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8th ed and Daemonbombs


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Okay, so I havnt looked into it too much, but does this maybe seem viable now (or soon atleast)


I'm thinking of using the death guard from the starter set, get some termies and then grab up some nurgle daemons


Have big scary units (daemon princes, soul grinder) on the table but use some termies to teleport in a d summon little guys from turn two


What do people think??

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Yes, this is exactly my plan.  Have some obliterators and/or combi-weapon terminators coming in out of tactical reserves to apply pressure to the enemy. Then Slaaneshi CSM characters characters can summon as they have more wounds to mitigate the risk.  Come out of tactical reserves turn 1 in the enemy backfield shoot something and charge in. Next turn summons reinforcements. Wow we're back to 3.5.  Support the drop by charging some Seeker Chariots, Seekers, Fiends, and/or a winged Daemon Prince.

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The only problem is if your a "Death Guard" army you can't take any terminators yet. There is a list of units that you can take. No bikes, raptors, warp talons, helldrake terminators, etc. that was my idea too for DG. Might change when their codex comes out tho
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The only problem is if your a "Death Guard" army you can't take any terminators yet. There is a list of units that you can take. No bikes, raptors, warp talons, helldrake terminators, etc. that was my idea too for DG. Might change when their codex comes out tho


They'll probably get their own termies like scarab occult.


But you can still take them in a legal list, just use <Nurgle> as keyword instead.

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True they can have <legion> and Nurgle keywords but the cool new models in the starter set only affect death guard models. So no poxwalkers, no bloat drone, no bell dude or caster etc. BUT the good thing is we saw models in the original DG video that isn't in the starter set so we will be getting a codex real soon. July would be my guess since 7 is the nurgle number.
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True they can have <legion> and Nurgle keywords but the cool new models in the starter set only affect death guard models. So no poxwalkers, no bloat drone, no bell dude or caster etc. BUT the good thing is we saw models in the original DG video that isn't in the starter set so we will be getting a codex real soon. July would be my guess since 7 is the nurgle number.

Those units still have Nurgle Keyword so can be taken as a Nurgle army, just lose some perks.

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I think the DG/Nurgle themed version will depend entirely on what becomes of things like Beasts,  Drones & Nurglings.

Plaguebearers are apparently only 1 attack,  though their Plaguesowrds do get re-roll to wound.


However,  the REAL daemonbombs this edition early on at least,  will probably be Slaanesh and/or Khornate.

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The return of the Lustwing! Or patience rewarded. Chaos can run our 3.5 Terminator/Daemon Bombs lists again only better!


The 4th Edition CSM codex killed Lustwing:


1. Removal of consolidation into new combats.

2. Removal of icons and personal icons as a means of scatter mitigation for deep striking.

3. HQ units couldn't longer take Terminator retinues.

4. MOS stopped granting fearless.

5. Chaos Terminators couldn't take Sonic Weapons.

6. Chaos Terminators couldn't carry adequate firepower.

7. Chaos Terminators couldn't take two heavy weapon per 5 men.

8. Daemons couldn't be summoned.

9. Daemons couldn't be taken in as your minimum troop requirement.

10. Daemons required a Daemon HQ choice to field.


The 8th Edition either corrects or negates all those issues:


1. Pile in moves can now instigate combat with units you didn't charge and you can consolidate into new combats.

2. The removal of scattering form reserves and guaranteed placement.

3. Characters cannot joins units but cannot be targeted unless they are the closest unit [we will probably still see retinues return at some point].

4. The Chaos Lord, Sorcerer, and Terminator Champions are all LD9 anyway.

5. Chaos Terminators combi-bolters are Rapid Fire 2 giving them more shots at 12", when their drooping in at 9" from there targets.

6. Chaos Terminators combi-weapons are vastly more lethal now that they can fire the special weapon every turn, or even both weapons.

7. The changes to combi-weapons as well as Obliterators correct this problem.

8. Daemons can now be summoned by any character, no longer is a psychic power, and daemons can charge again upon landing.

9. Daemons can again be taken as you sole troop requirement.

10. Daemons no longer required a Daemon HQ choice to field, although you'll want one anyway for their aura abilities.

11. Daemonic Ritual is far more flexible than in 3.5 and doesn't require the sacrifice of a character.


New Synergies:


1. The combination of the Lords 6" aura of re-rolling hit roll of 1, Death to the False Emperor, and the Icon of Excess boosting it to a 5+ roll is brutal.

2. While any Sorcerers taken can't cast power on the turn they land, casting prescience to boost there hit rolls the following turns can turn a combat.

3. Slaanesh Heralds with their +1S to "Slaanesh Daemons" allows daemonettes to wound MEQ on a 4+, and can boost your Obliterators/Mutilators as well.

4. The Masque reduces hit roll to daemonette units within 3" by -1, and if adds +1 to the hit rolls of any friendly unit she's in combat with.

5. While hordes of daemonettes are probably the best unit choice, fiends are very useful since they prevent non-flyers from falling back out of combat.

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