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Plans for 8th Megathread

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Looking great avenger thumbsup.gif I might try that with mine, maybe mount them on magnets too?(I did put a magnet under the Ailos launcher thing) That way I can go Dakka or Plasma. Can't wait to get this book now as my entire heavy support is FW biggrin.png
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Thanks Midnight! happy.png

For the guns I'm going to use two assault cannons from the plastic contemptor dread, once I figure out how to do the mounts.

good luck man sounds like an awesome idea biggrin.png for mine I carved apart the deredero's and fiend arm mounts to make it easier fitting the forgefiend weapons on as the fiends weapons work wonders I may try a autocannon one next


Thanks avenger. What an imposing beast you have. The fiends arms fit very well in the dodo mountings!

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I know it would be expensive but I'm thinking about a Defiler with a Lascannon that hunts characters. At least one to test in games. First though would be the trustworthy Dakkafiend and predator. It seems in this edition that guns that are like the autocannon will be king.
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Well, character hunting I don't think would work out too well, on account of the defiler not being a sniper (geeze, could you imagine?), but it would help it deal some damage to vehicles and monsters.  The problem is that its BS is kind of poor, averaging only one hit with that twin lascannon per turn, and that's only if it's uninjured and stationary.  Right now I don't see the lascannon as an ideal fit for defilers, but time could prove me wrong.



EDIT: bluh, my hobby plans for 8e have hit a road block with me finally swearing off the 'local' game store (with typical traffic it's often a teeth-grinding 45 minute slog, it really doesn't count as local to me at all, which I'd put up with were it not for the mountain of minor annoyances - admittedly, like the traffic, not all their fault - that I've finally simply had enough of).  Which leaves me without a place to buy stuff or play games, which in turn tanks my motivation levels straight into the abyss.

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So I have 5 Rapier batteries to paint and get going (3 laser destroyer and 2 magnetized for [hades autocannon/ectoplasma/conversion beamer].


Any ideas on how Laser destroyers will work in 8th? I'm wondering if they'll be like lascannon with 2d6 damage?

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I plan to simply wait till a month or two after 8th edition drops.  During the waiting period, I will be reading all the rules and codex.  Once that completed, I will then pick a force and paint up to completion.  My choicest are as follow:tyranid=(hive fleet kraken), dkok, salamanders, or Death Guard. 


Sadly, I know once death guard kits drop, I will be buying all the kits. 

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So I have 5 Rapier batteries to paint and get going (3 laser destroyer and 2 magnetized for [hades autocannon/ectoplasma/conversion beamer].

Any ideas on how Laser destroyers will work in 8th? I'm wondering if they'll be like lascannon with 2d6 damage?

I'd be very surprised if they did that many wounds. A knight's chainsword/lord of skull's cleaver does 6 damage, that's the highest consistent damage of anything I've seen so far. My guess is 36" S9 AP-4 D6 wounds for laser destroyers at the same point cost as lascannons, or if 48" range more expensive.




Random thoughts:


I think that chainaxes + chainswords is the ideal loadout for Berzerkers, along with an Icon of Wrath. I feel like plasma pistols are still something of a trap, because zerks failing their charge due to the enemy wisely removing plasma pistol casualties from the direction facing the unit would be disastrous. And even if they make the charge, they're not guaranteed to get to use the pistols because the opponent can (and often should) have his unit fall back so the zerks can be lit up. This way it's all in on close combat, spamming an unholy number of S5-6 attacks. 2 S7 wounds is just not worth the reduced attack output.


As for the skull champions, it's power fists all the way for me. S10 is :cuss beast mode! They'll be a threat to most targets in the game, doubly so if they live to swing twice, upping the likelihood of getting solid hits in. And then still have a chainsword as backup to top off the bucket of low strength attacks.


Same story for the juggerlord. I think Fist + claw still has a place. Reroll 1's to hit helps to ensure the Fist was worth it, but helps the claw too, which is also better against marines due to the juggernaut buffing base strength to 5. Neat.


And I love Khârn. The loss of psychic defense and a little strength was worth it, given he can attack twice and re-roll hits. Not just close combat hits, either. Straight up hits, so getting him near combi-toting terminators unloading on something juicy is gonna be awesome, and even mitigate gets hot.


For bikers, I plan to still run them MSU, and while meltas are an option I think I'm gonna kit them out with 2 flamers, a combi-flamer, and chainswords. The fewest points to spam as many S4 attacks as possible; i.e. anti-light-infantry power to let the Berzerkers take on tougher prey. Though, flamers can still scorch wounds away from single targets, and have a 28" threat range. 14" move, 6" advance, and can still shoot after advancing because flamers are assault weapons. Can't charge, but their damage potential is higher with the flamers anyway.


This edition is really exciting.

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Here's my 2k EC + Slaanesh Daemon list so far:


EC Battalion -


Lord on Steed W/ twin LC

JP Lord w/ PF

x5 Noise Marines, x4 Sonics, Blastmaster

x5 Noise Marines, x4 Sonics, Blastmaster

x5 Noise Marines, x4 Sonics, Blastmaster

Heldrake w/ Baleflammer

Heldrake w/ Baleflammer



Slaanesh Daemon Spearhead - 

Keeper of Secrets



Exalted Seeker Chariot

x10 Seekers


Yes, Heldrakes are fun as all. You are playing with dragons. The alpha strike charge is awesome, but don't expect miracles with only 4 attacks. The Baleflamers are sick, especially if you are planning on using reroll Stratagems on the number of shots. Everyone is raving about the new Pred AC. The math on a Baleflamer is better.


Overall, haven't been this excited for 40k than since was playing the CSM 3.5 Codex. Haven't had a chance to play a full game yet, but I did everything I could to get in a couple of round with a few friends this weekend.

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I have a large Slaanesh army and would love to compliment it with some of the new Exalted Chariots.  If anyone in the US has a few and wants to trade for other CSM or Daemon models let me know ;)

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I think the baleflamer is definitely the better gun for the heldrake, given it hits automatically and the Hades hits on 5's after moving. But I'll still take the Hades every time, because the baleflamer is super expensive and I want the drakes to bully the :cuss out of the enemy army and tie up something I don't want shooting my Rhinos and maulerfiends. 30" move, so crazy. On a hammer and anvil table, think about how far back they have to deploy to be out of charge range. That could put some guns out of range of the rest of my army. If they deploy at the forward edge of their deployment zone for whatever reason, that's a guaranteed charge.
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Furies need updating with a new kit, though. Mind you, we could really do with more in the way of non-god aligned daemon's in general.


Mostly sat waiting until the Death Guard kit drops, as I'm considering running a mixed Death Guard x Traitor Guard force. Still hoping we get a proper Lost and the Damned force.

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Whelp, now that I've learned that the Spartan is an LoW, I need to make some other things to fill my heavy support slots...can't decide on whether to start building my still in the box Vindicators or convert up some Havocs from the heresy sets (what do I even arm them with...? I've never used Havocs or Devastators...)

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Furies need updating with a new kit, though. Mind you, we could really do with more in the way of non-god aligned daemon's in general.


Mostly sat waiting until the Death Guard kit drops, as I'm considering running a mixed Death Guard x Traitor Guard force. Still hoping we get a proper Lost and the Damned force.

You could make nice ones with little effort, not specially cheap tho. Just add to the AoS ghouls (?) the wings of the dark eldar thingies and you're set. At least that's how I do plan to make them if I decide to use daemons.

Whelp, now that I've learned that the Spartan is an LoW, I need to make some other things to fill my heavy support slots...can't decide on whether to start building my still in the box Vindicators or convert up some Havocs from the heresy sets (what do I even arm them with...? I've never used Havocs or Devastators...)

I'd go with 4 plasmas on them :)

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Hmm, hadn't considered that, could even use them as Chosen in a pinch- will definitely take under advisement!


For my Khorne brothers- I've been thinking about the new psychic phase rules and how deny the witch tests are taken- it seems like they're much easier to pass this time around. That said, I'm wondering if including a detachment full of MSU flesh hounds in addition to the regular forces might not be a bad way to give us a shot at countering psyker-heavy armies (for those of us that don't use them ourselves)

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Well, I was originally contemplating a Thousand Sons army...However, upon seeing the new Plague Marines in the Dark Imperium box? I am heavily, heavily considering starting a Death Guard army now.

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I can't decide between thousand sons, deathguard, world eaters or iron warriors lol. The mono god legions all seem so restrictive yet the iron warriors don't have any unique rules.


Though I do have 60 marines at home hmmm.


What are peoples opinion on the humble chaos space marine?

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I think they suffer from the same issue they had in 7th. Cult marines can do it better as they are more deadly or resilient for the points a downside is to have cult troops as "troops" you need the dedicated legion wheres CSM dont habe that problem and cultists/tzaangors/poxwalkers are better cheap cannon fodder. However, they do have versatility and everyrhing having split fire helps as well. They also don't have the "restrictions" the cult legions might have.
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