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Plans for 8th Megathread

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Funny enough my biggest plans for 8th are;

Get a 2000+ Genestealer cult list ready to rock and roll for 8th. (I always wanted a Melee guard army, 8th is probably the time!)


and to finish and expand my 1k sons list, it may end up being a huge chaos collection, but I will dabble in other chaos (Such as the recent death guard and perhaps some black legion/generic chaos marines) for days I feel like being less Mystical ;-)

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For those that are interested, I'm coming around to Chosen in a serious way. In the games I've lost (Tyranids) I've felt that I just couldn't do enough damage, by this I mean I couldn't shoot their Gaunts/Stealers quick enough and I couldn't do enough damage to their big monsters.


6 man Chosen squad in a Rhino. 4 combi-plasmas, 1 plasmagun, and a Champ with a plasma pistol & whatever melee weapon I can afford (probably a sword). 2 attacks base, 3 for the Champ means they're better in melee & those combi plasmas can be brutal (firing everything at BS4+ if necessary against hordes and overcharging the plasma when desperate or against big monsters/tanks).


I might try 2 squads of Chosen and a Chaos Lord close by so I can overcharge the plasma & re-roll those 1s.


Anyone else tried this or got any ideas?

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For those that are interested, I'm coming around to Chosen in a serious way. In the games I've lost (Tyranids) I've felt that I just couldn't do enough damage, by this I mean I couldn't shoot their Gaunts/Stealers quick enough and I couldn't do enough damage to their big monsters.


6 man Chosen squad in a Rhino. 4 combi-plasmas, 1 plasmagun, and a Champ with a plasma pistol & whatever melee weapon I can afford (probably a sword). 2 attacks base, 3 for the Champ means they're better in melee & those combi plasmas can be brutal (firing everything at BS4+ if necessary against hordes and overcharging the plasma when desperate or against big monsters/tanks).


I might try 2 squads of Chosen and a Chaos Lord close by so I can overcharge the plasma & re-roll those 1s.


Anyone else tried this or got any ideas?

I'm considering combi-plasma termis as an alternative. They'll be deepstriking with a chaos lord to unleash ten overcharged plasma shots with the rare risk (1/18) of gets hot.


Regarding the close combat, I'm acutally considering a unit of noise marines. 10 NMs all with chainsword base will effectively get A3 each with a slight point increase compared to CSMs, I guess? Their shear amount of attacks will even increase with Slaanesh icon and/or psychic power. The nerfed doom siren is unlucky ;( but I'll be using at least four NM units for fluffy anyway, so would like to give it a try.

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For those that are interested, I'm coming around to Chosen in a serious way. In the games I've lost (Tyranids) I've felt that I just couldn't do enough damage, by this I mean I couldn't shoot their Gaunts/Stealers quick enough and I couldn't do enough damage to their big monsters.


6 man Chosen squad in a Rhino. 4 combi-plasmas, 1 plasmagun, and a Champ with a plasma pistol & whatever melee weapon I can afford (probably a sword). 2 attacks base, 3 for the Champ means they're better in melee & those combi plasmas can be brutal (firing everything at BS4+ if necessary against hordes and overcharging the plasma when desperate or against big monsters/tanks).


I might try 2 squads of Chosen and a Chaos Lord close by so I can overcharge the plasma & re-roll those 1s.


Anyone else tried this or got any ideas?

I'm considering combi-plasma termis as an alternative. They'll be deepstriking with a chaos lord to unleash ten overcharged plasma shots with the rare risk (1/18) of gets hot.



I've tried that too. I went with a Sorcerer though to get Warptime & assault after Deep Strike. It works well, but I think I need both! I know that sounds daft but I bloody love plasma in this edition. Plus if you're up against stuff with 20 odd wounds (or shenanigans like a Swarmlord) you need it.

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I built a Chosen squad for melee. A Champion with a pair of claws gets four attacks, which is quite impressive in and of itself. Combined with the three power weapon attacks from the other members and the Chaos Lord riding with them? That's a lot of attacks rerolling ones.
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So with the new key word system I'm finding it harder to justify 'counts as' special characters, since, for example, I don't want to have to be playing World Easter who look like Alpha Legion to run Omeg-Khârn. One thing I think I might be able to get away with is 'Alpha Legion' Cypher and Fallen representing a sepreate cell operating alongside the rest of the army. My plan is to use my heresy era Alphas as a group that went into the Eye of Terror after the heresy and got spat out 10k years later. They are loyal to the legion, obviously, but they don't completely trust the guys who have been exposed to the taint of the Warp for 10k years, hence the not sharing of buffs.
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Had two games of 8th today, and from what little I got from two 1000pt games, I'm gonna shelf my Cultists and run them as Renegade Guard (again), unless something changes with the codex. Simply put, I'm not having Huron Blackheart or a Dark Apostle babysit a bunch of Grateful Dead fans.

Helbrutes were awesome, and DiscoPredators were amazing! 


Fallen were very meh, though they did have the dubious honour of being charged by an Eversor Assassin turn 1 (though most survived due to Cypher's intervention). I still can't quite figure out what their battlefield role is. My normal CSMs just got cut down by a Culexus, so can't really fault them.


Huron was utterly amazing (Warp Time followed by Smite), and munched his way through Grey Knight Paladins with Tyrant's Claw. Cypher, at one point more, was VERY disappointing. Sure, he shoots well enough, but that's only in my turn, so he's liable to get curb-stomped in close combat. He was up against a Callidus, but after his shooting failed, Catwoman with Blades sliced him up. The range of his pistols also detracts from how useful he is. It may be unfair, as he was constantly fighting assassins. 

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My plan for 8th is pretty much me waiting for some news about an Emperor's Children release...hopefully soon. :D

In the meantime I might get myself some Maulerfiends and Heldrakes tho.

Unless of course the T'au Codex comes early and ruins my plans again. ph34r.png

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My plan for 8th is pretty much me waiting for some news about an Emperor's Children release...hopefully soon. :D

In the meantime I might get myself some Maulerfiends and Heldrakes tho.


Unless of course the T'au Codex comes early and ruins my plans again. :ph34r:

but GW doesn't like us...:(


We've got only two dedicated units (Lucius & NMs) in the index.

Plz get my money GW! I'm ready (for a long time)

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We've got only two dedicated units (Lucius & NMs) in the index.


Which, if anything, points towards Emperor's Children (and World Eaters) receiving the same treatment as the Thousand Sons and Death Guard at some point in the (hopefully) not so distant future.

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I just hope that, whenever we do see new noise marine models, the designers have the vision and the courage to return them to their rocker roots with sonic weapons in the form of actual instruments - electric guitars for infantry, elaborate pipe organs for vehicles, characters screaming into microphones and so on, instead of the abject cowardice that led to the current, unrelentingly boring sonic weapon designs, completely indistinguishable from any other generic sci-fi guns.

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I just hope that, whenever we do see new noise marine models, the designers have the vision and the courage to return them to their rocker roots with sonic weapons in the form of actual instruments - electric guitars for infantry, elaborate pipe organs for vehicles, characters screaming into microphones and so on, instead of the abject cowardice that led to the current, unrelentingly boring sonic weapon designs, completely indistinguishable from any other generic sci-fi guns.

I would pay like 10€ per model for that!

...okay maybe not, but I definitely would be willed to throw more money at their face! :D

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I just hope that, whenever we do see new noise marine models, the designers have the vision and the courage to return them to their rocker roots with sonic weapons in the form of actual instruments - electric guitars for infantry, elaborate pipe organs for vehicles, characters screaming into microphones and so on, instead of the abject cowardice that led to the current, unrelentingly boring sonic weapon designs, completely indistinguishable from any other generic sci-fi guns.

Scream into a microphone? Oh please, why would you do that when you can have the microphone built into you throat and mouth

Also holy censored.gif Panzer has an avatar the end of days is nigh.

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Partly because that doesn't let you look as pretty, but far more importantly because it wouldn't allow characters to visibly emote, which is a pretty dramatic failing for the sort of metal band front man archetype that every Slaaneshi character should be aspiring to.

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I just hope that, whenever we do see new noise marine models, the designers have the vision and the courage to return them to their rocker roots with sonic weapons in the form of actual instruments - electric guitars for infantry, elaborate pipe organs for vehicles, characters screaming into microphones and so on, instead of the abject cowardice that led to the current, unrelentingly boring sonic weapon designs, completely indistinguishable from any other generic sci-fi guns.

Scream into a microphone? Oh please, why would you do that when you can have the microphone built into you throat and mouth

Also holy censored.gif Panzer has an avatar the end of days is nigh.

Oh :cuss ! Someone noticed!

:P :P

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A few things to note that I haven't seen discussed:


1. Possessed and Spawn actually look good this edition. Word Bearers fans should be happy....especially since their Dark Apostles can summon via Daemonic Ritual.


2. In that same vein, note that the Heralds and Greater Daemons in the Daemon book have abilities that buff all "Nurgle Daemon," "Khorne Daemon," etc. models in their range. This applies to things like marked lords with Daemonic Steeds (Disc, Palanquin, etc.) and Warp Talons or Oblits too since they have those keywords. Sure your Oblits won't get things like Unstoppable Ferocity or Disgustingly Resilient, since those rules specify that they have to be on the datasheet instead of being attached to the Daemon keywords, but no big deal.


Word Bearers players could just summon in whoever they needed to buff their Possessed. :)


Daemonkin armies for everybody. BTW, there are a few of the Daemon Psychic Powers that tag the same keywords for buffs.


3. I saw some folks talking about fighting stuff with the FLY keyword. Just charge it with Warp Talons or Raptors that are launched forward via Warptime or dropped in within 9 inches for a long charge (backed up by Command Reroll or a Khorne Icon for Raptors). The "Airborne" rule on all flyers I've seen specifically says that they cannot be charged by units without the FLY keyword. Jump Infantry have that. Winged Daemon Princes and Bloodthirsters will be wrecking flyers like King Kong. Alternately, just spam Autocannon shots from Havocs or Forgefiends with rerolls from either your Chaos Lord or Abaddon, plus a Sorcerer with Prescience.


4. Speaking of Warptime, you can drop Warp Talons outside 12 in from Tau to stay out of Early Warning Override range so that ability doesn't trigger.....then in the Psychic Phase you Warptime them forward and since it's still the same turn they arrived, you then charge with no overwatch. Multi-assault everything you can and then follow up with other units when they're locked.

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4. Speaking of Warptime, you can drop Warp Talons outside 12 in from Tau to stay out of Early Warning Override range so that ability doesn't trigger.....then in the Psychic Phase you Warptime them forward and since it's still the same turn they arrived, you then charge with no overwatch. Multi-assault everything you can and then follow up with other units when they're locked.

That's actually quite nice and everyone should note that down when facing units with some form of Interceptor special rule.

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I'm going to give Warmhammer 40K another shot. I left right around the beginning of 4th edition and have been playing other miniature games, mostly in tournament settings. I really like how the rules have shaped up, so I'll be starting with an Alpha Legion force with a smattering of Tzeentch daemons.

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Everything I'm reading about these nasty horde armies is making the butcher cannon look more and more attractive...I may have to pick up that Decimator I've always wanted.


Summoned flamers of Tzeentch or Exalted Flamers can help too, especially since they have auto-hit "template" weapons that are Pistols as well, so they melt faces during CC.


Helbrutes w/Scourges, Renegade Knights for stompy fun, Raptors or Rubric Marines w/Flamer weapons, are all a great deal of fun.


Try this trick:


Raptor Squad w/2 Flamers plus Combi-Flamer on Champ. They are Assault weapons, so you can move 12, advance, and then fire with 3D6 auto hits. Then when they inevitably charge you, you get another 3D6 auto hits in Overwatch. On your turn, leave combat, stop 8in. away and fire the Flamers again because you have the FLY keyword and can shoot after falling back. When they charge you again, second verse same as the first. Add grenades and pistols to taste....though not on that first Advance.

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4. Speaking of Warptime, you can drop Warp Talons outside 12 in from Tau to stay out of Early Warning Override range so that ability doesn't trigger.....then in the Psychic Phase you Warptime them forward and since it's still the same turn they arrived, you then charge with no overwatch. Multi-assault everything you can and then follow up with other units when they're locked.

That's actually quite nice and everyone should note that down when facing units with some form of Interceptor special rule.



I think there's some debate as to whether you can use Warptime to move in the psychic phase since it states that reinficements cannot advance or move further during the turn they arrive... It'll need a FAQ.


Frankly I'm struggling to think of a way to beat horde armies with the models I've got.

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4. Speaking of Warptime, you can drop Warp Talons outside 12 in from Tau to stay out of Early Warning Override range so that ability doesn't trigger.....then in the Psychic Phase you Warptime them forward and since it's still the same turn they arrived, you then charge with no overwatch. Multi-assault everything you can and then follow up with other units when they're locked.

That's actually quite nice and everyone should note that down when facing units with some form of Interceptor special rule.



I think there's some debate as to whether you can use Warptime to move in the psychic phase since it states that reinficements cannot advance or move further during the turn they arrive... It'll need a FAQ.


Frankly I'm struggling to think of a way to beat horde armies with the models I've got.


Well the rulebook also justifies it by saying "their entire Movement phase is used in deploying to the battlefield"....which shouldn't matter at all for the psychic phase.

Definitelly another case for the FAQ tho.

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I just hope that, whenever we do see new noise marine models, the designers have the vision and the courage to return them to their rocker roots with sonic weapons in the form of actual instruments - electric guitars for infantry, elaborate pipe organs for vehicles, characters screaming into microphones and so on, instead of the abject cowardice that led to the current, unrelentingly boring sonic weapon designs, completely indistinguishable from any other generic sci-fi guns.


As i have the idea of a Slaanesh CSM Force for 8th myself i plan to convert my Noise Marines by myself.

And 3th party bits seller can help you:





Personly im going to use this as a base for a more Kakophony look:


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Continue painting my Chaos army (As KDK are RIP at the moment :'( ).


After painting some more Khornate Daemons (so I can finish that part of the collection at last), I can finally get into painting the Black Legion core of my army. I have picked Black Legion as: 


*They're fairly generic - if new models come out, either undivided or not, I can add them to the army with no issues at all (ala Death Guard) 

*If a new Abaddon Model comes out, I already have enough terminators to sink a ship, so I'll be able to cover that, no problem (also BL terminators are the best looking) 

*My KDK are The Wrath - Black colour scheme with red and bone, easy enough to claim them to be Black Legion supporters if needs be (ala Hounds of Abbadon). 

*Easy to paint - I have enough CSM marines and vehicles to drive a man mad. So an easy colour scheme is important for me to stand a change in finishing the army. 


I have enough stuff to keep me going for a while (well, apart from Dark Imperium DG and potentially a Dark Apostle), so I won't be buying anything for a while... probably just paint stripping and fixing up what I have. I will feel better about it rather than buying a ton of models that will sit there unpainted for a long time. 

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