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So, Ka'Bandha helps saves the Blood Angels. Are we expecting new recruits?



No you don't. It's not news that he wants the Blood Angels souls for Khorne.


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So, Ka'Bandha helps saves the Blood Angels. Are we expecting new recruits?



No you don't. It's not news that he wants the Blood Angels souls for Khorne.




Thinking more along the lines of what happened on the moon of Baal Prime. No human left alive, they say? Why would Ka'Bandha go there after the 'Nids lost the ability to go from planet to planet then? Just to collect skulls? He could do that on the other planets and help Blood Angels. Prime was gonna be cleared anyway. 


Also, Leviathan being yoinked by the Warp seems odd. Maybe Chaos really wanted to save the Blood Angels, and also helped Guilliman get there without the guiding light of the Astronomican?

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So, Ka'Bandha helps saves the Blood Angels. Are we expecting new recruits?



No you don't. It's not news that he wants the Blood Angels souls for Khorne.




Thinking more along the lines of what happened on the moon of Baal Prime. No human left alive, they say? Why would Ka'Bandha go there after the 'Nids lost the ability to go from planet to planet then? Just to collect skulls? He could do that on the other planets and help Blood Angels. Prime was gonna be cleared anyway. 


Also, Leviathan being yoinked by the Warp seems odd. Maybe Chaos really wanted to save the Blood Angels, and also helped Guilliman get there without the guiding light of the Astronomican?


Who says he was just there? It's just the place he choose the leave his "I was here" message. The Tyranids already started consuming the moon itself. They only do that when there is no life left anymore.

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Guys, I'm fairly certain what happened was Blood Angels contracted help of K'banda, he helped them set up a ritual to tap into Khorne's power. That's what caused the warp storm to dissipate locally and teleport the splinter fleet. So, not that bad in my opinion. .
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Guys, I'm fairly certain what happened was Blood Angels contracted help of K'banda, he helped them set up a ritual to tap into Khorne's power. That's what caused the warp storm to dissipate locally and teleport the splinter fleet. So, not that bad in my opinion. .


Ka'Bandha is one of the most ancient enemies of the Blood Angels and he's gone out of his way to claim their souls for Khorne, so why would he help them? Besides, the Blood Angels surely have some records of him and his enmity with the chapter. 

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Guys, I'm fairly certain what happened was Blood Angels contracted help of K'banda, he helped them set up a ritual to tap into Khorne's power. That's what caused the warp storm to dissipate locally and teleport the splinter fleet. So, not that bad in my opinion. .


Ka'Bandha is one of the most ancient enemies of the Blood Angels and he's gone out of his way to claim their souls for Khorne, so why would he help them? Besides, the Blood Angels surely have some records of him and his enmity with the chapter. 


Maybe because Khorne ordered him to.

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Guys, I'm fairly certain what happened was Blood Angels contracted help of K'banda, he helped them set up a ritual to tap into Khorne's power. That's what caused the warp storm to dissipate locally and teleport the splinter fleet. So, not that bad in my opinion. .


That would actually be pretty cool. Certain Blood Angels sacrifice their own souls to Khorne in exchange.

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Seems like joining in the huge battles to annihilate both bug and Blood Angel would have made a lot more sense. Khorne and Ka'Bandha just wanted to remind the Imperium they're still a threat... by eliminating a threat to the Imperium? I mean, skulls are skulls, but why not fight both adversaries?


Oh well, not really a big deal. Pretty transparent that this blurb was the explanation for how Blood Angels have access to Primaris Marines. Though it sounds like they'll need an awful lot to replace their losses. Those poor, nameless Chapter Masters. RIP.

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I'm really dreading each and every first founding legion chapter is going to get a similar experience, as so G man and his Primaris can swoop in and save the day, each old legion/chapter of classic marines made to look bad in comparison, and to accept it without question.

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Guys, I'm fairly certain what happened was Blood Angels contracted help of K'banda, he helped them set up a ritual to tap into Khorne's power. That's what caused the warp storm to dissipate locally and teleport the splinter fleet. So, not that bad in my opinion. .

Ka'Bandha is one of the most ancient enemies of the Blood Angels and he's gone out of his way to claim their souls for Khorne, so why would he help them?

Because his score with the BA goes all the way back to the Heresy and Signus Prime, he's been fighting to bring the sons of the Angel that bested him for ten long millenia, and if anyone being in all of creation is going to destroy or corrupt them, it's him, not some pathetic xeno insects trespassing in Chaos's galaxy. Remember, Khorne may be a God of bloodshed and slaughter but he's also a God of martial honour, so by extension Ka'Bandha wouldn't allow his victory over his hated nemesis to be tainted by the outside interference of some interlopering bugs, so why wouldn't he destroy the Nids instead of the Angels, especially if it allows him to rampage all over the BA's hometurf without them (however reluctantly) intervening to stop him. Additionally they then have to live with the shameful thought that they might have only prevailed thanks to their ancient nemesis helping them, tainting any joy at their survival and putting doubt of their worthiness into their minds. What's not for Ka'Bandha to like?

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So why not immediately attack once the bugs were dealt with?


*edit* Just for the sake of discussion, not arguing here.


Realised how epic and swell and amazing Gulliman was once he realised his fleet was in orbit, so decided to bug out.

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Maybe it's building up to some greater goal at a later stage Armageddon is confirmed to have Khorne involved so maybe they are planning some big scheme involving the blood angels there. I know it's involving the forces of Khorne who arnt know for their subtle nature but then if it means some dark goal involving the blood angels I'm sure even the the bloodthirster knows to listen to his god when he is told to do something we all know what happened to a certain blood thirsters who displeased Khorne
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So why not immediately attack once the bugs were dealt with?


*edit* Just for the sake of discussion, not arguing here.

Because khorne wants new patronage rather than those particular skulls?


Because saying your alive because we allow it is a better psychological message?


Because the Knights of Blood asked for help and the Blood God blessed them with survival for the parent/brother chaptet's?


A knights of Blood loyalist chapter rules with the paint job of the chaos warband may or may not be running around my skull.

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.....and the Blood Angels and Successors returned to full strength thanks to the power or Primaris. Yawn.

Its almost as if they're working as intended and can fufill their purpose of making the Blood Angels strong again while also not retaining any of the uniqueness of the chapter causing a divide both in rules and models.


And let's not forget the countless chapter cultures and famous heroes of the Imperium lost forever thanks to the Tyranids, as well as the loss of the Blood Angel home planet and possibly the body of Sanguinius!


I'm saying this as a nid player.

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