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Plans for 8th Megathread

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Since nearly everyone has the new rules, I wanted to start a thread free of speculation, wishlisting, and whining. Please respect these three unholy pillars: no speculating, no wishlisting, no whining.

The premise is simple: what are your army plans for 8th? What are you excited to use? How do you plan to use them? Have the new rules made you want to buy anything new? Does your gaming group have any plans for campaigns etc.?

Personally, I'm excited about many things. I'm excited to use all of my Berzerkers and terminators, both of which I virtually never used in the past 2 editions. I'm going to get a hold of some FW terminator upgrade kits for the terminators.

I'm very excited for the super customizable army-building rules. If FW doesn't do a good job with renegades, we can totally make do with the IG list. Deathstrikes are so cool! A proper Blood Pact that has access to all the Guard goodies is very exciting. I realize this was technically possible before, but no 6" bubble of mistrust or anything this time around.


I'm also excited for all the new rules for the FW units. Brass Scorpion, Kytan, Blood Slaughterers... *drool*


And, if anyone is interested in checking out an army list, I've got a 2500 point World Eaters Battalion:






Khârn the Betrayer

Dark Apostle

Dark Apostle




Berzerkers x9: Swap bolt pistols for chainswords, take chainaxes, power fist on champ, icon of wrath

Berzerkers x9: Swap bolt pistols for chainswords, take chainaxes, power fist on champ, icon of wrath

Berzerkers x9: Swap bolt pistols for chainswords, take chainaxes, power fist on champ, icon of wrath




Terminators x5: 4x Combi-melta, Reaper autocannon, Icon of Wrath, 4x Power Axes, 1x Chainfist

Terminators x5: 4x Combi-melta, Reaper autocannon, Icon of Wrath, 4x Power Axes, 1x Chainfist

Terminators x5: 4x Combi-plasma, Reaper autocannon, Icon of Wrath, 4x Power Axes, 1x Chainfist




Maulerfiend: Lasher Tendrils

Maulerfiend: Lasher Tendrils

Maulerfiend: Lasher Tendrils




Rhino: Combi-bolter, Combi-plasma

Rhino: Combi-bolter, Combi-plasma

Rhino: Combi-bolter, Combi-plasma


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Well my first lists I'm going to try put a daemon Prince on foot with 10 possessed (gotta use those primarius marines for something)


Looking at building a death guard daemon bomb list, but that's a back burner project

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I had been planning some counts-as-Obilterators: 2-marine kill teams loaded up with heavy weapons, but with the change to Oblits I'm now considering getting some Chaos TDA and making different counts-as-Oblits: with big sonic weapons.


And a jump-pack sorcerer. Definitely.

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I had been planning some counts-as-Obilterators: 2-marine kill teams loaded up with heavy weapons, but with the change to Oblits I'm now considering getting some Chaos TDA and making different counts-as-Oblits: with big sonic weapons.


And a jump-pack sorcerer. Definitely.


That's an awesome idea, re: the obliterators. The guns can be whatever we want them to be. Terminators with all sorts of dakka.

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I'm a little frustrated the CSM legion rules aren't out with the launch, since they are so recently reintroduced. But the detatchement shuffling is going to be interesting. I looked through the indexes and rulebook today and the game in general seems a lot more fun. I Just pulled out my Night Lords and feel some motivation to get their repainting back underway. Especially as my HH army is in limbo, since it was going to be played mostly against 40k armies. My Slaaneshi Warband is on hold until I see the new Forgeworld index. The whole army is built around sonic dreads so it may have become a display piece.
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Super pumped for this edition change. That transition from 2nd to 3rd was the last time things were so thoroughly shook up, and that's when I started and when I had loads of fun learning new rules.


I know for sure that I'll be preordering the new Forge World Chaos book, and I've been pining for a Leviathan Dreadnought to join the ranks of my Word Bearers since it was first introduced however many years back. Now with 40k rules (and seemingly pretty awesome ones at that), I can resist no more.


I'm even hoping that on the 3rd (when preorders are up) they'll also have a Chaos leviathan up for preorder too. It has to be coming, since the preview rules had weapon option available that are currently not made by FW (namely the Soulburner Ribaudkin), though I think I'll still go for the Grav-flux bombard and the siege claw... or the cyclonic melta lance (just sounds so cool!).



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I've been meaning to start a particular Badab War chapter for a little while now. So far as I have many issues with 8th Edition, it provides an opportunity to get back into modeling 40k, and I'm rather looking forward to it. No hints yet as to what it is, but... yeah. That's my plan. Not sure if I'll incorporate Primaris into it yet - might just do them in the army scheme as a bit of an aside - but I've got some kitbash plans.


Also, Death Guard. But that's more 'cause they're gonna be in the starter box than anything else.

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I've been meaning to start a particular Badab War chapter for a little while now. So far as I have many issues with 8th Edition, it provides an opportunity to get back into modeling 40k, and I'm rather looking forward to it. No hints yet as to what it is, but... yeah. That's my plan. Not sure if I'll incorporate Primaris into it yet - might just do them in the army scheme as a bit of an aside - but I've got some kitbash plans.


Also, Death Guard. But that's more 'cause they're gonna be in the starter box than anything else.


Lamenters? Please say Lamenters.... I wanna see the Psycho paint Lamenters!! 


I'm really excited to play Imperial Guard in a variety of ways again. Not requiring platoons of infantry anymore opens up a lot of options, and I find I don't need to take the same sort of list every time. Basilisks are absolutely nasty; I'm pumped to put them in a list again.


I'm also excited to hopefully introduce some of my friends at school to the hobby. I know a few who have always been a bit interested but were afraid of all the rules. Now with the somewhat simplified rules and open play, I really hope to get them engaged with 40k. The starter should be a good way to this as well....

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For my Thousand Sons a leviathan with some serious firepower, some 30k gal vorbak to be flesh change spawn, and a helblade.


World Eaters, brass scorpion, leviathan with close combat arms, and 3rd blood slaughterer with the harpoon.


The forge world 40k book can't come soon enough.

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Ah, forgot Ive had a leviathan with grav flux bombard and claw sitting in my bits bin for a while. I had no clue what I was going to use him for. I'll probably make him into the night lord leviathan dread they stole from the ultras.
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I am super excited for 8th. For some reason, folks in my area are stuck on 1850pts.. I will go with it for now, although when I host events we will be doing 1600 or 2000.


Here's my go-to list for the new edition if someone wants to play 1850pts:


1850 Battle-forged Army: +3 Command Points


Supreme Command Detachment: +1 Command Point

-Ahriman (Warlord Trait: Tenacious Survivor)

-Exalted Sorcerer w/ Force Stave and Inferno Bolt Pistol

-Exalted Sorcerer w/ Force Stave and Inferno Bolt Pistol


Patrol Detachment:

-Exalted Sorcerer on Disc of Tzeentch w/ Force Stave and Inferno Bolt Pistol

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Inferno Combi-bolter (5), Power Sword (4), Hellfyre Missile Rack, Force Stave

-5 Scarab Occult Terminators w/ Inferno Combi-bolter (5), Power Sword (4), Hellfyre Missile Rack, Force Stave

-10 Rubric Marines w/ Warpflamer (2), Inferno Boltgun (6), Soulreaper, Force Stave/Inferno Bolt Pistol, Rhino

-10 Rubric Marines w/ Warpflamer (2), Inferno Boltgun (6), Soulreaper, Force Stave/Inferno Bolt Pistol, Rhino

-Chaos Predator w/ Twin-linked Lascannon and Lascannon (2)


Biggest weakness is going to be units that can isolate my characters and charge them out of teleport/ambush

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After losing my AoBF Juggerlord (such a fun unit) the core of my roster is going to consist of, using the +3 Command point detachment -



Termie Sorcerer rocking Warptime

5 Terminators with Combi-plasma

5 FW Khorne Terminators with 3 Combi-melta and Icon


Think this is just over 800pts with a sprinkling of melee weapons. Plan is first turn land, shot some :cuss , then with a mix of warptime and icons charge some :cuss more reliably :D All using the Warmasters re-rolls; the Speartip cometh! Looking forward to it really as I was using them a lot in the last edition and they now seem infinitely better. You know when you feel rewarded for playing a certain fluffy way?


The rest of the army will likely consist of CSM and Cultists filling out the minimum 3 troop slots, glorious FW Chainaxe wielding Berzerkers, couple of squads of melts bikers, a Sicaran and Rapier Platforms (looking forward to seeing the rules on these last two units)


Also, I want to see how the Spartan fairs, as I fancy filling it with zerks too and claim a few skulls for the Warmaster and the Blood God.

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I just finished my Chaos-themed 40k gaming room (video at link):




I'm hoping to get some locals to come game in it with me to try out all the 8th stuff. First thing I want to try is a Nurgle list with a herald, GUO, epidemius, 3 maulerfiends, 2 heldrakes, 30 plague bearers, and 3 nurgling squads.

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I'm also pretty thrilled that the 30 Chaos Terminators (yes, I have 30 of them) will be pretty good now.



I just finished my Chaos-themed 40k gaming room (video at link):


I'm hoping to get some locals to come game in it with me to try out all the 8th stuff. First thing I want to try is a Nurgle list with a herald, GUO, epidemius, 3 maulerfiends, 2 heldrakes, 30 plague bearers, and 3 nurgling squads.

Also, love the game room, and especially your collection of Chaotic Grimoires. I wish I coulda gotten the entire limited set of Liber Chaotica books, I have to content myself with the 4-in-1 book.

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My plans for this edition are to have a small warband of a new chaos (old, actually) warband. Inspired by the Rogue Trader old chaos renegades and the game that hooked me up into the 40k setting: Space Crusade.

I want biomechanical chaos space marines and a rescaled version of the first batch of the Space Crusade dreadnought (I own 2, but they are too small to be used as forgefiends!). A big problem is that all of the marines now look like manlets compared to the new DG/Primarines, so if I took the hard way, everyone will need to be artscale dry.pngwallbash.gifpinch.gif

Concept art for the Brotherhood of Abomination:



First draft army list:

Chaos Lord w/ JP and dual claws 106

Chaos sorc in TDA (warptime) 140

5 Warp talons w/ dual claws 140

5 terminators w/ 5 combimelta, 2 CF, 3 power axe 309

10 CSM w/ 2 plasma gun & rhino w/ combi bolter 228

10 CSM w/ 2 plasma gun & rhino w/ combi bolter 228

10 havocs w/ 4 plasma gun & rhino w/ combi bolter 254

Laspred w/ twin LC and LC sponsons 202

Subtotal 1647 out of 2000

This need some adjustments as it was done with Night Lords in mind, but may still work.

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My plans for this edition are to have a small warband of a new chaos (old, actually) warband. Inspired by the Rogue Trader old chaos renegades and the game that hooked me up into the 40k setting: Space Crusade.


I want biomechanical chaos space marines and a rescaled version of the first batch of the Space Crusade dreadnought (I own 2, but they are too small to be used as forgefiends!). A big problem is that all of the marines now look like manlets compared to the new DG/Primarines, so if I took the hard way, everyone will need to be artscale <_<:wallbash::pinch:



I always thought the Daradeo dread looked very reminiscent of those old Space Crusade dreads...




With pretty much all armies being some variation of a CAD, I'm thinking that Forge World units will be more relevant then ever this edition.

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