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Plans for 8th Megathread

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Well, is not easy for me Prot. I have an internal war about what project will be the best for this edition -and I mean love and motivation. The war is fight between these:

My beloved Night Lords. It feels like betraying them, but that's pretty Curze-ish anyway.

Word Bearers, were my first army of 40k, and even did a Lorgar/Demagogue conversion using Abby as base model (nothing fancy, just removed the top-knot and added long hair and long beard to resemble a fanatic preacher, then painting him in WB colors).

World Eaters, love them, and love Khorne -remember when the Night Lords were a khornate legion? I do msn-wink.gif The only army fully painted, 2000 points worth of butchers (now stripped to start another army, but that was before BaC, so now I have lots of unpainted marines).

And finally, the Red Corsairs. Brutal, savages, bloodthirsty Space Pirates. What's not to love about them? I mean. Space. Pirates.

Is not that simple for me tongue.png

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While I have decided on my Alpha Legion, the Thousand Sons will remain in the back of my head as always...



...but the most important question for me is if I should go corrupted or non-corrupted??? I just can't decide!

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Why not slightly corrupted? Dragon scales, chains, chaos sigils and such, but very few mutations like on the Blanche CSM guide smile.png


Yeah, that's the current style I'm going for.

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The degraded sonic weapons are dissappointed for an avid EC user like me. I'm gonna use them anyway cause I love the FW kakophoni models.


On the other hand, the Death to the False Emperor enhanced by the Slaanesh icon (thus a bonus attack at 5+) looks better than I+1 IMO. I'm considering which unit would exploit this ability as much as possible: termis or warp talons maybe?

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That is a good question tbh. I think it depends on how big your warp talons squad is. Generally people will take 5 termi's, but if you take 10 warp talons i think it would work on them best and make them crazy good.

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The degraded sonic weapons are dissappointed for an avid EC user like me.



Degraded ? I can understand that for Doom Siren. But switch from Salva to Assault is the best thing for sonic blaster. And V8 rules for cover is a real buff for ignoring cover sonic weapon when targeting MEQ or TEQ. 

Targeting a unit in cover means your Blastmaster is as effective as a lascanon (just minus 1 Strengh, no big deal when your not facing Thoughness>9), but more reliable (i prefere 2 shoot D3 dmg than 1 shoot D6 Dmg)

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That is a good question tbh. I think it depends on how big your warp talons squad is. Generally people will take 5 termi's, but if you take 10 warp talons i think it would work on them best and make them crazy good.

Thanks for your suggestion, but sadly, I've just found that warp talons cannot get the icon...

The degraded sonic weapons are dissappointed for an avid EC user like me.

Degraded ? I can understand that for Doom Siren. But switch from Salva to Assault is the best thing for sonic blaster. And V8 rules for cover is a real buff for ignoring cover sonic weapon when targeting MEQ or TEQ.

Targeting a unit in cover means your Blastmaster is as effective as a lascanon (just minus 1 Strengh, no big deal when your not facing Thoughness>9), but more reliable (i prefere 2 shoot D3 dmg than 1 shoot D6 Dmg)

Hmm, that's the point that I missed. Thank you for enlightening me msn-wink.gif And partly yes, I meant the doom siren cause I always used one NM unit dedicated for close-combat (sergeant with a power sword and doom siren) thanks to the EC bonus given by TL.

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Well, is not easy for me Prot. I have an internal war about what project will be the best for this edition -and I mean love and motivation. The war is fight between these:

My beloved Night Lords. It feels like betraying them, but that's pretty Curze-ish anyway.

Word Bearers, were my first army of 40k, and even did a Lorgar/Demagogue conversion using Abby as base model (nothing fancy, just removed the top-knot and added long hair and long beard to resemble a fanatic preacher, then painting him in WB colors).

World Eaters, love them, and love Khorne -remember when the Night Lords were a khornate legion? I do msn-wink.gif The only army fully painted, 2000 points worth of butchers (now stripped to start another army, but that was before BaC, so now I have lots of unpainted marines).

And finally, the Red Corsairs. Brutal, savages, bloodthirsty Space Pirates. What's not to love about them? I mean. Space. Pirates.

Is not that simple for me tongue.png

I hope that makes it easier msn-wink.gif

While I have decided on my Alpha Legion, the Thousand Sons will remain in the back of my head as always...

...but the most important question for me is if I should go corrupted or non-corrupted??? I just can't decide!

I'm gonna go uncorrupted for my wee force of allies, but also 30k paint scheme (to add to the mix). Headcanoned them as rescued while performing suicidal charges at the Wolves, but the Alpha Legion offered their help all of a sudden. Believing Magnus dead, they kept their old colours, but joined "my" Alpha Legion Warband.

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Death Guard: This should surprise absolutely nobody. The plan is to take probably 2 starter sets of DG to get a ~1500pt force going. I didn't want to duplicate the snap-fit models but they'll work for now. Then add/change as the full DG release happens.


Sons of Horus: With HH not changing over, I'll be adding enough stuff to field my SoH models in 40k. Will be running as loyalists so I can use things like cataphractii. Need to add some special/heavy weapons for squads and will likely use the FW SoH Command models as a Captain and Ancient.

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Well, is not easy for me Prot. I have an internal war about what project will be the best for this edition -and I mean love and motivation. The war is fight between these:

My beloved Night Lords. It feels like betraying them, but that's pretty Curze-ish anyway.

Word Bearers, were my first army of 40k, and even did a Lorgar/Demagogue conversion using Abby as base model (nothing fancy, just removed the top-knot and added long hair and long beard to resemble a fanatic preacher, then painting him in WB colors).

World Eaters, love them, and love Khorne -remember when the Night Lords were a khornate legion? I do msn-wink.gif The only army fully painted, 2000 points worth of butchers (now stripped to start another army, but that was before BaC, so now I have lots of unpainted marines).

And finally, the Red Corsairs. Brutal, savages, bloodthirsty Space Pirates. What's not to love about them? I mean. Space. Pirates.

Is not that simple for me tongue.png

I hope that makes it easier msn-wink.gif

Thanks mate! The Lazytown one is the best of the lot -even tho I like more the orginal one!. I'll just leave this here

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Mostly uncorrupted Alpha Legion as the main, with an allied Raptor Cult. Use of demon engines, cultists, and a "keeping up appearances" show of actual CSM. Debating some possessed (kinda doubt it, though).

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 I had started painting my army as black legion but I'm really getting bored with painting black and gold so I am stripping everything and going with word bearers. I would ideally go night lords instead but I feel like my painting skills aren't up to that task. So lots of work to start stripping the mdoels I've already painted. Also on the todo list is finish building the predator and rhino I picked up. Loading out the predator with autocannon and lascannon sponsons. Ordered the dark imperium set as well so I'm thinking of painting the deathguard with one shoulderpad in word bearer colours to show their alegiance to them but I'm wondering if that would be not following the lore? So for example lets say my word bearer chaos lord was fighting against these death guard, killed most of them and gave the remainder the choice of joining the word bearers or getting killed.

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I'm also converting my FW scorpius whirlwind into a las predator (the hull is the same anyway) with some magnetizing works. I'm gonna also buy FW lascannon kits for my Mk3 havoc squad, though not sure of bringing out them in near future. My army is already crowded with all the NOISES tongue.png

@Costanza7, what about that your Word Bearers worship the Papa Nurgle?

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After watching Frankie killa kan list on FLG, I feel the need for a dark mechanicum list filled with dreads, fiends, and knight or two. Plus the chaos hellwright just sounds cool. Combined with the Renegades and Heretics list for some cheaper infantry
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I had started painting my army as black legion but I'm really getting bored with painting black and gold so I am stripping everything and going with word bearers.

I did the opposite, got bored of painting red and went with black! teehee.gif

Just played my first game (1500 points) against Space Marines. Tabled him.

The 6+ hit = extra attack is surprisingly nasty. It landed me a bunch of extra attacks in key combats which was nice.

Spawn were MVPs, these guys are good. They swept up the flank, killing Scouts and then took out a Land Raider with the help of a Maulerfiend over a few turns. Maulerfiends were okay, 4+ to hit isn't brill but they can take a good amount of dammage. Terminators with over-charged plasma deep striking in with a Warptime Sorcerer was also great, really nasty unit that give a load of tactical flexability. Helbrutes were alright, nothing amazing but a lot more durable. CSMs and Cultists just held objectives.

My list.

Hidden Content
Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour


Force Axe

5 CSMs

Champion with Bolt pistol & Plasma pistol

3 Chaos Space Marines with Boltgun & Bolt pistol

Chaos Space Marine with Autocannon

5 CSMs

Champion with Bolt pistol & Plasma pistol

3 Chaos Space Marines with Boltgun & Bolt pistol

Chaos Space Marine with Autocannon

13 Cultists

13 Autoguns


4 Combi-Plasma & Power Axe

1 Terminator Champion with Combi-Plasma & Power Fist


Helbrute Plasma Cannon

Helbrute Fist & Heavy Flamer


Helbrute Plasma Cannon

Helbrute Hamer & Heavy Flamer

5 Chaos Spawn

Hideous Mutations


Lasher Tendrils


Lasher Tendrils


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Guest uk_crow

Good to hear your game went Well Dallas Drake!


Thanks for feedback, your list is looking very similar to my planned iron Warriors list. Regarding the helbrutes, how did your loadouts perform? I'm thinking of running reaper autocannon/power scourge...


Did you feel you could do with more long range AT?

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I'm also converting my FW scorpius whirlwind into a las predator (the hull is the same anyway) with some magnetizing works. I'm gonna also buy FW lascannon kits for my Mk3 havoc squad, though not sure of bringing out them in near future. My army is already crowded with all the NOISES tongue.png

@Costanza7, what about that your Word Bearers worship the Papa Nurgle?

Well I had ideas of using some tzeentch and khorne demons as well. I don't know maybe more brainstorming is required. Put the basecoat on a couple marines today. Been thinking about using some bits from my betrayal at calth box to add a little flavour to some units and I'm going to try more like the contemptor dread look a bit more chaotic.

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Good to hear your game went Well Dallas Drake!


Thanks for feedback, your list is looking very similar to my planned iron Warriors list. Regarding the helbrutes, how did your loadouts perform? I'm thinking of running reaper autocannon/power scourge...


Did you feel you could do with more long range AT?

The Helbrutes were just 'okay'. The Helbrute Plasma Cannon was fine, hitting on a 4+ when you move did hurt but I had to advance them in order to put pressure on his army & try to give him hard choices re: Maulerfiends/Spawn. I think the Helbrute needs a really specific role, I'm quite a fan of the Helbrute fists flat D3 but 7 attacks at S8 with D2 is good too.


Re: long range AT. My Terminators with 10 over-charged Plasma did a good job for me. That said, Lascannons are really good, they did the majority of the dammage to my Maulerfiends.


EDIT: One thing to note, on the table next to me a player was using 2 Storm Talons. We NEED something to deal with units with the Fly rule, they did so much damage. I'm thinking that 2 Heldrakes are pretty much necessary because without some fast anti air these things will tear us a new one!

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My painting time is sadly taken by commission work that I've been dragging my feet on, but I did build new travel cases:


















So far I've magnetized the following CSM stuff to ride in the new cases:


Winged Prince

Lord on foot

10 Chosen

20 CSMs

2 Rhinos

my Defiler (who can now hang from the side of the fridge, like it's climbing an enormous building)


I haven't really settled on a starter list yet, but I hope to have a small but playable army decided on and magnetized for travel by next weekend, so I can get a few games in on release day, even if I'm shamefully fielding a less than fully painted force.



EDIT: for the record, the idea for the magnet bin set up was stolen from MC1gamer on youtube:  https://youtu.be/Ec1oYaA655o


EDIT 2: while I'm at it, I've been meaning to get a better picture of those chosen I painted a couple years back.  They're currently hanging out in a display case at the local(ish) GW store, and that seemed like as good an opportunity as any:







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I've posted two of my three Epidemius games from this week on my Facebook blog (link in sig). Won two convincingly, lost one narrowly due to mix of my opponent and myself getting some key rules very wrong + incredibly bad rolling all game.


I think my win rate will go down once people get used to Heldrakes and nurglings assaulting first turn and bubble wrap their units better. We really need maelstrom to be played on top of the eternity of war missions, otherwise it is far too easy for very shoot and semi-shooty armies to turtle in their deployment zone for 5 turns blowing the hell out of you while falling back sideways whenever needed. With how strong and Mobil's vehicles are now, I feel like the game is more balanced by forcing people to play for the whole map all game...otherwise why not spam predators and manticores?


That said, it felt AWESOME to use all my Nurgle conversions from both armies from over the years in one list, and to do well with a unique list built around a specific strategy. The new psychic, shooting, advancing, and assault rules have made the game dramatically more interactive and strategic. I can't believe how fun and smart my games have been.

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One thing I need help with is Tyranids.

When a unit assaults it can tie other units up without delcaring a charge against them, I've found that a Trygon burrows up, out pop 20 Gaunts which then charge, if they get a 9+ on the charge they can move the first model so that it's closest to the unit they're charging but can then use the rest of the models to move within 1" of other close-ish by units and bring them into the combat, these units don't get an overwatch either and it's brutal because it locks out their shooting. With a little luck it just lets them shut down most of our shooting by turn 2. I tried spacing out units but when objectives are important it's just not that easy. Has anyone played Nids yet? And does anyone have any ideas how to beat them? It seems the best way is to shoot them up because in melee they're pretty damn nasty.


The most obvious answer is bubble wrap, but our Cultists are too expensive so spam as fodder. Rhinos might work, but if they get surrounded and destroyed the guys inside are toast... I'm literally at a loss about how to deal with this.

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