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My first assault squad loadout


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Hello, I'm planing ahead on my first assault squad. Now, a couple of points I should mention. I'm primarily building my squads fluffy-wise, and I'm not concearned about how costly or competitive they are. Also, I definetly want this squad to be 5 man as I want to expiriment with the colours and poses before I build a full 10 man squad.


So, I want this squad to be the ultimate tank buster. 2x meltaguns, 1x eviscerator, and a sergeant with a power fist and an inferno pistol. What I cant decide on is the jump packs. Should a tank buster squad be on jump packs, or a drop pod makes more sence? I feel like they should be on jump packs, as it makes sence for them to be as mobile as possible to hunt tanks, but I also dont like the looks of the packs :P


All this ofc, assuming the 8th will keep assaults as is.

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In 7th it was definitely Drop Pods over Jump Packs and the Eviscerator and Powerfist would be largely wasted since they were considered as suicide unit. Hard to say for 8th yet. msn-wink.gif

Are you sure? I;m pretty sure everyone that ran assault marines in a competitive environment used the skyhammer annhilation formation. 2x Dev Squads in Drop pods and 2x Assault Squads with jump packs. To be able to use Jump packs in both movement and charge bonus was vital.

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In 7th it was definitely Drop Pods over Jump Packs and the Eviscerator and Powerfist would be largely wasted since they were considered as suicide unit. Hard to say for 8th yet. msn-wink.gif

Are you sure? I;m pretty sure everyone that ran assault marines in a competitive environment used the skyhammer annhilation formation. 2x Dev Squads in Drop pods and 2x Assault Squads with jump packs. To be able to use Jump packs in both movement and charge bonus was vital.

Oh? Tell me more about Skyhammer Annihilation as Blood Angel.

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Anyone's guess really. I think GW is aiming to balance all the options this time.


I'd generally go for jump packs, add it gives them more versatility after the drop.


Both rhinos and packs will be good this edition.

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Yeah we can't really say anything for 8th. We don't even know any Drop Pod rules. If they give you the same kind of deep strike rules as Jump Packs then there's really no point in taking one for anything but Tacticals and Devastators anymore.

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Well, reviewing your priorities, you said you want fluffy tank-hunter unit, but that you also hate the look of jump packs.  So it really comes down to which one is more important to you.  Jump packs are probably the "fluffier" option for Blood Angels, so I'd say that.  As far as "ultimate tank hunter", then yes, I'd say you have you your weapon options correct, depending on what kind of tank you want to hunt.  Plasma pistols are a pretty good option too, if you want to hunt light tanks as the -1 strength is often a good trade off for the increase ranged you get (and forget about the "melta" range on an inferno)

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Missed the hating the lol of the packs thing.


Aesthetics are everything. If you hate the look of the model your are less likely to use it in game. Go with normal foot sloggers, then you can use them in a pod or rhino as you see fit.

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Well I'm gonna build a 5 man assault with the loadout I described and a 10 man with chainswords and hand flamers. One the tank killer, the other the infantry killer. One will have jump packs and one will not. I just dont know which one should have them fluff wise :P. Sorry if I'm confusing you I'm still pretty new to the hobby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, after the dust has settled the new ultimate tank bash squad is en route. A company veterans squad with jump packs, 2 with meltas, 2 with power fists and inferno pistols, the sergeant with a combi melta and a power axe.

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