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Plans for 8th Megathread

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I always thought the Daradeo dread looked very reminiscent of those old Space Crusade dreads...


Yeah, that's what they went for with the design. :)

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My plans for this edition are to have a small warband of a new chaos (old, actually) warband. Inspired by the Rogue Trader old chaos renegades and the game that hooked me up into the 40k setting: Space Crusade.


I want biomechanical chaos space marines and a rescaled version of the first batch of the Space Crusade dreadnought (I own 2, but they are too small to be used as forgefiends!). A big problem is that all of the marines now look like manlets compared to the new DG/Primarines, so if I took the hard way, everyone will need to be artscale <_<:wallbash::pinch:



I always thought the Daradeo dread looked very reminiscent of those old Space Crusade dreads...




With pretty much all armies being some variation of a CAD, I'm thinking that Forge World units will be more relevant then ever this edition.

God it would be awesome if chaos got Deredero dreads then I can use the chaos one I converted for my Horus Heresy Black Shields warband :D I should really get around to painting that :D
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Well with the announcement that 30k won't be going to 8th yet I have decided to put my HH plans on hold which frees me from trying to tie in my power armor armies with 30k legions. I WAS going to do Thousand Sons for 8th but now I'm pretty sure I'm going to do Black Legion. This way I can run the awesome looking cult troops in my army AND have narrative justification for running Magnus and some true Thousand Sons units (and Mortarion and the other Daemon Primarchs when they come out) along side my main army.


Plus we all know that Abaddon is going to look freaking amazing when he gets a new model and I know myself well enough to know I will need to get him. Also I, like everyone else, absolutely loved A-D-B's Talon of Horus and I know I will just appreciate the Black Legion even more when the next book comes out soon.


Now I just need to quit being lazy and actually get some hobby work done!!!

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I'm just stripping the old, poopy paint job off of my Legionnaires and re-equipping/re-painting them in a new, better scheme.  I decided not to worry about points or army building until a Codex comes out because I don't have anyone to play with anyway.  Paint, paint, paint, all day long I guess.

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I'm going to be starting with something relatively plain, just to get some painted troops on the table, plus try out the defiler, which I'm eager to see in action.  On the one hand, it finally looks reasonably tough, like it could take a few hits without collapsing.  And the power of its weaponry, whether melee or ranged, is quite impressive.  I worry however that it's weapon skill and ballistic skill will bring it down, as they aren't super high, and it doesn't have all that many shots/attacks that it can afford to be missing a bunch.  Especially since the BS degrades with wounds, and its weapons suffer penalties to hit when moving.  Still, overall I think it looks much more usable than before, and I'm eager to give it a shot.  I even pulled mine out of storage and changed it's weapons up for the new edition.  It had been armed with a twin heavy flamer and an extra close combat weapon, but that's not a legal equipment set anymore, so I replaced the flamer with half a quad autocannon to be a reaper, and I'll just call the close combat weapon a scourge.


Overall, I'm neither particularly pleased nor displeased with our index rules.  There are things I like, and things I don't.  It neither enhances nor detracts from my overall enthusiasm for 8th edition, which remains moderately high.

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Don't run stuff with battle cannon class weapons, unless they have some uber special rule.


A good way to start 8th is probably to stick to the basics, test around with csm/havocks, try out raptors , of course if someone happens to play 1ksons/DG , the list more or less build themself.


As far as the crazy combinations goes, If someone has the models and wants to, no problem. try it maybe you will like it. But actualy buying a lot of demons or IG, is imo a no go. Codex updates may well wiped out the viability of those models or the options to run them in an efficient manner alongside csm.


Dakka fiends are golden. And as always if someone wants to try out dreads he can. All in all it is not great, but considering this is a carry over list, it could be much worse [tau tier for example] and one has to hope for a CSM update within a year or so.

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I view the defiler's battle cannon as something to fire off a few shots at random, maybe hit something, maybe not, on the way into melee with those super high strength defiler claws.  If it's not going to be in a viable charge range, I might just advance with it, anyway.  Unless the opponent is some sort of pure melee list where their units are coming to me, in which case I might sit still and fire more, but yeah, the Defiler's battle cannon is kind of an afterthought, imo.

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I always wanted a defiler, hopefully the update makes them more worth while tho. Think for now i will stick with the blood god and actually get my zerkers built/painted up. 


Currently on a ban of buying anything new until i have most of what i have painted (which is a lot) so i get get painting ready for any new releases coming to the way of the blood god

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I'm gonna continue with my Alpha Legion, but rebasing them is the only thing I'm doing for now. I've got maybe 50-60 Cultists to paint, but they're going to the back of the queue after seeing the index rules. Gonna finish my Red Corsair Helbrutes first, then my Alpha Legion dread, whose rules will allow me to use them along with my Fallen - two units that were notoriously difficult to run in 7th. 


I'm gonna see if I can't get some Red Corsairs Warp Talons painted - their new rules look much better! 

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As soons as V8 start i'm gonna try some few thing.


- First 2 full size CSM with 1 heavy and 1 special weapon each, to try the large infantery army with the news rules for shooting.

- Rhino with 9 chosens, 5 power sword and a Chaos lord. 

- 10 possessed with 1 Herald of Slaanesh on steed starting next to a Chaos sorcerer (either in bike or jetpack) (So Strenght 6 possessed, boosted first turn with warp-time and Hysterical frenzy when in contact

- 10 Raptors with 1 Sorcerer on jetpack. You can deploy at 9", moving 7,99" with warptime : Sucessful charge T1

A more expensive variant : 10 warp talon with a Sorcerer, you can take out the same combo but while charging multiple unit as no Overwatch (and u can even summon a Heralds of Slaanesh after to get Hysterical frenzy on you warptalon). 

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Rework my Harvest so I don't have to take daemons any more, then rework my Alpha Legion so that they fit the new points. We're sticking with 1500 for the time being with a view to upping to 2k once we've got the hang of things.


As to new armies... Probably chug on with the Black Legion. Put the Chosen that were going to go in Dreadclaws in Rhinos, take a couple of Terminator units and season with a Rapier battery and possibly a daemon engine or two. Then repurpose the Dreadclaws elsewhere... maybe Death Guard?



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I'm trying to decide how I feel about Nurgle Dakkafiends and Nurgle Soulgrinders. Hard to say whether they are worth the points, especially with -1 to BS while moving.

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Since Tzeentch is so badly screwed atm, I'm probably going to shelve all my current stuff and instead build up a small Khornekin force, based around the renegade Knights of Blood BA successor Chapter.

I've always loved Tzeentch the most for being the psychic army, but with psychics now all but removed from the game, (at least as an army focus), it seems like it may be time to go back to the very first unit that brought me into CSM's so many, many years ago - BERSERKERS!! msn-wink.gif

I've got 16 converted Bloodletters + Khornate Herald (converted from the ancient Karzak the One-Eye Beastman character), and sitting about in sprues, I've got enough Death Co + Sang Guard bits to mix in with some basic CSM's + 'Zerker helmets.

To start off, I'll probably look at something like;

'Letters + Herald on foot

Jugger Lord + Bloodcrusher unit

Dark Apostle

8 CSM's w/pistol+chainsword, Rhino

8 'Zerkers (even crazier Death Co?!)

2 units of Raptors (no BA lineage army is complete without jumpers!)

Bikers (for the 'knightly' theme)

16 Khorne Doggies (what are knights without their loyal hunting hounds?!)

Cultists... lots of Cultists! (for those mandatory Blood Sacrifices!)

Hopefully enough to keep busy until Tzeentch finally gets un-nerfed from oblivion.

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at the risk of deviating slightly from the unholy rules, what's so wrong with tzeentch right now?  I thought the new rubrics looked pretty good at least, and while the 'rule of one' slightly curtails psychic shenanigans, smite spam seems like it could make for a pretty productive psychic phase, regardless.

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@malisteen:  Psychics is what drew me into Tzeentch & why I loved 1kSons & Tizz daemons so much.  Rule of One makes the psychic phase at best an after thought,  and at worst for my Daemons,  renders the army's entire identity pointless.


Hopefully a proper codex gives Tzeentch his real teeth back.  (especially on the daemonic front - my god are they awful!)


Until then,  I can at least boil down every single tactical decision to a 'Kindom of Heaven' level of "KHORNE WILLS IT!"

And butcher blue Primarines until every last Little Timmy has cried an ocean's worth of bloody tears! :P

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Going to try lots of stuff with my Thousand Sons! I've painted 15 Raptors and 10 Tartaros Termis so I'll definitely try some "drop and chop". Lots of Cultists with a Dark Apostel behind also sound like fun and will actually be good at holding objectives since now the model count is the important factor.

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I just broke my rule about waiting for the FW rules before buying anything and just went for it: 1 leviathan dread body (gonna try converting/scratchbuilding arms) and 2 dreadclaws. Khorne, please let them not suck.
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Since we're getting the big boy leviathan, I'll bet that we're going to get the dodo aswell :D

If we do then one will be entering my plans - I have one currently without a home. I was going to use it with my Flesh Eaters, then for my Heresy World Eaters (which I have shelved atm) but if it is in the FW book it is getting the Black Legion treatment, because, well, why not ? :D
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My plans are to finish my Black Legion mechanized list. I've been meaning to start a thread for them as I have been out of the game for a couple of years due to 7th edition giving me headaches with all the cross referencing through dozens of books. 


I want to build it around my Sicarian battle tank, 3x predators, 3x quad autocannon Havoc squads, a couple of basic marine squads in Rhinos and a liberal sprinkling  of  Chaos Spawn. I need to go and work out exactly what I can fit in to a 2,000 pt list.


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