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Plans for 8th Megathread

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I plan on playing for a few weeks with what I've got built and (mostly) painted right now. Depending on how that goes I will build the stuff I'm saving for Konor based on my experiences.


I currently have a jump Lord with double claws, 5x Havocs with 4 autocannons, 5x Chosen with 4 flamers and a combi-flamer, 2x 5 CSM with a plasma gun, 5x Raptors with 2 meltas and a power fist, 5x Warp Talons, a rhino, and a Helbrute with either lascannon, Reaper autocannon, or plasma cannon arms.


Unbuilt I've got a Terminator Sorcerer/Lord, a box of Raptors/ Talons, and a second Rhino. As of now I'm leaning towards a Sorcerer with a force axe, 5 more chainsword Raptors to fill out my squad, and a combi-flamer on the Rhino to tote my Chosen around with a squad of CSM. After that? Maybe some hard hitting Terminators with chain/power fist and combi-meltas. Or depending on how restrictive Night Lords rules are regarding marks I might pick up a mounted Herald for a nice +1S on marked Talons.

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Do we have any idea when the codex's will start being released? 


I can't but help thing DG are gonna get one in June/July. Normally, new models are accompanied by new rules, which in this case should mean a codex.



I think we'll see the new loyalist marine book first, followed by the Death Guard book after, so july or august, rather than june or july.


As for anything else, well...  who knows?  I honestly don't expect more chaos codeces any time soon, but that's based on nothing but my innate pessimism.

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Hmm, I have a bad feeling im going to set my khorne army up as the new CSM index and then they will release a new Khorne codex totally ruining my army haha 


*feel like im forever chasing Codex's*

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Do we have any idea when the codex's will start being released? 


I can't but help thing DG are gonna get one in June/July. Normally, new models are accompanied by new rules, which in this case should mean a codex.



I think we'll see the new loyalist marine book first, followed by the Death Guard book after, so july or august, rather than june or july.


As for anything else, well...  who knows?  I honestly don't expect more chaos codeces any time soon, but that's based on nothing but my innate pessimism.



Agreed, June may be too early. But aye, I'm not holding my breath for new Thousand Sons rules. They had their six months, now time to wait another twenty years for next time. It's not called the Long War for nothing!

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So first of all, super excited for this new edition for not only for my Worldeaters but also my Traitor guard and my Tyranids (but we don't talk about bugs here).


With the leaks and rule releases, what I really pump for is the rule changes to transports and vehicles. I have 6 rhinos that have been under preforming for the past 3 or 4 editions. So I'm hoping the rhino stat line is decent enough to make the viable. The transport rules seem to be more beneficial this time around, but if the rhinos aren't durable to make it to lines, then my berzerkers will have to find another ride.


Speaking of Berzerkers, they are looking pretty sharp too. The Blood for the Blood God special rule is pretty good, getting 2 round of CC goodness is great. Now this has lead me to a cross roads with in terms of layout. Do I keep my pistols or go Chain axe Chain sword? If I do keep my pistols, Do I go with axes or swords? Do I pick up plasma pistols? And how do i gear up my champions?


Currently I have 5 raptors on my painting table, I was planing on running 3 squads with the raptor talon formation. I will probably finish with them and run some anti-armour deep strikers. 


As for buying new stuff, I'm going to wait for the full picture before jumping in. The greater brass scorpion looks sick! Maybe another heldrake is in the works      

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I'm thinking of zerkers myself too. Leaning to have a mixed squad, but not sure yet. Maybe 3 PP and the rest with axe & sword?


And, speaking of them, even considered doing a WE army (again), however, I don't want to focus in CC only. And I'm a weary of starting an army to be invalidated by the new codex (see "no havocs DG"). So I'll refrain myself until the codices come out. Or maybe a Red Corsairs army, keeping Huron close to the 2 zerker squads (inmune to morale while in 6" of him) which leads me to a concept army of:


Vanguard (or whatever the 3 elites detachment is called)



TDA sorc

5 Terminators with 5 c-meltas, 4 axes & chainfist

14 zerkers with axes (maybe PP if I have points)

14 zerkers with axes (maybe PP if I have points)


Spearhead (?)/Heavy support detachment


Sorc with JP

8 talons

8 havocs with plasma




But the lack of definitive rules prevent me to make a solid decision, because I don't want to spend money for nothing (not taking in account the possibility of new awesome CSM models, which is indeed another reason to hold myself).

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I don't think pistols are that great for World Eaters. I've been pondering the same question for my own KDK/World Eaters and I will definitely have a mix of both.


The reason I say that is I think we're going to find the pistols hardly get used against non assault armies. But when you have an opponent that wants to get stuck in with you, the pistols may do some work.


So I will use both and since casualties are up to the owner, I'll just peel off which ever makes most sense in the given situation.

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I've been getting some fun ideas from the fluff - Terminators, Terminator Sorcerer (or Warp Talons with a Jump Pack Sorcerer), and Plague Bearers in Reinforcements. Start with Bikes, Helbrutes, and Rhinos full of CSMs on the field, maybe a DP.


T1 - Advance everything at double speed; Termies and Sorcerer Teleport in, leaving 3" between them. Summon in the Plague Bearers between. Cast Warp Time on Termies, get Termies into CC with something shooty, coming in like a runaway freight train loaded with pianos. 

T2 - Everything else should be getting into CC.

T3 - Tau BBQ in the opponent's Deployment Zone


Hopefully, the shock and awe tactic will work. All I really need is Bikes and some more Warp Talons and a Jump Pack Sorcerer if I go down that route. I want to run it as Red Corsairs, so I'd need some Rhinos too. 

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I will be having plasma pistols är least. Extra high strength attacks would be useful against vehicles and monsters.


Speaking of - I now get to use my Fallen Champion as he was originally armed! He was done with a magnetised plasma pistol for last year's ETL for extra points!

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Refining my plans (which still on hold until codex/models come out) for this new edition, and leaning to Red Corsairs even more, with a mix of shooty and choppy yes.gif

Command points 5

PL ~100*

Points ~2000*


Huron Blackheart (runs between zerkers to make them immune to morale)

TDA sorc (DS near terminators to warptime them)

13 Zerkers, with axes and 3 PP

13 Zerkers, with axes and 3 PP

5 Terminators, with 5 c-melta, 4 power axes and a CF


Jump-pack sorc (DS near talons to warptime them)

5 talons

10 havocs with 4 PG


Chaos Deredeo*

*Roughly approximated until the actual points are released. Estimations based on the Leviathan.

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I like the list, nice all rounder. I would try to build the warp talons up to 8 man squad to make them more deadly :D other than that i wouldnt change anything. 


If you decide against the Chaos Deredeo maybe go for a flamer squad of some kind. Might be able to get another termi sqaud with heavy flamer and combi flamers. really deadly against hordes. then you would certainly have a bit of everything lol

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Thanks Sagentus :)


I cannot drop the Deredeo, as is one of the main projects for me right now. I could however, drop the jump-sorc to get 5 more talons, but I'm hesitant to do so, or maybe take some zerkers, but they will suffer greatly from shooting as everyone is on foot.


Need to think about that!

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Refining my plans (which still on hold until codex/models come out) for this new edition, and leaning to Red Corsairs even more, with a mix of shooty and choppy yes.gif

Command points 5

PL ~100*

Points ~2000*


Huron Blackheart (runs between zerkers to make them immune to morale)

TDA sorc (DS near terminators to warptime them)

13 Zerkers, with axes and 3 PP

13 Zerkers, with axes and 3 PP

5 Terminators, with 5 c-melta, 4 power axes and a CF


Jump-pack sorc (DS near talons to warptime them)

5 talons

10 havocs with 4 PG


Chaos Deredeo*

*Roughly approximated until the actual points are released. Estimations based on the Leviathan.

Just to check, in Matched Play you can only cast every Psychic Power once per round, not per Psyker. Guessing it's for Narrative Play?

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What is the deal with troops now? Can everybody score and they are just for filling the detachment as required?

Yeah, correct. Objectives are controlled based on who has the most models within 3" of the center of the objective.

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What is the deal with troops now? Can everybody score and they are just for filling the detachment as required?

Yeah, correct. Objectives are controlled based on who has the most models within 3" of the center of the objective.
Most models?? Say hello to my Cultist swarm lol
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Refining my plans (which still on hold until codex/models come out) for this new edition, and leaning to Red Corsairs even more, with a mix of shooty and choppy yes.gif

Command points 5

PL ~100*

Points ~2000*


Huron Blackheart (runs between zerkers to make them immune to morale)

TDA sorc (DS near terminators to warptime them)

13 Zerkers, with axes and 3 PP

13 Zerkers, with axes and 3 PP

5 Terminators, with 5 c-melta, 4 power axes and a CF


Jump-pack sorc (DS near talons to warptime them)

5 talons

10 havocs with 4 PG


Chaos Deredeo*

*Roughly approximated until the actual points are released. Estimations based on the Leviathan.

Just to check, in Matched Play you can only cast every Psychic Power once per round, not per Psyker. Guessing it's for Narrative Play?

Actually is for Matched Play :lol:

But they're not intended to DS the same turn.


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Current list is starting to take shape, depending on how many points the Spartan ends up coming in at:


Battalion Detachment - World Eaters



2x Dark Apostle 



1x5  Terminators, 3 powerfists, 2 chainfists, all combi-bolters, icon



2x10 Berzerkers, swords/axes, powerfist, icon (on foot)

1x20 Berzerkers, swords/axes, powerfist, icon (embarked in Spartan, may make this two separate squads depending on how testing works)


Heavy Support-

2x Vindicators


Lord of War Detachment - World Eaters

Spartan, quad las

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Guest uk_crow

Refined my IW list:


Iron Warriors Battalion Detachment


Lord in TDA, Lightning Claw, Chainfist - 153
Sorceror in TDA, Combi Bolter, Force - 156


5x Terminators, 5x combi melta, 2x chainfist, 3x power axe - 308


5x CSM, plasma, rhino w/ combi bolter - 150
5x CSM, plasma, rhino w/ combi bolter - 150
10x CSM, 2x plasma, rhino w/ combi bolter - 228


Fast Attack
5x raptors, 2x flamers - 103


Heavy Support
5x Havocs, 4 autocannons - 145
5x Havocs, 4 autocannons - 145
Maulerfiend w/ lasher tendrils - 173
Maulerfiend w/ lasher tendrils - 173



Feel like the lord is a bit of a spare part, might swap him for a cheaper one to sit with havocs to grant re-rolls to hit.

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I'm actually surprised how many of you are just making a decision at this point. Don't get me wrong I think it's quite admirable, but I find myself torn.


I finished a few thousand points of Thousand Sons. I have a very large World Eater army that while dated, it FINALLY looks playable!


I also actually started to enjoy the Daemon part of my KDK force, and finally the Bloodthirsters I painted look usable?!?!


Then the new Deathguard look amazing and will undoubtably get better with a codex.


And for years I tried playing Black Legion but was ultimately frustrated with the lack of 'style' and Abaddon was so disappointing. Now basic Chaos units are fun, and Abaddon is fantastic.


My hat's off to you guys who found the decision so easy. ;)

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