looking to me like its just too good, it just seems to overcome everything effortlessly so its tough to think of the Imperium as in trouble when Roboute is apparently just curb-stomping everything and already crossing the Massive Warp Storm with his whole army.


2) Honestly I feel a bit sorry for the nids, and not just for crunch this time. I mean this is the third Tyrannic War they've lost, making it 3 for 3, and they got shafted hard to do the usual "Aliens get killed by Chaos to establish Chaos is the big bad" which was always Ork's thing. And the problem is, like Orks, I can't really take nids seriously as a threat anymore when they keep losing I think every big war they've ever been in.


Other than that I think we actually got a good showing. Although doesn't some of this now contradict fluff from Dante's recent novel?

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Am I the only one that got a picture of the battle for Helm's Deep while reading this story?

Even Dante's last stand with Guilliman's forces arriving the last minute, is pretty much the same thing with Gandalf's arrival!

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2) Honestly I feel a bit sorry for the nids, and not just for crunch this time. I mean this is the third Tyrannic War they've lost, making it 3 for 3, and they got shafted hard to do the usual "Aliens get killed by Chaos to establish Chaos is the big bad" which was always Ork's thing. And the problem is, like Orks, I can't really take nids seriously as a threat anymore when they keep losing I think every big war they've ever been in.


I'd seriously doubt Tyranids would ever win one of these wars. Their goal is the consumption of the galaxy - if the Tyranids win, everything else is dinner and Warhammer 40k doesn't exist as we know it. The destruction of specific planets such as Baal are not the end goal of the Tyranid invasions, just an objective to make their consumption of the rest of the galaxy easier and where the specific planet is the basis of another faction, you could expect that the Tyranids that would lose out as there are always more Tyranids to replace them but there isn't another Baal or Iyanden or Macragge.


This sort of thing would probably work better if GW establish a few planets/sectors in the wider story that are 'expendable' as such, maybe a few stories/campaigns in that area over a few years to get people interested and then have it threatened by Tyranids as that will help get other people interested in the area whilst not having the plot armor that the threat of potentially wiping out a whole range of models & armies would bring. Or planets that are already established in the backstory and are the focus of historic events - Isstvan for example?


Anyway, not a huge fan of how the story played out & everything just gets 'better' - would be nice to hear that the Hive Fleet was transported elsewhere in the galaxy but I guess we'll have to wait until the Codex for more in-depth information. Unless the rulebook goes into depth in the story, as well as having the small blurb.

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As a Blood Angels player I don't mind the way the Blood Angels did really that much. Roboute also doesn't really save us, the Warp does.


If anything the only problems I got with the fluff really is;


1) Crossing the Cicatrix Maledictum, which the Fluff was building up as such a huge thing, is apparently already accomplished by the Crusade super early, and the planet in need of most help, Baal, already got saved right at the start. The Indomitus Crusade is looking to me like its just too good, it just seems to overcome everything effortlessly so its tough to think of the Imperium as in trouble when Roboute is apparently just curb-stomping everything and already crossing the Massive Warp Storm with his whole army.


2) Honestly I feel a bit sorry for the nids, and not just for crunch this time. I mean this is the third Tyrannic War they've lost, making it 3 for 3, and they got shafted hard to do the usual "Aliens get killed by Chaos to establish Chaos is the big bad" which was always Ork's thing. And the problem is, like Orks, I can't really take nids seriously as a threat anymore when they keep losing I think every big war they've ever been in.


Other than that I think we actually got a good showing. Although doesn't some of this now contradict fluff from Dante's recent novel?

One thing to remember about the maledictum is that it's a warpstorm so even though it seems like the Crusade passed through it quickly, it could have actually been years for everyone other than the BA who were caught in the storm. Basically to Baal it could have been a day, but for everyone outside the storm it could have been much longer

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As a Blood Angels player I don't mind the way the Blood Angels did really that much. Roboute also doesn't really save us, the Warp does.


If anything the only problems I got with the fluff really is;


1) Crossing the Cicatrix Maledictum, which the Fluff was building up as such a huge thing, is apparently already accomplished by the Crusade super early, and the planet in need of most help, Baal, already got saved right at the start. The Indomitus Crusade is looking to me like its just too good, it just seems to overcome everything effortlessly so its tough to think of the Imperium as in trouble when Roboute is apparently just curb-stomping everything and already crossing the Massive Warp Storm with his whole army.


2) Honestly I feel a bit sorry for the nids, and not just for crunch this time. I mean this is the third Tyrannic War they've lost, making it 3 for 3, and they got shafted hard to do the usual "Aliens get killed by Chaos to establish Chaos is the big bad" which was always Ork's thing. And the problem is, like Orks, I can't really take nids seriously as a threat anymore when they keep losing I think every big war they've ever been in.


Other than that I think we actually got a good showing. Although doesn't some of this now contradict fluff from Dante's recent novel?

One thing to remember about the maledictum is that it's a warpstorm so even though it seems like the Crusade passed through it quickly, it could have actually been years for everyone other than the BA who were caught in the storm. Basically to Baal it could have been a day, but for everyone outside the storm it could have been much longer


While you are technically right...Baal wasn't caught in the Cicatrix Maledictum the way I read it. Just one of the many new 'small' warpstorms that randomly pop up at the moment. Baal should be far enough away from the Cicatrix Maledictum.

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i knew the blood angels were going to persevere, that much was obvious.that piece of fluff was really bad, it reminded me of a WWE smackdown episode the way RG kicked the door in like john cena.


could it have been even worse? absolutely, maybe i am spoilt on the forgeworld horus heresy books. from what was written, i am expecting an overhaul of the models. i am eager to see what GW do with the blood angels, its just a shame they had to endure that writing to get an upgrade. i can see why long term players and fans are upset but the angels had to get smashed in style. i pray the iron hands don't meet a similar fate.

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@halzet: I kinda get what you mean, but the Tyranid winning a Tyrannic War doesn't mean they gotta win like everything. Like, just hypothetically now, them winning TW1 would just mean the loss of Macragge and stuff, so it doesn't mean the entire Imperium's gotta end over night just to lose a war to the Nids.


With that said I still agree with most of what you say. They gotta introduce places and such of importance to the Imperium but which can be actually taken by the enemy without it instantly wiping away too much, otherwise it feels like there's no important losses. They've already kinda demonstrated they could do it with Cadia (though from the sounds of it we're going back to fight there again so we'll see if it sticks). But I think that as a solution that makes sense, yeah. Kinda hoping Orks actually win on Armageddon since they've, what, lost there like four times already? And I think its the only important war they've ever been involved in.


The 'just got better' part also seems wierd. I mean...surely, since it says the Nids wiped out all life in the Sector, the Angels need to at least move recruitment elsewhere, I mean I'm guessing nothing's even left alive but a few Blood Angels and successor Marines right now. Also all of Hive Fleet Leviathen apparently dying in one day after how much it was  built up seems kinda anticlimatic.


The point I just wanted to make was that I don't think us, the Blood Angels, come off looking bad from this. I got some other problems with this fluff, but I don't think the Blood Angels looking bad is one of them. I mean Leviathen was already established as being way stronger than Kraken and Behemoth, and those things went up against an entire segmentum and the largest (at the time) Craftworld in the galaxy. So I think just one Legion of Space Marines, do we even have any other Imperium allies mentioned in the fluff, doing as well as we did actually is really impressive.


@Arkanglios: Yeah but it feels kinda lame to me to hype that it makes travel near impossible and has effectively cut the Imperium in twain...only for one of the first things Roboute does turns out to be crossing it with his entire army. I'd have thought, AoS style, the entire first year's narrative could have focused on gaining control of stable routes between to send mean through, not just somehow already send the entire army through in the first fight of the Crusade.

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Hey DBH, it's your dudes, your universe, your interpretation.

Is Boudan going to stop churning out fantastic Lamenters models because they weren't there and may even be gone? Is Midnight Runner going to stop his phenomenal Flesh Eaters force because they vanished aeons ago? Am I going to stop using my RT and SC Marines despite them being almost half the size of a Primaris? Is Charlo going to all of a suddden paint any of his Sanguine Visions? Of course we aren't!

It's a bit of fluff and nothing changes. People still use Tycho despite him getting killed off. People still convert Captain Machiavelli (sp) despite him being retconned. Basically, a chabge (imo) really doesn't matter.

This isn't a scientific manuscript where you write it for someone else to read. You're building a collection for one person only and that's you. If you like the models, paint them up, usefulness be damned. Why should your CB lack things from the Marine range just because the PSMs are out? All of it remains legal to use and (bar Scouts) looks great - do what you want and besides, someone needs to become the best CB painter on here smile.png

Quoting for truth.

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I'm kinda glad I managed to get Angels Sanguine for my warhammer stores "welcome to 8th edition" campaign.  I still think they are in existence with their chapter master still being on cadia close to the time that these nids are invading.


I personally hope that it was him that got with Girlyman and Cawl once he heard the plight on his fellow brothers and not dante. (I can hope :D ).


I also think that the only reason that Khorne showed up was that personal vendetta against the entire blood angels chapters and their successors. After all, he can't settle the score when the hive mind (cut off from a majority of leviathan thanks to the warp storm) eats all the last remnants of your enemy :D


I know I'm not going to be using a lot of the new primus marines (as I already have an elite army in the form of the Admech, which I can now mix and match with my Angels if list building is the way I'm thinking with everyone being "Imperial") but the ones I will use will at least make fluff sense.

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Meh, could've been done way better IMO.  8th edition is an oddity for me so far.  I got into playing 40k because of the setting, but I've been struggling to find the motivation to play 7th edition lately.  From what I've seen of 8th edition so far, it is the exact opposite.  I'm interested to try out the new ruleset, but now the setting is disappointing me.

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Meh, could've been done way better IMO. 8th edition is an oddity for me so far. I got into playing 40k because of the setting, but I've been struggling to find the motivation to play 7th edition lately. From what I've seen of 8th edition so far, it is the exact opposite. I'm interested to try out the new ruleset, but now the setting is disappointing me.

This ! Thank you for pointing out what's bugging me with WH40k lately msn-wink.gif

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1) Crossing the Cicatrix Maledictum, which the Fluff was building up as such a huge thing, is apparently already accomplished by the Crusade super early, and the planet in need of most help, Baal, already got saved right at the start. The Indomitus Crusade is looking to me like its just too good, it just seems to overcome everything effortlessly so its tough to think of the Imperium as in trouble when Roboute is apparently just curb-stomping everything and already crossing the Massive Warp Storm with his whole army.



Other than that I think we actually got a good showing. Although doesn't some of this now contradict fluff from Dante's recent novel?


I completely agree with point one. There was so much build up! The Cryptus supplement and the novel Dante created such great hype that to have such an short blurb reveal the conclusion is sad and truly unfitting. I hope they release a novel detailing the incident so we can understand what happened at a more intricate level. 


Dante expected help from all chapters except the Lamenters and the Angels Vermillion. None the less, it appears the latter ended up coming to the help of their primogenitors. My guess is that they showed up without the invite. 


Also not a fan of the Khorne bit thrown in there but interested at its implications. 

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