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Plans for 8th Megathread

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My first list is probably something like...


Deamon Prince

Terminator Sorcerer

3 Mutilators

10 Possessed

Helbrute (Plasma cannon & fist)

Helbrute (Plasma cannon & fist)

10 CSM (autocannon x 2)

10 CSM (autocannon x 2)

5 Spawn

Maulerfiend w/Lashers

Maulerfiend w/Lashers





Dakka fiends are golden. And as always if someone wants to try out dreads he can. All in all it is not great, but considering this is a carry over list, it could be much worse [tau tier for example] and one has to hope for a CSM update within a year or so.


Can you explain this? Sure, 8 shots at S8 D2 is good but only BS4+ - have you used them and found them decent?

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My list I've got so far using the vanguard detachment for a CP at smaller 1K games

Plague caster


2x 7 plague marines with 3 plasmas, powerfist champ and icon of despair

2x Helbrutes with twin lascannons and power scourges



Should be fun to get me started until the Forgeworld index books are released as well as the death guard faction books so I can see the ton of new kits I'll be buying to expand it :D and I can work on painting my converted Leviathan

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@malisteen:  Hopefully a proper codex gives Tzeentch his real teeth back.  (especially on the daemonic front - my god are they awful!)


I get that smite spam is boring, but mortal wounds matter a lot, I wouldn't consider a psychic phase revolving around repeat castings of smite as bad.  Just, again, a little boring.

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My list I've got so far using the vanguard detachment for a CP at smaller 1K games

Plague caster


2x 7 plague marines with 3 plasmas, powerfist champ and icon of despair

2x Helbrutes with twin lascannons and power scourges


Should be fun to get me started until the Forgeworld index books are released as well as the death guard faction books so I can see the ton of new kits I'll be buying to expand it :D and I can work on painting my converted Leviathan

Zomg I gotta check your leviathan out again.

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::A Black Templar walks into a Nurgle bar. The purtrid piano player stops his discordant playing as everyone stares at the new arrival::



Not sure if this is the right place for a posting like this. I'm not getting many bites on the usual trading forums, so if anyone who's pre-ordering and wants to do a sprue swap those stinky awful (but seriously good evil looking, don't tell my Sword Brethren I said that) Death Guard for the Primaris units and decals please PM me, I'm located in SoCal USA.

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So I've pointed up my khorne in the new book, it's 2018 points. Should be able to shave 18 points out fairly easily with wargear chop and change. Gonna do my Alpha Legion next, what are we ballparking a Fire Raptor at? 300?



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Can you explain this? Sure, 8 shots at S8 D2 is good but only BS4+ - have you used them and found them decent?



No, I don't think I will be able to play w40k anymore. But there is something like math[which I am not very good at by the way, I more or less feel it through years of xp playing], and that tells me that 8 shots is 4 hits that do 2D each. For the points it costs, it is very good and of course you are never going to run 1, your going to take 2-3. they are no FW leviathans, but they seem good enough. Much better then oblits[reliable], and unless you play a play vs hordes a lot, better vs melee hordes too.

@jeske yeah I really could have, but I can resell them if need be for a small profit. Rolling the FW rules dice... hoping for 6's!

Ah the bane of us all.

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Holy cow, the FW book is in super affordable small paperback form!  From the picture, I thought it was going to be one of their traditional beautiful but painfully expensive and awkwardly huge hardcovers!  Well, my order is placed.  Sadly it's a two week wait before release, then probably another two weeks shipping from europe, but whatever, I'm stoked that it fit so easily into my budget.


Fingers crossed for the dreadclaw rules being good.

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Wow, I'm ashamed that I missed it for this long, but someone on Dakka pointed out that Heldrakes have an almost guaranteed first turn charge. 30" movement until they're down to 6 wounds! That is so cool! I was honestly thinking about selling both of mine today, but now they'll be a crucial part of my lists. Dragons FTW. *swoon*

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I really want to add a Nurgle Styrix knight now for pure choom goodness :D pretty cool pox riders and plague toads are a new daemon unit chaos daemons can add :D I wonder what they will be like. I just hope FW makes sure the keyword stuff especially for Death Guard and thousand sons is taken note of as I would love to add heaps of stuff to my death guard force but will be pretty pissed if I cant due to keyword wording (note fulfilling the Death Guard keyword for my whole army is paramount )
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If you think Smite spam is boring, sorry


I was crushing folks all weekend and I finally have a good mix of resilience, output and some spells, not just LOL invul saves and warp charge spam


I want some different spells but I dont want some sort of TS book that will decimate other folks who dont have a similar book.. They took the road of simplification and they better stick with it otherwise codex creep will be back. I actually felt like I was using tactics and knowledge of the rules all today and yesterday. When the Disciples of Tz book came out for Sigmar all those Empire and Undead players are lolololng their way to refusing to play, even though I am using the same models I was when Sigmar started.

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What I want:

-A Chaos Knight Acheron or dual Inferno Cannon Warhound titan that will be named Trogdor

-A legion of Bloodletters, a Bloodthirster, a Daemon Prince, and multiple maulerfiends.


What will happen (maybe):

-I'll finally finish painting my things. Maybe.

-I'll end up buying more things I'll either not paint or even will begin to paint but never finish.

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That is a very good point about heldrakes.  Their baleflamers might not kill all that much, but between those and their talons they'll kill some things, and tie up something in melee forcing withdrawl moves and being real insistent about the enemy dealing with them first while the rest of your army moves up to support.  Or drops down to support - since fliers start on the field, each drake makes room for a unit of raptors, talons, or terminators to deep strike and be right up there with them first turn.

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That is a very good point about heldrakes.  Their baleflamers might not kill all that much, but between those and their talons they'll kill some things, and tie up something in melee forcing withdrawl moves and being real insistent about the enemy dealing with them first while the rest of your army moves up to support.  Or drops down to support - since fliers start on the field, each drake makes room for a unit of raptors, talons, or terminators to deep strike and be right up there with them first turn.

I actually think I'd keep heldrakes in reserves. The enemy is going to probably end up in the midfield to get to objectives, so having a unit that can rush out of reserves, shoot, and then charge at a unit at a critical moment is incredibly useful. Also means that they won't be subjected to shooting before they swoop in to get things done. 

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Defiler Workshop












Sorry for the poorish pic, will try to do better later.


I’ve spent a bit of time re-building this busted old defiler to try it out with the new rules - chaos warrior shields to replace broken leg spines, half a quad gun to use as a reaper autocannon, some new green stuff to fill gaps on the front leg armor I never did get around to way back when, etc.


As a Black Legion player, I always did like Defilers, what with how their original fluff had them designed and constructed specifically on the Despoiler's orders, built to support every stage of his preferred staggered assault method of fighting campaigns, fast enough to support forward assault waves taking new ground, with powerful claws capable of tearing open the gates of enemy fortifications, and armed with long range weaponry to function as turrets defending those newly taken fortifications while the army prepares for the next assault wave.


Unfortunately, their rules in the 4th and especially 6th ed books left something to be desired, but I’m optimistic for 8th ed.  They’re faster, much tougher, and boast an impressive melee punch, though admittedly their battle cannon is a fair bit weaker, and their mediocre accuracy and limited number of shots at range and attacks in melee might keep them from living up to their potential.  On the up side, they do have the <Legion> keyword, so apostles, sorcerers, and lords (including abaddon himself) can potentially help with the accuracy issues.


So maybe it’ll be good, maybe not, but for the first time in a long time I’m eager to give it a try.  Eager enough to actually get it painted, though?  I don’t know.  Time will tell.


Armament wise, I'm keeping it cheap.  This thing used to be armed with an extra close combat weapon and twin heavy flamer, back in 3rd edition, as that was pretty cheap, worked well in support of close action when I used the defiler that way, and when I used it for ranged support it would fire indirectly so other guns wouldn't contribute anyway.


There is no extra close combat weapon in 8th, so that jumble of talons is going to be counting as a Defiler Scourge.  I don't expect I'll get any complaints about that, there's enough flailing claws and tentacles in that bundle to justify it visually.  Unfortunately scourge + heavy flamers isn't an acceptable weapon combo, so I tore apart my quad gun and stuck half of that on their to stand in for a reaper.  Fits the bill well enough, and as an added bonus that's one of the cheaper weapon combos on the Defiler, keeping its total cost around 250.  I'll mostly be trying to push it forward into close combat to take advantage of those big defiler claws, so minimizing points spent on extra guns seems like a reasonable way to go.



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I'll dare to post here the beginning of my Space Crusade dread (deredeo indeed!).


Sacrificed a leviathan dread, a sentinel, a plastic contemptor and defiler parts among other stuff to do this bad guy. Hope it will end well for my own sake sweat.gif

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That has 100% win all over it man! What are you going to use for the guns?


EDIT - here is mine -




Yep, just a standard Dodo, but plans for the Black Legion are afoot: Plasticard trim, rivets, spikes, flesh and I think possibly an exposed spine....

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Thanks Midnight! ^_^

For the guns I'm going to use two assault cannons from the plastic contemptor dread, once I figure out how to do the mounts.

good luck man sounds like an awesome idea :D for mine I carved apart the deredero's and fiend arm mounts to make it easier fitting the forgefiend weapons on as the fiends weapons work wonders I may try a autocannon one next


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